

This blog is to share some facts, knowledges and some discussions which are related to social discipline / balanced life.

* some important discussions are from "Face Book" group" Sweet thoughts for peace of mind",   topics are upon thoughts and quotes with related some social concerns by which we get some knowledge. all these important discussions made as booklet that are shared as volume (1 -7).

In Home page some topics are from different source, sharing for knowledge purpose only, not to take credits.

Note: All discussions shared in "volumes" are according to people's Knowledge and other topics which are from different source also that may be true/false, you have to receive by your own conscience with positive vision for universal goodness. Don't run/accept blindly. Cause the Kalyug (Dark Age) is in the form of Rumor and Blind (lack of proper education).


What is indiscipline?

Indiscipline is the action of misconduct in the system/rule, when people ignores the established rules and doesn’t follow them. In the other words indiscipline is lack of discipline or lack of control.


Discipline is doing what needs to be done, even if you don't want to do it.- Jeff Fisher

An organized life is a disciplined life. - Joaquim Manuel Andrade

A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering. - Dalai Lama

Self-discipline takes a lot of inner strength, which is why it is one of the hallmarks of good character. - Ryan James

if leading social activities are not  disciplined/orderly/controlled then it will impact on whole nation.

A nation is disciplined by his Ideal > Education, Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and the Media. 

Culture and ethics are the main two things that ties everything in a thread that is called discipline. 

because संस्कार ही अपराध रोक सकते हैं, सरकार नहीं।

Everyone is going in wrong direction in favor of freedom and democracy. but excess of everything is bad. So Need to make some  "do's and don't do" for social discipline.  for example....

1. Education: Education is not about degree and diploma, it is all about knowledge and wisdom.

* Your degree is just a piece paper, your education is seen in your behavior. Education is require but must be with characteristic behavior. हमे ऊच शिक्षा से ज्यादा ऊचित शिक्षा की जरूरत है l

2. Politics / Legislature: Should not be cheap/selfish/corrupted, Should be dedicated to nation.

3. Execution: Should be ideal and honest

4. Judiciary: should not be blind / false, have the real eyes to realize the fact / real. Law and orders must be impersonal, impartial and for universal good. 

5. Media & Entertainment: as this is the vital way for news circulation and entertainment .it should be culturious, Independent, impersonal, impartial and for universal good. Every Team has knowledge /sense about on good / bad - social/personal impacts. before post/publish/print/run ,,just ask yourself five questions: Is what I’m saying True, is it Helpful, is it Inspiring, is it Necessary, and is it Kind enough?


M. Shri said...
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M. Shri said...

The article "Why did Saint Ved Vyas request Lord Ganesha to transcribe his Mahabharata?" (first four paragraphs below this title) at http://forsocialdiscipline.blogspot.com/2013/02/lord-ganeshji.html has been copy-pasted directly from my blog. Please remove these paragraphs as soon as possible. Also, please respect my copyright in the future.

M. Shri,
Writer at devotionalhinduism.com

Bhagaban said...

its never claimed as its own. its clearly mentioned in about page except volumes/discussions all are from different sources...

i think need to share good topics more and more for goodness..