29 May 2015

Our fitness routine towards destiny

Who says we don't exercise
Our Fitness routine…………..

We 'Jump' - to conclusions...
We 'Throw' - our weight around...
We 'Twist' - the truth...
We 'Stretch' - the lies...
We 'Bend' - the rules...
We 'Push' - our luck...
We 'Lift' - our egos...
We 'Run' - from tough situations...
We are absolutely fit...!!!
.......but still, We’re fat because.....
We eat our words...Very often!

2 May 2015


Mahabharat -
इस रण का मैं खुद ही कृष्ण और खुद ही अर्जुन हूँ ,

रोज़ अपना सारथी बनकर जीवन की महाभारत लड़ता हूँ...

The real Mahabharat War is inside Human each day each moment then after that it depends on us how we behave or show reaction on others action. So who have understood this, he has made his life great... who don't understand, probably face Great War/Dark/ Illusion which we say mahabharat and suffers lot. Everything described in the Mahabharat- the holy epic.

Who have understood this are saying - 
I am also saying-
इस रण का मैं खुद ही कृष्ण और खुद ही अर्जुन हूँ ,
रोज़ अपना सारथी बनकर जीवन की महाभारत लड़ता हूँ...