25 Dec 2014

Nasa’s 6 days of total darkness

though there is nothing happened...Is there not to fear??

as NASA says and also as per some rumor raised....

"It is not the end of the world, it is an alignment of the Universe, where the Sun and the earth will align for the first time. The earth will shift from the current third dimension to zero dimension, then shift to the fourth dimension. During this transition, the entire Universe will face a big change, and we will see an entire brand new world.

The 3 days blackout is predicted to happen on Dec 23, 24, 25….during this time, staying calm is most important, hug each other, pray and sleep for 3 nights…and those who survive will face a brand new world….for those not prepared, many will die because of fear. Be happy, enjoy every moment now. Don’t worry, pray to God every day. There is a lot of talk about what will happen in 2012, but many people don’t believe it, and don’t want to talk about it for fear of creating fear and panic.”

---------------------- Another one with previous report -------------
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax

It may feel like winter is slowly squeezing all the sunlight out of your day, but if you see any news stories claiming Earth is headed for " Six Days of Total Darkness" then don't start stocking up on the tins of beans and torches just yet.

"Satirical news site" Huzlers.com has been spreading this fake story far and wide on the web this week, taking in numerous Facebook and Twitter users and encouraging them to post about what they're going to be up to during the six days of darkness.

The story on the vaguely official looking website titled "Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!" claims that an incoming solar storm is to blame, causing "dust and space debris to become plentiful and thus block 90% sunlight".

People view solar eclipse from a beach at Palm Cove in Australia's Queensland on November 14, 2012. The hoax story about 6 days of total darkness has been circulating far and wide on Twitter and Facebook. (Getty Images photo)

This is false. Although solar storms certainly are real phenomena (they occur due to fluctuations in Sun's magnetic field) they're not like terrestrial storms that can blow up dust and dirt.
Instead they create very minor disturbances in Earth's magnetosphere. Historically there have been rare storms that could knock out electrical systems today, but they're mostly of the order of magnitude only likely to throw a homing pigeon slightly off course — not blot out Sun.
However, the hoax story even drafts in some credible-sounding sources including Nasa chief Charles Bolden, who reportedly warned the public to stay calm. Some users even linked to a (real) video of Bolden talking about "emergency preparedness" — an official-sounding phrase that apparently bypasses common sense to hit the big button marked 'PANIC' in the brain.

This photo taken near Karasjok in Norway at around 10am local time, on January 1, 1996, shows a dark morning. This happens because of the "polar night" effect during winters, with the center of Sun being below the horizon. A polar night occurs when the night lasts for more than 24 hours. This occurs only inside the polar circles. The opposite phenomenon, the polar day, or midnight sun, occurs when the sun stays above the horizon for more than 24 hours. (Getty Images photo)

In actuality Bolden recorded the video to encourage US families to think about what they would do in the event of an earthquake or hurricane — natural disasters that are a real enough threat in America.

This total-darkness hoax apparently comes in a couple of flavors (some claim that a non-existent " photon belt" is responsible for the blackout) and are so widespread that NASA employees even had to debunk the rumors themselves back in 2012.

--------------Above are topics about a fear what didn't happen ---------------

So now- will we people take it lightly and sleep tightly thinking that nothing will happen also in future like this ?????? 

what ever the reasons are that didn't make it happen but we know what the reasons are for which it is going to happen again. we have to take care about that.

This is not only one reason we are going to face only 7 days in total dark night but there are many problems what we are going to face in future. We must find each solution if we all talk each other instead of talk about other and take rest leaving responsibility on other.

we have already faced many problems like.. super cyclone, T-Sunami, Earthquake, etc. these are the natural calamities which is happening due to our negligence or over confidence on/off science. what ever the exact reason that we can find out by talking each other means discussing at all place to take care properly for our own area. it is the simple logic - Little Drops of Water form a Mighty Ocean.
in other word listen to everyone and learn from everyone because nobody knows everything but everyone knows everything. So we have to start this as soon as possible. it may be seem as big task because we have gone very badly addicted with luxurious and softly environment/equipments/things. We have tostart immediately. Else when the problems will come that no one can say and what will be the result that also no one can say but we can Imagine.

This has gone too late... this type of incidents will happen we have already read from our holy books.
We should accept the facts. we know that science is also doing well in some part but as our knowledge everybody think once that Science and Spiritual both are equal only different is science is believing after observation/practical with some testing materials/chemicals but spiritual is dong same only with mental looking at situation. both are same. science should not blame/neglect spiritual. what ever the fact spiritual leaders already stated through holy books that due to human advance nature and comfort there must be happen the reason of natures destruction which will lead a fatal cause the whole world's destruction. like some place T-Sunami, Earthquake, Super cyclone, etc.

we human still never imagine about the problems that will be arise when they face some critical problems... nature has just postponed his activity... we human should not take it lightly... when lion attacks, he goes back some step to catch with full effort. likey that natural calamities have gone back may be fall heavy on earths intelligent creature human at any moment....

Just for an Example-
We all know about the upcoming disasters but due to our busy life schedule or negligence we don't care them. Just think one day if we face cyclone with heavy rain and a mild earthquake with power cut of 30 days then what will we happen.. any type of problems like this...

have we ever think about the upcoming problems and about their Solutions?

So here sharing some upcoming problems and get ready yourself about this..
1) Mobiles Network will fail immediate :- Can't to contact anybodyb bcs unnecesary and excess use..
2) Petrol n diesel will be short :- can't move anywhere ...bcs very lazy, highly depend on vehicles.
3) Electric disconnection :- can't watch TV, can't enjoy other item... bcs everything with electric.
4) Water supply discontinue :- very hard to find water..... bcs no ponds, wells .
5) Gas will be finish :- very hard to cook..... bcs not use of stove and woods for cook.
6) Grocery n veg item will be high rate - will be unsatisfied eat..bcs excess taste of delicious food..

All these we have faced earlier but there already lot of changes in our life style that time we were living at standard life but now our life style has far changed.. if we face this type disaster then very hard to manage everything.. like an example - last cyclone( Fyline) - we human got so mad that we gave a SALT rate per 1 kilo @ Rs.100. going mentally blind.. if this type of mental we possess then definitely we will be finish easily between 3 days of a incident.

Let's share to aware to all to save the planet.

21 Dec 2014

Bollywood's famous khan family.

Salman Khan's sister Arpita's wedding will be one of the biggest Bollywood events of this year. It's already beaten Baba Siddique's iftaar party hollow thanks to the adorable picture of Salman and Shah Rukh's both kissing the blushing bride, and a guest list that includes names like Narendra Modi, Amitabh Bachchan, Sonia Gandhi and Aamir Khan. There is no denying that this is the wedding of the season.

Courtesy: Facebook Courtesy: Facebook
1. Arpita is the adopted daughter of Salim Khan. While some reports claim that it was his first wife (Salma) who adopted her, others claim that it was Helen who had picked up crying Arpita from the street, when she was a baby and later adopted her. Some reports also suggest that Arpita's mother had died on a footpath leaving the child alone. Arpita Khan, the adopted sister of Salman Khan was born and brought up in Mumbai. She is famous for being Salman Khan's little sister. She is the youngest member of Bollywood's famous khan family.

2. Recently Arpita got a tattoo of a star, containing the names of all her family members — Salim Khan, mothers Salma and Helen, brothers Salman, Arbaaz. Sohail, sister Arpita and friend Deeksha. The other two words visible on the star are Love and Luck.

3. Arpita studied at London College of Fashion and holds a degree in fashion marketing and management. Currently she is working at an architectural and interior design firm in Mumbai. The bride-to-be never really had any interest in being in front of the camera, quite unlike her fiance, Ayush Sharma who is willing to give up his business for the sake of acting. However, Arpita wants to launch a fashion brand on her own and also wants to try her hand in film production.

She is closest to her mom (Salma Khan) and brother Sohail on this she said, "Mom is someone I share the minutest details with. As for Sohail bhai, he is the one I turn to more often than not." Dad Salim Khan is not far behind either as he always bails her out whenever she's facing a decision problem. "Whenever I'm confused, my dad helps me see things for what they are. I can always fall back on him." Arpita Khan is very close to Salman and shares a beautiful bond with him. On her bonding with Salman Khan she reveals "More often than not, Salman bhai is very busy. But we have an easy going relationship."

Salman's Expensive Gift :-

Apart from spending crores of money on the marriage, Salman has also gifted a lavish flat to Arpita. It is believed that the actor had purchased the three-bedroom terrace flat a few ago to gift it to his sister. The flat is said to be costing around Rs 16 Cr and is situated at Carter Road. It is also very close to Galaxy Apartments where Salman stays with his family.

The big fat Bollywood wedding finally concludes and Arpita and Aayush Sharma are totally thrilled with the celebrations. But like a typical traditional style, the bride chose to thank her family and friends in her wedding speech.

Salman Khan with Arpita and her husband Aayush at their reception in Mumbai.

The wedding festivities of Bollywood actor Salman Khan's sister Arpita concluded with a grand reception and now the Khan-daan seems to be feeling their beloved beti's absence. An emotional Salim Khan spoke about his advice to his daughter for her married life, how he sobbed on her bidaai and the void she has left behind.

In an interview given to The Times of India, Salim Khan said he had advised his daughter to treat her in-laws exactly as she treated her parents. "Love and respect your in-laws as much as you have loved and respected your own family and parents. There should not be any distinction in that."

Mr Khan also revealed that he was anxious about the challenges that lay before Arpita.
"You feel anxiety. You wonder how she will manage her house, she has to prove herself as a good wife. I also know that she is on her own and will have her own experiences and challenges. She also saw her father's marriage that stayed for 50 years and she would be thinking of how she too, can keep her marriage for 50 years. But I have met her in-laws and woh achche and simple log hain. She is blessed to have them."

Salim Khan also admitted he cried during his daughter's bidaai. "When you bring up a child, especially a daughter, for so many years and when she leaves your house, you feel so emotional that it is natural for you to start crying. The same thing happened to me when Alvira had got married. It had to happen with Arpita too."

For him, life is a "vacum after Arpita's marriage. "It feels like a vacuum. Kya aap kabhi bhi apni sabse chhoti ungli ki tareef karte ho kisi se? (Do you ever praise your smallest finger to anyone?) Do you ever thank God for giving your smallest finger? No. We don't even pay attention to it. But for some reason, due to an accident or otherwise, if God took away that finger of yours, you realise its value and utility. It's only when it is not there that you realise that you needed that finger in every work of your life. But it's a catch-22 situation. You feel the pain when your daughter is getting married as you want her to be with you forever, but at the same time, you also want her to get married, have her own family and kids."

Arpita Khan got married to Aayush Sharma in Taj Falaknuma Palace, Hyderabad in a lavish ceremony. And she thought this is the best place and time to convey her thank you speech with the who's who including Aamir Kha, Katrina Kaif and Karan Johar present in the function.

Arpita Khan :- But emotional that Arpita was, she asked Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra to read out her speech to family and friends.

Times of India reported that PC obliged and went onstage to say, "Arpita is afraid she might break down, so I am going to read out what she has to say... "

PC then began read Arpita's letter which said, "I am the luckiest girl to be brought up in a family like mine. Sohail bhai and I shared the same room until he got married - he's like a friend to me. Arbaaz bhai is like my guide, he always told me what's good and what's bad. Salman bhai though, has the biggest heart. For him, I can do no wrong. Everything I did, he was there to support me."

She thanked her parents Salim Khan, Salma Khan and Helen. The entire Khan-daan got emotional and were touch by this act.
Very Heart touchy. Thanks to Khan Family. Respect.