
Chanakya :- was an Indian teacher, philosopher, and royal advisor.
Originally a professor of economics and political science at the ancient Takshashila University.

Sharing most worthy quotes of Chanakya..
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* A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and Honest people are screwed first.
* Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous.
* The biggest guru-mantra is: Never share your secrets with anybody. ! It will destroy you.
* There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests.  This is a bitter truth.
* Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions -Why am I doing it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead.
* As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it.
* Once you start a working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest.
* The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction.
* Whore s don't live in company of poor men, citizens never support a weak company and birds don't build nests on a tree that doesn't bear fruits.
* God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple.
* A man is great by deeds, not by birth.
* Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness.
* Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends.
* Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.

Chanakya Neeti: People with bad intentions speak like this

It is very difficult to understand people even after talking to them. Some people speak something else than what is actually in their minds. In such situations it becomes very difficult to protect youself from such people.
Acharya Chanakya has said that we should be careful of such people, to avoid any hassles in the future.
1. Acharya Chanakya says...

Yasmaach Priyamichetu Tasya Bruyat Sada Priyam
Wyadho Mrigvadam Gantum Geetam Gayati Suswarm
 यस्माच्च प्रियमिच्छेत्तु तस्य ब्रूयात् सदा प्रियम्।
व्याधो मृगवधं गन्तुं गीतं गायति सुस्वरम्।।

In this Shloka, Acharya says that we should save ourselves from those people who have sin in their hearts and minds.
 People who speak very sweet to us, but actually think our harm and try to take undue advantage of ours have to be avoided.

2. A hunter in the woods sing sweet songs to trap the birds and birds get fooled and get trapped. Similarly, people who want to hurt us, generally speak too sweet before us. If we fall into their words, we will only harm ourselves.

3. Just like the way a snake catcher plays soothing tunes to control a snake, similarly, people who have bad intentions speak well to us and become are best friends. 

4. To save ourselves from such traps people should keep distance from people who try to be extra sweet to us. We should not have any greed for anything in the world, because if have the greed it is easier for us to fall in the trap. 

 Chanakya Neeti: Men should never reveal these 4 things to anyone!
Acharya Chanakya, who is known to be a man of great tactics indeed made great contributions and was instrumental in changing the course of Indian history.
 During his lifetime -which lasted 350–283 BCE- he was an adviser, strategist, author and politician. His thoughts on various subjects prove to be beneficial if adopted by people even today.
 He has written a lot about things that people discuss with others. However, according to him, there are four things, that a man should never share with anyone. People who share these things remain in difficulty forever.
Chanakya says:

अर्थनाशं मनस्तापं गृहिणीचरितानि च।
नीचवाक्यं चाऽपमानं मतिमान्न प्रकाशयेत्।।

The first thing according to Chanakya that men should refrain from telling anyone is about money loss. If you are facing a financial problem in life and dealing with it is difficult or any kind of money related issue, never discuss it with anyone. This is because when people come to know about your money problem, they will never help you and even if they show their support, it is not genuine.
 The poor people in the society are never helped with money and this has to be remembered always. 

The second thing that has to be kept as a secret always according to Chanakya is the personal problems. Chanakya says, that people who share their personal problems with others are always laughed upon. People make fun of their lives and situation. 
The third thing that needs to be kept as a secret is the character of one’s wife. Wise men are those who keep everything about their wife a secret. Men who talk about their wives all the time, tend to blabber unwanted things in front of people that need not be shared.
 This results in bad consequences later on. 
The fourth thing that should always remain as a secret is one’s insult by down trodden. If you share such an incident with anyone, people will make fun of you and laugh at you. This will eventually harm your pride and ego.
"Learn from the mistakes of others... you can't live long enough to make them all yourselves!!"
"A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first."
"Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous."
“There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth.
"Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, what the results might be and will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead."

19 Tricks of Acharya Chanakya to hypnotize any man or woman

Hypnotizing any individual is very difficult to do. Every individual wishes that other people listen to them and be in their control. However, this does not happen. Acharya Chanakya reveals some secret ways in which anybody; be it a man or a woman can be hypnotized easily.
To do so, Chanakya had made a neeti (plan), following which you can hypnotize anybody you want. 

1. The name of Acharya Chanakya is famous because of his neetis, which are quite popular. In modern times also, Chanakya’s neetis are quite useful and the answers to various problems. Because of his neetis only Chanakya had made a simple boy into a king. This boy was Chandragupt, who became famous as Chandragupt Maurya.
In Chanakya’s time,
 India was divided into many small states and kingdoms. It was because of Chanakya only that these small states combined as one India.

2. Acharya Chanakya says:

लुब्धमर्थेन गृह्णीयात् स्तब्धमंजलिकर्मणा।
मूर्खं छन्दानुवृत्त्या यथार्थत्वेन पण्डितम्।।

This means that a person can easily be attracted or hypnotized by doing some special things. These special things have been mentioned by Chanakya in his neeti that needs to be followed. 

3. Acharya Chanakya says that there are many people of various natures around us.  Some desire to be rich, some are arrogant, some foolish and some intelligent. There are some simple ways to hypnotize these people.
Just like the way a greedy person can be controlled by giving him money, similarly arrogant people can be hypnotized by being polite and requesting them to be calm.
4. If one wants to control a foolish person, then one need to simply follow whatever he says. False praise of a foolish man impresses him and this way his mind can be controlled.
 On the other hand, in order to hypnotize an intelligent man, one need to speak only the truth in front of him. 
5. A person who is greedy for money can be given money and controlled. An egoistic person can be controlled by being polite. A fool can be controlled by agreeing to whatever he says and an intelligent person can be kept in control by always speaking truth in front of him.
Chanakya’s neetis that gets success…
6. An intelligent is one who in every difficult situation remains patient and finds solution to his problems calmly. 
7. Diseases of body can be treated with antibiotics and other medicines, but mental problems can’t be treated with medicines. Acharya Chanakya has suggested a dangerous illness in this regard. He says that greed is one big disease, which has no cure. 
8. Every parent should spread love and pampering to their children till they are 5 years old. When the child grows up to the age of 10, his misbehavior should not be ignored and an appropriate punishment must be given. This saves his future mistakes. And when the same kid turns 16, parents should be his/her friends. 
9. Acharya Chanakya says that a place where there is no respect, no way to earn money and has no facility, friend or relative, such places should be left immediately. 
10. Chanakya says that a place where rich people live, there is never a problem of earning money. The place where a scholar or a Brahmin, that places provides you religion and reduces sin. 
11. A place where a river flows, that places provides with natural things and a place where a doctor resides that place is good as people get rid of their illness. 
12. According to Chanakya, one should find out the character of a person like how is his nature, whether he talks properly or with arrogance. A person’s behavior talks about his nature also. 
13. A place where the fools are not worshiped where there is enough food and no fights between husbands and wives, where Goddess Lakshmi resides. 
14. A place where there is water, swans only stay there otherwise they leave the place. People should not be of such nature.
15. When other people praise one person, despite him being not capable, he is worshiped. On the other hand, a person who praises himself, by doing so, he insults gods.
16. A person, who runs after things even when he has enough things with him, always remains unhappy.  
17. Paropkar is a man’s best virtue. Otherwise there is no difference between him and a wall hanging. 
18. One should always follow successful people in life.
19. Chanakya says never let go of any opportunity as it will never come back again. 

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