6 Apr 2022

The Earth - Live & Let Live


Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only livable planet. Earth is home not just for humans but millions of other plants and species too. The water and air on the earth make it possible for life to sustain. we must protect it at all costs.

but sad to say - we human are the only creatures who are destroying it mainly in the name of civilization.

Earth means Nature, it will take care own by nature. it does not require human support.

We are now at Yr.2022 @ modern era humans and Now we are all educated, but ..

Education ...... Valueless ( Education that balance humanity and Society)

Youth..............Jobless ( job holders not as per education)

Humans.........Humanity less

Attitude ....... Careless

Kids................Manner less

Spouce....... .Fearless

we are all educated but fighting for something same way as before 5000+yrs ago... 

we everyone are facing challenges / violence's everywhere in domestic/ commercial / international (between Kids/State/Country)  .... such as fight  for a small wrong word/work ..little money/ land/.........

So how are educated...Only skills to earn more...?

* Request - Please stop War 🙏(Currently Russia & Ukraine)

Where is the moral values that will make your life  Happy and peaceful.

there are many points that can be throw against current generation humans activity as we were pointing old generation peoples... like as one example blind belief, rumours... all these were/ is/ will be in society for ever. subject is it can be increase or decrease by our good nature only.

Simple Fact - human nature will corrected by some moral lesson or from past experiences. 

Best is moving without mistake with guide and Best guider is .............you know well🙂.

Humans are the greatest creation of the God because of his brain ( only for good Nature/thoughts), not for bad natures (selfish, Greedy, lie, anger, Wrong, illusion ....)

Good nature will come from good education, education means not skilled / technical / professional educations... 

its humanity and social life balanced education, We believe In India that is in "Bhagabat Geeta".

Good literate will create good nature in us, Good nature will create Good culture then Good Society.

there are many books, upanishads, granths, veds are available In india. "Bhagabat Geeta" is for life balancing.

if we are not accepting our Bhagabat Geeta and other vedic literatures then nothing can change us.


We humans are the guest in this earth.

Life is beautiful, Live and let live.  Save the Nature, Save Lives.


वक़्त सबका आता है ! Time is important. There is a time for everything & everyone....

Time will change everything....

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