11 Jun 2015

Happy life

“The real education is your attitude & behaviour with others.
It defines your entire personality. No matter how qualified you are!!” - Unknown

 We were reminded this above thought till study life by our parents & guardians, even when we became parent we again remind self and also to our children the same. If this is applicable whole life then what is the misunderstanding?? why human nature have gone change ?? why there is no happiness in people ??

Ohh, money income - "इंसान भी कितना अनोखा जीव है.
पहले भगवान के आगे हाथ जोड़ कर धन - संपत्ति मांगता है !
फिर गर्व से उसी भगवान को दान देकर, नीचे अपना नाम लिखा कर अपनी श्रेष्ठता सिद्ध करता है !
इंसान पहले पैसा पाने के लिए अपना स्वास्थ्य खो देता है। फिर स्वास्थ्य को पाने के लिए पैसा और समय खो देता है.

With money you can buy
a house but not a home;
a clock but not time;
clothes but not comfort;
bed but not sleep;
a book but not knowledge;
a position but not respect;
blood but not life;
sex but not love.

A Small Truth to Make Our Life 100% Successful
"If A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Is Equal to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 then
H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
L+U+C+K = 12+21+3+11 = 47%
None of them makes 100%
Then what makes 100%
Is It Money? ..... No!!!!!
Leadership? ...... NO!!!!
Every Problem Has A Solution, Only If We Perhaps Change Our "ATTITUDE".
Yes, it is our ATTITUDE towards life and work that makes our LIFE 100% Successful.
A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%" - Unknown

Remember, happiness starts with you. Not with your relationship, or your friends, or your job. But with you! - Unknown

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. - M k Gandhi

“A body will shine if character is fine. " - Sathya Sai
“The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one.” - Unknown
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo Tolstoy
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu
“Little drops of water make mighty Ocean.” - Unknown
"Let's always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love ." - Mother Teresa

''Alone I can 'Say' but together we can 'talk'.
'Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together we can 'Celebrate'.
'Alone I can 'Smile' but together we can 'Laugh'.
That's the BEAUTY of Human Relations.
We are nothing without each other, Stay Connected!
Let's make a beautiful world.

29 May 2015

Our fitness routine towards destiny

Who says we don't exercise
Our Fitness routine…………..

We 'Jump' - to conclusions...
We 'Throw' - our weight around...
We 'Twist' - the truth...
We 'Stretch' - the lies...
We 'Bend' - the rules...
We 'Push' - our luck...
We 'Lift' - our egos...
We 'Run' - from tough situations...
We are absolutely fit...!!!
.......but still, We’re fat because.....
We eat our words...Very often!

2 May 2015


Mahabharat -
इस रण का मैं खुद ही कृष्ण और खुद ही अर्जुन हूँ ,

रोज़ अपना सारथी बनकर जीवन की महाभारत लड़ता हूँ...

The real Mahabharat War is inside Human each day each moment then after that it depends on us how we behave or show reaction on others action. So who have understood this, he has made his life great... who don't understand, probably face Great War/Dark/ Illusion which we say mahabharat and suffers lot. Everything described in the Mahabharat- the holy epic.

Who have understood this are saying - 
I am also saying-
इस रण का मैं खुद ही कृष्ण और खुद ही अर्जुन हूँ ,
रोज़ अपना सारथी बनकर जीवन की महाभारत लड़ता हूँ...

10 Apr 2015


Not Blood, but

An ELECTRICIAN, to 'restore the current' between people, who do not speak to each other anymore. . .
An OPTICIAN, to 'change the outlook' of people. . .
An ARTIST, to 'draw a smile' on everyone's face. . .
A CONSTRUCTION WORKER, to 'build a bridge' between angry neighbours & relatives & Friends . .
A GARDENER, to 'cultivate positive good thoughts' . . .
Last but not the least
A MATHS TEACHER, for all of us to relearn how
to 'count' our blessings everyday . . .

We love ourselves even after making so many mistakes.
Then how can we hate others for their small mistakes?
A thought which is so true but we always forget.

11 Mar 2015

NABAKALEBAR- The Puri Rath Yatra

Specific Features of Renewal Holy Trees For Nabakalebar

Nabakalebar, the periodical renewal of the wooden images of Lord Jagannath, Bhalabhadara, Subhadra and Sudarshan. After the year 1996, next Nabakalebar festival is going to happen in 2015. The Puri Rath Yatra will be named as Nabakalebar Rath Yatra in 18th July 2015 is going to be special for everyone throughout the world. So don't miss this chance to see Lords with their new avatars. Book your rooms in advance at Toshali Sands to visit the special Rath Yatra, which comes in every 12 or 19 years. Here are the brief description about the procedure of Nabakalebar festival, which is going to happen next year.

The deities are going to change their bodies during leap month. So one lunar month of the Asadha is followed by another lunar month of Ashadha. The Margo trees are selected every time for making deities. Any ordinary tree with extraordinary features can only become the body of the deity or Daru Bramha. The Darus should be different for each deity. Such as:

Lord Jaganath Daru features
The holy tree should have 4 main branches.
The bark of the Margo tree must dark in colour.
There should be the sign of Sankha and Chakra.
There should be a cremation ground near the tree.
There should be an out hill near the tree and a snake hole at the roots of the tree.
Any birds' nest should not be there on trees.
The tree should be near the river or a pond or a crossing of the three ways or else to be surrounded by 3 mountains.
The tree should not stand alone but be surrounded preferably with the trees of Varuna, Sahada, and Belva.
There should be a temple dedicated to Shiva in the neighborhood.
There should be some heritage nearby.
The holy tree should be free from Parasite plants and Creepers

Lord Balabhadara Daru Features
The holy tree should have Seven Branches.
The skin of the tree must be light brown or white color.
It should have a sign of plough and pestle etc.
Nearby tree there should be a heritage and also a graveyard.

Goddess Subhadra Daru Features
Seven Branches should be present on the holy tree.
The skin of the tree should be light brown or white color.
It should have a sign of plough and pestle etc.
Nearby tree there should be a heritage and a graveyard.

Daru of Lord Sudarshan
The holy Margo tree should have three branches.
The bark of the tree should be barkish.
The tree should have a sign of Chakra with a small depression in the middle.
Every year during Rath Yatra approximately 8 lakhs of people visit Puri, However in this Nabakalebar Rath Yatra it is going to be like overcrowded. So be prepare if you are coming this time to Puri to see the lords for getting their blessings. Book your room in advance to get a luxurious accommodation in Toshali Sands.

17 Feb 2015

Shiv - Mahadev( the great god)

Om Namah Shivay
Today is the day of Maha Shivaratri, which literally means “great night of Shiva”.

Shiva is one of the most popular God’s in Hinduism. He is referred to as bholenath, Pashupati and has a variety of other names. Devotees of Shiva have been imitating his life style and philosophy for hundreds of years.

Maha Shivaratri is largely celebrated throughout India and also Nepal when there is a new moon in the month of Maagha (Mid February). The dates are determined each year according to the Hindu calendar.

Who is Shiva?

Shiva (or Siva) is one of the chief deities of Hinduism. His name means "Auspicious One." Devotees of Shiva are called "Saivites." Shiva is known by many other names, including Sambhu ("Benignant"), Samkara ("Beneficent"), Pasupati ("Lord of Beasts"), Mahesa ("Great Lord") and Mahadeva ("Great God").

Shiva is a paradoxical deity: "both the destroyer and the restorer, the great ascetic and the symbol of sensuality, the benevolent herdsman of souls and the wrathful avenger." In the most famous myth concerning Shiva, he saves humanity by holding in his throat the poison that churned up in the waters and threatened mankind. For this reason he is often depicted with a blue neck.

History of Shiva and Shiva-Worship

In the Vedas, shiva is an aspect of the god Rudra, not a separate god. However, a joint form Rudra-Shiva appears in early household rites, making Shiva one of the most ancient Hindu gods still worshipped today. By the 2nd century BCE, Rudra's significance began to wane and Shiva rose in popularity as a separate identity.

 In the Ramayana, Shiva is a mighty and personal god, and in the Mahabharata he is the equal of Vishnu and worshipped by other gods. Shiva became associated with generation and destruction; sometimes fulfilling the role of Destroyer along with Vishnu (the Preserver) and Brahma (the Creator) and sometimes embodying all three roles within himself.

The two faces on either side represent (apparent) opposites - male and female (ardhanari); terrifying destroyer (bhairava) and active giver of repose; mahayogi and grihasta - while the third, serene and peaceful, reconciles the two, the Supreme as the One who transcends all contradictions. –

Shiva's Family and Associations

Shiva's female consort is variously manifested as Uma, Sati, Parvati, Durga, Kali, and sometimes Shakti. Their sons are Skanda, the god of war, and the beloved elephant-headed Ganesh, remover of obstacles.

Shiva is especially associated with the Ganges River, which flows through his hair in images, and Mount Kailasa in the Himalayas.

Iconography and Symbolism of Shiva

Shiva's symbols are the bull and the linga. The latter symbol is historically associated Shiva and the Ganges with the phallus, but is not generally perceived as such by worshipers. Other depictions of Shiva have his hair in matted locks and piled atop his head like an ascetic and adorned with the crescent moon and the Ganges River (according to legend, he broke the Ganga's fall to earth by allowing her to trickle through his hair).

Shiva has a third eye, giving him the capability of inward vision but also burning destruction when focused outward. He is variously shown with two or four hands, which hold a deerskin, a trident, a small hand drum, or a club with a skull at the end.

One of the most popular representations of Shiva is as Nataraj, the cosmic dancer. He is also variously depicted as a naked ascetic, a beggar, a yogi, and the union of he and his female consort in one body.

Shiva as Nataraja: The Cosmic Dancer

Shiva the Hindu god of destruction is also known as Nataraja, the Lord of Dancers (In Sanskrit, Nata means dance and raja means Lord). - To understand the concept of Nataraja we have to understand the idea of dance itself. Like yoga, dance induces trance, ecstasy and the experience of the divine. In India consequently, dance has flourished side by side with the terrific austerities of the meditation grove (fasting, absolute introversion etc.). Shiva, therefore, the arch-yogi of the gods, is necessarily also the master of the dance. -

But Shiva, the God, who is sometimes depicted dancing; sometimes mediating, and sometimes showing wrath is largely unknown in the world of non-Hindus. Here’s a list of some facts about Shiva in this Shiva Ratri.

1)   Shiva is the third god in the Hindu triumvirate. He is accountable for the destruction of the world. He is often depicted as having a temper, but is mostly seen in a meditative state. The other two gods are Brahma and Vishnu. Brahma is responsible for the creation of the world and Vishnu is responsible for running the world.
2)   Shiva can largely be considered a fashion icon. He wears elephant and tiger skins, and carries live cobras that dangle from his neck and has dreadlocks. He is also known as the lord of the animals- Pashupati.
3)    Shiva is slender and resolute. He has a blue face. He has an extra eye in in forehead, which represents his wisdom and intuition. He carries a trident, which represents the three function of the triumvirate.
4)   Shiva is called the Lord of Dance, or the Nataraja. His most important dance is the Tandav, the cosmic dance of death, which he performs at the end of every age to destroy the universe. He also performs the Lasya, which is the dance of creation.
5)    Legend says that Shiva lives a simple life in the Kailas Mountains of the Himalayas with his wife, Parvati. He is usually spotted in a yogic position. Whenever Parvati is present, she is always at the left hand side of Shiva.
7)   In some Hindu legend, Shiva is known for his reckless life style. He rides a bull, and he often smokes weeds. He also loves meditating, and is called the lord of yoga.

8)   Shiva and Parbati are husband and wife. They have two sons- Ganesh and Kartikeya (Kumar).