30 Jan 2013


Photo: Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA i.e.
Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advaita ( Non Duality)."
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"Where the Western Science Ends, Vedantic & Indian Philosophy BEGINS."
**"ॐ"*~ ALBERT EINSTEIN~*"ॐ"**

"The essence of Vedanta & the Gita."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"To begin with, it may said that practically never in History has Psychology Stood at so LOW a Level as it the Present Time."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"It has lost all touch with its Origin and its divine meaning so that now it is even difficult to define the term Psychology. And this so in spite of the fact that never in History have there been so many Psychological theories and so many Psychological Writings."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"It must be remembered here, that the Psychology, it is very different from anything you may know under this Name."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"The Psychology is sometimes called a New Science. At least the Westerners say so. According to them Psychology is a Science of the Twentieth Century. This is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. It is perhaps the Oldest Science. Even in the West, Divine Socrates was an Ancient Philosopher and a Psychologist of Great Fame. The word Psychology in English is derived from the Greek word "PSUKHE" - "SOUL". But Socrates, the celebrated Greek Philosopher, had to Drink "HEMLOCK" for HIS preachings about the SOUL and its Immorality. People were, since then, afraid to use the Divine Word Psychology although they wrote about it under different Disguises."
.*"ॐ"*"The essence of Vedanta & the Gita.*"ॐ"*

"The "SELF - REALIZATION" in its broadest sense means the Highest Possible Evolution of an Individual Being in His Lifetime. In another sense it is also the Subtle Divine Highest Knowledge (Like Divine Scientist Einsteinji ,Voltaireji, Teslaji, Platoji, Tolstoyji ,Socratesji, Gandhiji, Vivekanandji & countless) that can ever be achieved by Human.In either of these two meanings "SELF - REALIZATION" stands for the Highest Development of an individual. This is a dual Development - Psychological and Philosophical , or Mental ( Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) and Spiritual."
.*"ॐ"*"The essence of Vedanta & the Gita.*"ॐ"*

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"The DIVINE Neuro- Science (Psychic Ether) of Consciousness. "

"The Frequency, Vibration & Subtle Energy Travel From Person to Person & All Living Beings ."

* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"A Radio microwave devised in 1939 revealed a "NEW WORLD of hitherto unknown Rays."

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"The awareness requires Arousal and attentiveness i.e. purity of body, senses, mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche). This may be considered to be the most gross aspect of consciousness which is present an all forms of Life & is protective Nature."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"There are also more subtle attributes of consciousness such as sensation, perception & Cognition. These properties are observed in mammals specially primates, and most of all Human."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"The attributes of consciousness which are exclusively seen in Human are the most subtle (psychic ether) ones, viz. understanding the principles behind concepts of "RIGHT" & "WRONG", creative activity, imagination, and so forth."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"The levels of consciousness from gross to most subtle (psychic ether) have corresponding Neural correlates in the Brain, mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche). For Example , along the spectrum of evolution , the brainstem is the least evolved area, while supracortical areas (such as the association cortices) are the most evolved , and peculiar to Human. These descriptions suggest that there are Neural Correlates for the attributes of consciousness."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"The neurons of the association Cirtices may be (fancifully) described as "CONSCIOUS" neurons (Vedanta: psychi ether), possibly endowed with Unique molecular oraganization. This may be responsible for their rather incredible ability to know their own expressions & experience i,e. Samaskaras (accumulated impressions)."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"Man himself as well as all kinds of supposedly INERT Matter Constantly EMITS & Manifest the Rays (Subtle) that this Instrument "SEES", "Those who believe in Telepathy, Second Sight, and Clairvoyance , have in this in this announcement the First Scientific proof of the existence of "INVISIBLE RAYS (psychic Ether) that really travel from One Person to Another."

"The radio Device actually is a "RADIO - FREQUENCY" Spectroscope. It does the same thing for Cool, Non - Growing matter that the Spectroscope does when it discloses the kinds of Atoms that make the Stars... The existence of such Rays coming from man and all living Beings has been Suspected by Scientists for Many Years."

"Today is the first experimental proof of their existence. The discovery shows that every atom and every molecule in nature is a continuous Radio - Broadcasting station. "

"Thus , even after Death Human continues to send out delicate rays. The wave - Lengths of these rays range from shorter than anything and now are used in broadcasting to the longest kind of Radio - Waves."

"The jumble of these waves is almost inconceivable. There are millions of them."

"A single very large molecule may give off 1,000,000 different Wave - Lengths at the same time. The longer wave - lengths of this sort travel with the ease & speed of Radio- Waves.....There is ONE AMAZING difference between the NEW RADIO Rays and familiar Rays like Light. This is the prolonged time amounting to thousands of Years, during which these Radio - waves will keep on Emitting from UNDISTURBED MATTER."

"Why the Scientist & People of Universe are Confused of Five Basic Tattwa or Elements i.e. Earth,Air, Water, Fire, & Ether (Space, Chitta - Akash, Psychic Ether ?."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

* ॐ*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ *ॐ*

"Human knowledge has Advanced with rapid Strikes in different directions of Physical, Social, Political Sphere , in Science and Art and in Metaphysical and its sphere, Yet it is like a DROP in the Ocean of Infinity of knowledge, one glances at the Universe and visualizes the Immense Treasure of Knowledge it contains.
"Attempts heve been made to Enlarges the perceptive range and Power of SIGHT
by the invention of machines like Microscope, Telescope, Sonography, C.T. Scan,
M.R.I & so forth, is a Proof of that Effect."
* ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ ॐ*

"All Manifestation of Name and Form are objective and knowledge is that sphere, depending on the intelligence of the Onlooker, must Vary and there fore is more or less Illusory Subtle Character , hence is termed "MAYA", that is, "UNREAL"."
* ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ ॐ*


"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."

"In Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga or Meditation , Subtle Sound is used to vitalize the body, mind & chitta & surrounding."

"The Mystic Syllable *OM* *♥ ॐ♥* (the Pranava) & the Divine BIJA Mantra, viz. AEIM, HRIM, SHRIM, KLIM, HLIM, HRAM, HRUM, HRAUM, & HRAH & so forth are of GREAT IMPORTANCE. The Frequency, Vibration & Energy & clear repetition of these Particular sound used by Countless Yogis for thousands of years have NATURAL HEALING VALUE."

ऊँ''OM, अ (A)-ब्रह्मा, उ(U)-विष्णु, म्‌(M)-महेश ."(GOD=G=GENERATOR, O=OPERATOR,D=DESTROYER =GOD)"

"ऐं(AEIM) E=Swarswati, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs. Lord Swarswati destroy our griefs i.e. Aghyan(Darkness of Knowledge)."

"ह्रीं (Hrim) ह H=Shiv, Rरं=Nature,i=Maya, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs."

"श्रीं (Shrim),श S= Lakhmi,R=Prosperity, I=Satisfaction, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs."

"क्लीं (Klim), क K=Krishna, L=Lord Indra, I=Satisfaction,,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e. Lust particular."

"हिलीम्‌ (Hlim), ह H=Shiva,L=Baglamukhimi& Nature I=Satisfaction, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e.All Vasana (Propensity), Vices, Attachment, Ego & so forth."
* ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ ॐ*

* "OM, ॐ " is the BIJA (seed) - which is pronounces as O - O- O, M - M- M vibrates through the whole body.

* "H" is the BIJA (Seed) Mantras proceed from Heart , makes the heart beat more Vigorous & helps in the Purification of the BLOOD."

* "R" sound in the Mantras is considered to be almost as important as OM. When "R" uttered, the tip of the TONGUE strikes the Front palate & Vibrates the Brain & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

* "M" sound at the end of the mantras helps to purify the BLOOD when the BREATH is INHALED & EXHALED through the NOSE. Besides , by MANTRAS with LONG "M" sound , the NOSE & windpipe are kept Naturally HEALTHY."

"Therefore, by uttering each of the Syllables in the BIJA MANTRAS , the HEART, BRAIN, MIND , CHITTA,, WINDPIPE are all MADE VIGOROUS."
*`! Essence of VEDANTA & GITA by Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha !~*

"To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"For this everybody should be chant the Mantra given by Sadaguru Swami Shivom Thirthji Maharaj and Maa Bagulamukhi at the fix time 7.00 - 7.15 A.M. daily in the Homes, Temples (all types), Churchs (all types), Bodha-Chaityalayas (all types), All Holy Places (all types), Gurudwaras (all types) and all the Holly Places according to their own emotion & worship as well in HOME."

"To manifest the Homologous "Divine Power of Lord" to Over Come *THE GLOBAL WARMING in every Sphere of Life i.e. Welfare of Living & Non Living."


1. "ऊँ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं हिलीम्‌ ऊँ जीव-निर्जीव कल्याणकारी परम्‌-माँ परमेश्वरी नमो नमः ॥''
* ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ ॐ*

2."Om Aeim Hrim Shrim klim Hlim Om Shiv Shakti Bhyam Namoha Namaha."
* ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ ॐ*

* ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ ॐ*

* ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ ॐ*

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL RELIGIOUS , SPIRITUAL CONDUCTIVITY,."
* ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ ॐ*

"All are ONE & ONE is All.{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita (Non-Duality), Within} i.e. Holy Human."
* ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ ॐ*

Knowledge, Science, Spirituality Chaitanya-Dharma( Religion)Thrg Social Conduct ,
Consciousness of self realization:Prarbdha-Karma, Faith, Emotion, Feeling, PEACE, LOVE, Humanity, Happiness, Humility,Nature, Compassion,Belief,Mother, Krishna, Buddha, Gandhi, EINSTEIN, Mother Teressa, Salvation, Beliefs,Tolerance,with TRUTH . : UNIQUE Positivity of LORD BEING(God)."
"Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" "ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*

Where the Western Science Ends, Vedantic & Indian Philosophy BEGINS."
**"ॐ"*~ ALBERT EINSTEIN~*"ॐ"**

"To begin with, it may said that practically never in History has Psychology Stood at so LOW a Level as it the Present Time."

"It has lost all touch with its Origin and its divine meaning so that now it is even difficult to define the term Psychology. And this so in spite of the fact that never in History have there been so many Psychological theories and so many Psychological Writings."

"It must be remembered here, that the Psychology, it is very different from anything you may know under this Name."

"The Psychology is sometimes called a New Science. At least the Westerners say so. According to them Psychology is a Science of the Twentieth Century. This is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. It is perhaps the Oldest Science. Even in the West, Divine Socrates was an Ancient Philosopher and a Psychologist of Great Fame. The word Psychology in English is derived from the Greek word "PSUKHE" - "SOUL". But Socrates, the celebrated Greek Philosopher, had to Drink "HEMLOCK" for HIS preachings about the SOUL and its Immorality. People were, since then, afraid to use the Divine Word Psychology although they wrote about it under different Disguises."
.*"ॐ"*"The essence of Vedanta & the Gita.*"ॐ"*

"The "SELF - REALIZATION" in its broadest sense means the Highest Possible Evolution of an Individual Being in His Lifetime. In another sense it is also the Subtle Divine Highest Knowledge (Like Divine Scientist Einsteinji ,Voltaireji, Teslaji, Platoji, Tolstoyji ,Socratesji, Gandhiji, Vivekanandji & countless) that can ever be achieved by Human.In either of these two meanings "SELF - REALIZATION" stands for the Highest Development of an individual. This is a dual Development - Psychological and Philosophical , or Mental ( Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) and Spiritual."
.*"ॐ"*"The essence of Vedanta & the Gita.*"ॐ"*
"The DIVINE Neuro- Science (Psychic Ether) of Consciousness. "

"The Frequency, Vibration & Subtle Energy Travel From Person to Person & All Living Beings ."


"A Radio microwave devised in 1939 revealed a "NEW WORLD of hitherto unknown Rays."

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"The awareness requires Arousal and attentiveness i.e. purity of body, senses, mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche). This may be considered to be the most gross aspect of consciousness which is present an all forms of Life & is protective Nature."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"There are also more subtle attributes of consciousness such as sensation, perception & Cognition. These properties are observed in mammals specially primates, and most of all Human."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"The attributes of consciousness which are exclusively seen in Human are the most subtle (psychic ether) ones, viz. understanding the principles behind concepts of "RIGHT" & "WRONG", creative activity, imagination, and so forth."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"The levels of consciousness from gross to most subtle (psychic ether) have corresponding Neural correlates in the Brain, mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche). For Example , along the spectrum of evolution , the brainstem is the least evolved area, while supracortical areas (such as the association cortices) are the most evolved , and peculiar to Human. These descriptions suggest that there are Neural Correlates for the attributes of consciousness."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"The Neuro- Science of Consciousness. "
"The neurons of the association Cirtices may be (fancifully) described as "CONSCIOUS" neurons (Vedanta: psychi ether), possibly endowed with Unique molecular oraganization. This may be responsible for their rather incredible ability to know their own expressions & experience i,e. Samaskaras (accumulated impressions)."
*`* ॐ*~! Essence of Gita ~ *ॐ*

"Man himself as well as all kinds of supposedly INERT Matter Constantly EMITS & Manifest the Rays (Subtle) that this Instrument "SEES", "Those who believe in Telepathy, Second Sight, and Clairvoyance , have in this in this announcement the First Scientific proof of the existence of "INVISIBLE RAYS (psychic Ether) that really travel from One Person to Another."

"The radio Device actually is a "RADIO - FREQUENCY" Spectroscope. It does the same thing for Cool, Non - Growing matter that the Spectroscope does when it discloses the kinds of Atoms that make the Stars... The existence of such Rays coming from man and all living Beings has been Suspected by Scientists for Many Years."

"Today is the first experimental proof of their existence. The discovery shows that every atom and every molecule in nature is a continuous Radio - Broadcasting station. "

"Thus , even after Death Human continues to send out delicate rays. The wave - Lengths of these rays range from shorter than anything and now are used in broadcasting to the longest kind of Radio - Waves."

"The jumble of these waves is almost inconceivable. There are millions of them."

"A single very large molecule may give off 1,000,000 different Wave - Lengths at the same time. The longer wave - lengths of this sort travel with the ease & speed of Radio- Waves.....There is ONE AMAZING difference between the NEW RADIO Rays and familiar Rays like Light. This is the prolonged time amounting to thousands of Years, during which these Radio - waves will keep on Emitting from UNDISTURBED MATTER."

"Why the Scientist & People of Universe are Confused of Five Basic Tattwa or Elements i.e. Earth,Air, Water, Fire, & Ether (Space, Chitta - Akash, Psychic Ether ?."


"Human knowledge has Advanced with rapid Strikes in different directions of Physical, Social, Political Sphere , in Science and Art and in Metaphysical and its sphere, Yet it is like a DROP in the Ocean of Infinity of knowledge, one glances at the Universe and visualizes the Immense Treasure of Knowledge it contains.
"Attempts heve been made to Enlarges the perceptive range and Power of SIGHT
by the invention of machines like Microscope, Telescope, Sonography, C.T. Scan,
M.R.I & so forth, is a Proof of that Effect."

"All Manifestation of Name and Form are objective and knowledge is that sphere, depending on the intelligence of the Onlooker, must Vary and there fore is more or less Illusory Subtle Character , hence is termed "MAYA", that is, "UNREAL"."


"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."

28 Jan 2013

Inner Peace

"Invisible -World" is composed of either the "ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRITS".
"The Important thing is Inner Awakening{Self Realization} rather than Philosophies, Paths, Doctrine or Feelings{Dogmas}."
“Unique Balance between the Inner & Outer UNIVERSE”
{Destroy Misconception & Doubts among People about GHOST,SPIRIT,THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS ,so be Lead Life PEACEFULLY}"


"The Universe has Two Forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".

"Invisible -World" is composed of either the "ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRITS".

"The universe has two forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"The "VISIBLE"World "known to and experienced by everyone in the world."


"The invisible world is composed of either "THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRIT".

"There is a big difference between "THE MAHAPURUSHAS {An Highly advanced Spiritual Being,An Ascended Master}" and "THE GHOST."

"The Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)of the MAHAPURUSHES is pure and full of bliss.They move around freely."

"The Chitta of the GHOST is full of unsatiated desires and they are forced to remain GHOSTS for a very long time."

"The GHOSTS are deeply influenced not by the five MAHABHUTAS (five fundamental principles or elements they all living and nonliving beings are made up of,the five state of matter),but by the five "TANMATRAS (subtle elementary principles)of these MAHABHUTAS."

"They do not exist at the level of the physical world but at an extremely lower level of physicality."

"The physical world is ,operated either through the inner world of the living beings or by the invisible subtle world in which the "PERFECTED SPIRITUAL BEINGS"play the important role for welfare of living & non living."

"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

"Guru Tattwa has come to know a few of such persons who claim to hear the "INNER VOICE."

"Mahatma Gandhi who gas so often spoken of his "INNER VOICE" and its dictate openly in his writings is an unimpeachable Authority."

"The directives thus received should be correctly interpreted and understood."

"They are then always reliable and helpful to the True Individual,Aspirant ,in their Social,Religious & Spiritual advancement but not to their satisfaction in the fulfillment of their petty secular desires."

"When a man tries to utilize the intuitive faculty for secular purposes the response may be vague and not quite to the point."

"The True Individual,Aspirant should well remember that he is in the presence of GOD who is his Well-Wisher and Best Friend."


"The benefits of reciting the Consciousness of Mantra at fix time are infinite, like the
limitless sky (ANANATA)."

"According to MANTRA -SHASTRA, the science of MATRA, all SIDDHIS (Acquire divine power) are the ENERGY of a MANTRA and can be AWAKENED through Chanting of Mantras & "JAPA" in all RELIGIONS of the world."

"Therefore to attain expertise in any field (Ayurveda (science of Longevity), Music Astrology), one has to serve the Sada-Guru, control the Body, Senses, MIND and & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) perform "JAPA"(according own faith, Emotion & Feeling) and Spiritual Practices."


"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."
{Destroy Misconception & Doubts among People about GHOST,SPIRIT,THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS ,so be Lead Life PEACEFULLY}"
"The Universe has Two Forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"Invisible -World" is composed of either the "ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRITS".
"The universe has two forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"The "VISIBLE"World "known to and experienced by everyone in the world."
"The invisible world is composed of either "THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRIT".
"There is a big difference between "THE MAHAPURUSHAS {An Highly advanced Spiritual Being,An Ascended Master}" and "THE GHOST."
"The Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)of the MAHAPURUSHES is pure and full of bliss.They move around freely."
"The Chitta of the GHOST is full of unsatiated desires and they are forced to remain GHOSTS for a very long time."
"The GHOSTS are deeply influenced not by the five MAHABHUTAS (five fundamental principles or elements they all living and nonliving beings are made up of,the five state of matter),but by the five "TANMATRAS (subtle elementary principles)of these MAHABHUTAS."
"They do not exist at the level of the physical world but at an extremely lower level of physicality."
"The physical world is ,operated either through the inner world of the living beings or by the invisible subtle world in which the "PERFECTED SPIRITUAL BEINGS"play the important role for welfare of living & non living."
"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."
"Guru Tattwa has come to know a few of such persons who claim to hear the "INNER VOICE."
"Mahatma Gandhi who gas so often spoken of his "INNER VOICE" and its dictate openly in his writings is an unimpeachable Authority."
"The directives thus received should be correctly interpreted and understood."
"They are then always reliable and helpful to the True Individual,Aspirant ,in their Social,Religious & Spiritual advancement but not to their satisfaction in the fulfillment of their petty secular desires."
"When a man tries to utilize the intuitive faculty for secular purposes the response may be vague and not quite to the point."
"The True Individual,Aspirant should well remember that he is in the presence of GOD who is his Well-Wisher and Best Friend."

"The benefits of reciting the Consciousness of Mantra at fix time are infinite, like the
limitless sky (ANANATA)."
"According to MANTRA -SHASTRA, the science of MATRA, all SIDDHIS (Acquire divine power) are the ENERGY of a MANTRA and can be AWAKENED through Chanting of Mantras & "JAPA" in all RELIGIONS of the world."
"Therefore to attain expertise in any field (Ayurveda (science of Longevity), Music Astrology), one has to serve the Sada-Guru, control the Body, Senses, MIND and & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) perform "JAPA"(according own faith, Emotion & Feeling) and Spiritual Practices."
"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."
{Destroy Misconception & Doubts among People about GHOST,SPIRIT,THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS ,so be Lead Life PEACEFULLY}"
"The Universe has Two Forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"Invisible -World" is composed of either the "ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRITS".
"The universe has two forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"The "VISIBLE"World "known to and experienced by everyone in the world."
"The invisible world is composed of either "THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRIT".
"There is a big difference between "THE MAHAPURUSHAS {An Highly advanced Spiritual Being,An Ascended Master}" and "THE GHOST."
"The Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)of the MAHAPURUSHES is pure and full of bliss.They move around freely."
"The Chitta of the GHOST is full of unsatiated desires and they are forced to remain GHOSTS for a very long time."
"The GHOSTS are deeply influenced not by the five MAHABHUTAS (five fundamental principles or elements they all living and nonliving beings are made up of,the five state of matter),but by the five "TANMATRAS (subtle elementary principles)of these MAHABHUTAS."
"They do not exist at the level of the physical world but at an extremely lower level of physicality."
"The physical world is ,operated either through the inner world of the living beings or by the invisible subtle world in which the "PERFECTED SPIRITUAL BEINGS"play the important role for welfare of living & non living."
"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."
"Guru Tattwa has come to know a few of such persons who claim to hear the "INNER VOICE."
"Mahatma Gandhi who gas so often spoken of his "INNER VOICE" and its dictate openly in his writings is an unimpeachable Authority."
"The directives thus received should be correctly interpreted and understood."
"They are then always reliable and helpful to the True Individual,Aspirant ,in their Social,Religious & Spiritual advancement but not to their satisfaction in the fulfillment of their petty secular desires."
"When a man tries to utilize the intuitive faculty for secular purposes the response may be vague and not quite to the point."
"The True Individual,Aspirant should well remember that he is in the presence of GOD who is his Well-Wisher and Best Friend."
"The benefits of reciting the Consciousness of Mantra at fix time are infinite, like the
limitless sky (ANANATA)."
"According to MANTRA -SHASTRA, the science of MATRA, all SIDDHIS (Acquire divine power) are the ENERGY of a MANTRA and can be AWAKENED through Chanting of Mantras & "JAPA" in all RELIGIONS of the world."
"Therefore to attain expertise in any field (Ayurveda (science of Longevity), Music Astrology), one has to serve the Sada-Guru, control the Body, Senses, MIND and & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) perform "JAPA"(according own faith, Emotion & Feeling) and Spiritual Practices."
"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."
{Destroy Misconception & Doubts among People about GHOST,SPIRIT,THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS ,so be Lead Life PEACEFULLY}"
"The Universe has Two Forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"Invisible -World" is composed of either the "ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRITS".
"The universe has two forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"The "VISIBLE"World "known to and experienced by everyone in the world."
"The invisible world is composed of either "THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRIT".
"There is a big difference between "THE MAHAPURUSHAS {An Highly advanced Spiritual Being,An Ascended Master}" and "THE GHOST."
"The Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)of the MAHAPURUSHES is pure and full of bliss.They move around freely."
"The Chitta of the GHOST is full of unsatiated desires and they are forced to remain GHOSTS for a very long time."
"The GHOSTS are deeply influenced not by the five MAHABHUTAS (five fundamental principles or elements they all living and nonliving beings are made up of,the five state of matter),but by the five "TANMATRAS (subtle elementary principles)of these MAHABHUTAS."
"They do not exist at the level of the physical world but at an extremely lower level of physicality."
"The physical world is ,operated either through the inner world of the living beings or by the invisible subtle world in which the "PERFECTED SPIRITUAL BEINGS"play the important role for welfare of living & non living."
"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."
"Guru Tattwa has come to know a few of such persons who claim to hear the "INNER VOICE."
"Mahatma Gandhi who gas so often spoken of his "INNER VOICE" and its dictate openly in his writings is an unimpeachable Authority."
"The directives thus received should be correctly interpreted and understood."
"They are then always reliable and helpful to the True Individual,Aspirant ,in their Social,Religious & Spiritual advancement but not to their satisfaction in the fulfillment of their petty secular desires."
"When a man tries to utilize the intuitive faculty for secular purposes the response may be vague and not quite to the point."
"The True Individual,Aspirant should well remember that he is in the presence of GOD who is his Well-Wisher and Best Friend."
"The benefits of reciting the Consciousness of Mantra at fix time are infinite, like the
limitless sky (ANANATA)."
"According to MANTRA -SHASTRA, the science of MATRA, all SIDDHIS (Acquire divine power) are the ENERGY of a MANTRA and can be AWAKENED through Chanting of Mantras & "JAPA" in all RELIGIONS of the world."
"Therefore to attain expertise in any field (Ayurveda (science of Longevity), Music Astrology), one has to serve the Sada-Guru, control the Body, Senses, MIND and & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) perform "JAPA"(according own faith, Emotion & Feeling) and Spiritual Practices."
"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."
{Destroy Misconception & Doubts among People about GHOST,SPIRIT,THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS ,so be Lead Life PEACEFULLY}"
"The Universe has Two Forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"Invisible -World" is composed of either the "ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRITS".
"The universe has two forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"The "VISIBLE"World "known to and experienced by everyone in the world."
"The invisible world is composed of either "THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRIT".
"There is a big difference between "THE MAHAPURUSHAS {An Highly advanced Spiritual Being,An Ascended Master}" and "THE GHOST."
"The Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)of the MAHAPURUSHES is pure and full of bliss.They move around freely."
"The Chitta of the GHOST is full of unsatiated desires and they are forced to remain GHOSTS for a very long time."
"The GHOSTS are deeply influenced not by the five MAHABHUTAS (five fundamental principles or elements they all living and nonliving beings are made up of,the five state of matter),but by the five "TANMATRAS (subtle elementary principles)of these MAHABHUTAS."
"They do not exist at the level of the physical world but at an extremely lower level of physicality."
"The physical world is ,operated either through the inner world of the living beings or by the invisible subtle world in which the "PERFECTED SPIRITUAL BEINGS"play the important role for welfare of living & non living."
"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."
"Guru Tattwa has come to know a few of such persons who claim to hear the "INNER VOICE."
"Mahatma Gandhi who gas so often spoken of his "INNER VOICE" and its dictate openly in his writings is an unimpeachable Authority."
"The directives thus received should be correctly interpreted and understood."
"They are then always reliable and helpful to the True Individual,Aspirant ,in their Social,Religious & Spiritual advancement but not to their satisfaction in the fulfilment of their petty secular desires."
"When a man tries to utilise the intuitive faculty for secular purposes the response may be vague and not quite to the point."
"The True Individual,Aspirant should well remember that he is in the presence of GOD who is his Well-Wisher and Best Friend."
"The benefits of reciting the Consciousness of Mantra at fix time are infinite, like the
limitless sky (ANANATA)."
"According to MANTRA -SHASTRA, the science of MATRA, all SIDDHIS (Acquire divine power) are the ENERGY of a MANTRA and can be AWAKENED through Chanting of Mantras & "JAPA" in all RELIGIONS of the world."
"Therefore to attain expertise in any field (Ayurveda (science of Longevity), Music Astrology), one has to serve the Sada-Guru, control the Body, Senses, MIND and & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) perform "JAPA"(according own faith, Emotion & Feeling) and Spiritual Practices."
"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."
{Destroy Misconception & Doubts among People about GHOST,SPIRIT,THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS ,so be Lead Life PEACEFULLY}"
"The Universe has Two Forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"Invisible -World" is composed of either the "ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRITS".
"The universe has two forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"The "VISIBLE"World "known to and experienced by everyone in the world."
"The invisible world is composed of either "THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRIT".
"There is a big difference between "THE MAHAPURUSHAS {An Highly advanced Spiritual Being,An Ascended Master}" and "THE GHOST."
"The Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)of the MAHAPURUSHES is pure and full of bliss.They move around freely."
"The Chitta of the GHOST is full of unsatiated desires and they are forced to remain GHOSTS for a very long time."
"The GHOSTS are deeply influenced not by the five MAHABHUTAS (five fundamental principles or elements they all living and nonliving beings are made up of,the five state of matter),but by the five "TANMATRAS (subtle elementary principles)of these MAHABHUTAS."
"They do not exist at the level of the physical world but at an extremely lower level of physicality."
"The physical world is ,operated either through the inner world of the living beings or by the invisible subtle world in which the "PERFECTED SPIRITUAL BEINGS"play the important role for welfare of living & non living."
"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."
"Guru Tattwa has come to know a few of such persons who claim to hear the "INNER VOICE."
"Mahatma Gandhi who gas so often spoken of his "INNER VOICE" and its dictate openly in his writings is an unimpeachable Authority."
"The directives thus received should be correctly interpreted and understood."
"They are then always reliable and helpful to the True Individual,Aspirant ,in their Social,Religious & Spiritual advancement but not to their satisfaction in the fulfillment of their petty secular desires."
"When a man tries to utilize the intuitive faculty for secular purposes the response may be vague and not quite to the point."
"The True Individual,Aspirant should well remember that he is in the presence of GOD who is his Well-Wisher and Best Friend."
"The benefits of reciting the Consciousness of Mantra at fix time are infinite, like the
limitless sky (ANANATA)."
"According to MANTRA -SHASTRA, the science of MATRA, all SIDDHIS (Acquire divine power) are the ENERGY of a MANTRA and can be AWAKENED through Chanting of Mantras & "JAPA" in all RELIGIONS of the world."
"Therefore to attain expertise in any field (Ayurveda (science of Longevity), Music Astrology), one has to serve the Sada-Guru, control the Body, Senses, MIND and & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) perform "JAPA"(according own faith, Emotion & Feeling) and Spiritual Practices."
"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."
{Destroy Misconception & Doubts among People about GHOST,SPIRIT,THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS ,so be Lead Life PEACEFULLY}"
"The Universe has Two Forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"Invisible -World" is composed of either the "ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRITS".
"The universe has two forms,"VISIBLE" and "INVISIBLE".
"The "VISIBLE"World "known to and experienced by everyone in the world."
"The invisible world is composed of either "THE ENLIGHTENED SPIRITUAL BEINGS" or "GHOST" and "SPIRIT".
"There is a big difference between "THE MAHAPURUSHAS {An Highly advanced Spiritual Being,An Ascended Master}" and "THE GHOST."
"The Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)of the MAHAPURUSHES is pure and full of bliss.They move around freely."
"The Chitta of the GHOST is full of unsatiated desires and they are forced to remain GHOSTS for a very long time."
"The GHOSTS are deeply influenced not by the five MAHABHUTAS (five fundamental principles or elements they all living and nonliving beings are made up of,the five state of matter),but by the five "TANMATRAS (subtle elementary principles)of these MAHABHUTAS."
"They do not exist at the level of the physical world but at an extremely lower level of physicality."
"The physical world is ,operated either through the inner world of the living beings or by the invisible subtle world in which the "PERFECTED SPIRITUAL BEINGS"play the important role for welfare of living & non living."
"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."
"Guru Tattwa has come to know a few of such persons who claim to hear the "INNER VOICE."
"Mahatma Gandhi who gas so often spoken of his "INNER VOICE" and its dictate openly in his writings is an unimpeachable Authority."
"The directives thus received should be correctly interpreted and understood."
"They are then always reliable and helpful to the True Individual,Aspirant ,in their Social,Religious & Spiritual advancement but not to their satisfaction in the fulfillment of their petty secular desires."
"When a man tries to utilize the intuitive faculty for secular purposes the response may be vague and not quite to the point."
"The True Individual,Aspirant should well remember that he is in the presence of GOD who is his Well-Wisher and Best Friend."
"The benefits of reciting the Consciousness of Mantra at fix time are infinite, like the
limitless sky (ANANATA)."
"According to MANTRA -SHASTRA, the science of MATRA, all SIDDHIS (Acquire divine power) are the ENERGY of a MANTRA and can be AWAKENED through Chanting of Mantras & "JAPA" in all RELIGIONS of the world."
"Therefore to attain expertise in any field (Ayurveda (science of Longevity), Music Astrology), one has to serve the Sada-Guru, control the Body, Senses, MIND and & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) perform "JAPA"(according own faith, Emotion & Feeling) and Spiritual Practices."
"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."
"In Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga or Meditation , Subtle Sound is used to vitalize the body, mind & chitta & surrounding."
"The Mystic Syllable *OM* *♥ ॐ♥* (the Pranava) & the Divine BIJA Mantra, viz. AEIM, HRIM, SHRIM, KLIM, HLIM, HRAM, HRUM, HRAUM, & HRAH & so forth are of GREAT IMPORTANCE. The Frequency, Vibration & Energy & clear repetition of these Particular sound used by Countless Yogis for thousands of years have NATURAL HEALING VALUE."
ऊँ''OM, अ (A)-ब्रह्मा, उ(U)-विष्णु, म्‌(M)-महेश ."(GOD=G=GENERATOR, O=OPERATOR,D=DESTROYER =GOD)"
"ऐं(AEIM) E=Swarswati, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs. Lord Swarswati destroy our griefs i.e. Aghyan(Darkness of Knowledge)."
"ह्रीं (Hrim) ह H=Shiv, Rरं=Nature,i=Maya, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs."
"श्रीं (Shrim),श S= Lakhmi,R=Prosperity, I=Satisfaction, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs."
"क्लीं (Klim), क K=Krishna, L=Lord Indra, I=Satisfaction,,Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e. Lust particular."
"हिलीम्‌ (Hlim), ह H=Shiva,L=Baglamukhimi& Nature I=Satisfaction, Anuswar=Destroyer of griefs i.e.All Vasana (Propensity), Vices, Attachment, Ego & so forth."
* "OM, ॐ " is the BIJA (seed) - which is pronounces as O - O- O, M - M- M vibrates through the whole body.
* "H" is the BIJA (Seed) Mantras proceed from Heart , makes the heart beat more Vigorous & helps in the Purification of the BLOOD."
* "R" sound in the Mantras is considered to be almost as important as OM. When "R" uttered, the tip of the TONGUE strikes the Front palate & Vibrates the Brain & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."
* "M" sound at the end of the mantras helps to purify the BLOOD when the BREATH is INHALED & EXHALED through the NOSE. Besides , by MANTRAS with LONG "M" sound , the NOSE & windpipe are kept Naturally HEALTHY."
"Therefore, by uttering each of the Syllables in the BIJA MANTRAS , the HEART, BRAIN, MIND , CHITTA,, WINDPIPE are all MADE VIGOROUS."
*`! Essence of VEDANTA & GITA by Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha !~*
"To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.."


you are Great, not for human machine but for ability. Salute 

"The Ancient and Mysterious Divine Mother Kundalini, spoken of in all the world’s Great Religions as Isis, Mary, Maya, Cybele, Ima, Hera, Maa, Mummy,Amma, Shakti, Durga, Athena, and countless more."

1."Where Women are honoured , there the GODS are pleased; but where they are not honoured no SACRED LIFE YIELDS REWARDS."

2."Where the FEMALE relations LIVE in GRIEF, the FAMILY soon wholly Perishes; but that FAMILY where they are not Unhappy, ever PROSPERS."

3."The Houses on which FEMALE relations, not being Duly Honoured, Pronounce of a CURSE; Perish Completely as if Destryed by MAGIC."

4."Hence, Men who seeks their own welfare , should always HONOUR The Divine WOMEN on HOLIDAYS and Festivals with Gifts of Ornaments, Clothes and Dainty Food."

5."Vedanta has declared that those Women who are without Serviceable & Duty for Children & so forth are unworthy to partake of oblations offered to Gods & Ancestors."

6."In this world, there is nothing so detrimental to long life as criminal conversation with another man's wife."

"The whole creation being (living & non living) originally the same & homologous 'SHAKTI' "EVERYTHING APPEARS DIFFERENT IN FORM, NAME AND FUNCTION."

"My Divine Mother (Shakti) is not only formless, She has forms as well. One can see Her forms. One can behold Her incomparable beauty through feeling and love. The Mother reveals Herself to Her devotees in different forms."

"The Ancient and Mysterious Divine Mother Kundalini, spoken of in all the world’s Great Religions as Isis, Mary, Maya, Cybele, Ima, Hera,Maa,Amma, Shakti, Durga, Athena, and countless more."

"How long will you BURN in the FIRE of ILLUSION.?"
"First of ALL our MIND & CHITTA (mind stuff, psyche) should be PURE toward each other."

"LOVE is the ESSENCE of the WORLD. "LOVE is SHIP that takes ONE across the OCEAN of "LIFE" & "DEATH" ."

"How long will you BURN in the FIRE of ILLUSION.?"

"Selfish Love is not Love at all."

"Love rooted in attractions no Love at all."

"This is the manifestation of Vasanas (propensity)and desires (Pleasures),which wander around at wrapped in hatred and aversion."

"Love is supported only by Love. Wherever you see hatred or any other basis for Love, understand that its its foundation is attraction or selfishness, not Love at all."

"In Love, there is no mine and yours.There is only mine (within). As long as there is mine and yours, there is no mine and there is no yours."

"LOVE is the ESSENCE of the WORLD. LOVE is SHIP that takes ONE across the OCEAN of "LIFE" & "DEATH" ."

"The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality (selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH, under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

1.Pyaar{Love} + pyaar{Love} = MAA {Mother}

2.Pyaar{Love} + rakshaa{Defence} = PITAA{Father}

3.Pyaar{Love} + help = BHAAI {Brother}

4.Pyaar {Love} + namrataa = BAHAN {Sister}

5.Pyaar {Love} + Dukh ka saathi (Friend in inddeed} = PATI / PATNI {Wife/Husband}

6.Pyaar{Love}+ prakaash {Light} = SAINT

7."Pyaar{Love} + mokshya {Libration} = SAT GURU

8."PYAAR {Love } + RAKSHAA {Defence} + HELP + NAMRATAA {Humility} + DUKH KA SAATHI {Friend in Indeed} + PRAKAASH {Light} WITH EVERY HUMAN & LIVING BEING with Tolerance = MOKSHA = ISHWAR (PRABHU ISHU, GOD, ALLAHA so may be your Faith, Emotion, & Feeling)"

"The universe & infinite is either symbolized with name or with form. Although the whole universe is the result of the vibration of the sovereign cosmic consciousness, it appears to be multiple due to different names,forms and functions."

"Whether the soil in the FARM (kheta, field) is used for growing fruits,vegetables,grains and flowers,its name is FARM ( KHETA) and it is in the form of 'SOIL'. When the same soil used for making a pot,its name and form both are changed to a 'POT'."

"Even though the soil is the same,there is great dissimilarity.Similarly,the whole creation being originally the same & homologous 'SHAKTI',even so,some what it is solid,some where it is liquid and somewhere gas or hot."


"The JIVA (human being) gets entangled in the multitude of names and forms.For these established in the self,names and form are secondary & 'SHAKTI IS FOREMOST."

"Maa, Amma, MUMMY ,so ever Faith,Feeling & Emotion (LORD MOTHER, DIVINE POWER of LORD (God)."

"This "EQUANIMITY" can only arise through the Spiritual Practices.

"There is living being who represents a small universe within himself (Human body & Universe is Homologous,Yatha Pinde -Tatha Bramhande)."

"This is called the individual level.The union of the whole(gross)and the conscious takes place within a person's body."

"You must recognize the power within and its influence. Be established within the self and burn down our defects of (Slippery World)" Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity & Vices."


"Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding."

"In Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga or Meditation , Subtle Sound is used to vitalize the body, mind & chitta & surrounding."

19 Jan 2013

Modern Life

Photo: Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA i.e. Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advata ( Non Duality)."
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"TWENTY (20) Important Social, Religious & spiritual Instructions for every individual."

"In the Fast Modern Life, If a House does not provide a mental peace, it is useless. A Home is actually not made up of stones, bricks, cement & lime, it is Made of Human Interactions with positive attitude & perceptive."

"The Inner VITAL Frequencies, Vibrations, & Energies of Intuition within Our Self is the Vital Force of all our Words, Movements , Music & so forth, and all manner of CREATIVITY."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

(1). Get up at 4to5a.m. daily. This is BRAHMAMAHUTRATA (in which the Lord & Deovta visited on Earth Hemisphere in Astral Body) which is extremely favorable for Prayer, Japa, Sadhana, Yoga & Meditation."

(2). "Asana: Sit on Padma, siddha or sukha Asana for Prayer ,Japa  & meditation for 15 t0 30 minutes & so forth, facing east or north. Increase the period gradually to three hours. Do Sirshana and Sarvangasana for keeping up Brahmacharya, Health & increases the Memory faculty. Take light physical exercise as stand on toes, walking (without talking), & so forth, regularly. Do 20 Pranayamas."

(3)."Apa: Repeat any Mantra (as your Faith & devotion) as Pure OM, according to your taste or inclination, from 108 to 21,600 times daily."

(4)."DIETETIC DISCIPLINE: Take Sattvic Food ( Harmonious to Body) and Suddha Ahara.Observe moderation in diet (Mitahara). Give up overload the Stomach. Give up those thins which the mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) likes best for a fortnight in a year., Eat simple food. Milk , Fruits , Herbs, Natural Vegetable help the concentration. Take food as medicine to keep the LIFE Going Naturally. Eating for enjoyment in SIN. Give up salt & sugar foer a Month. You must be able to live nice. Do not ask for extra salt for food and Sugar for Tea, coffee or Milk."

(5). If Possible have a separate Prayer, Japa , sadhana, Yoga & Meditation room."

(6)." Do Charity regularly, every Month, or even daily  according to your means, say Nine Rupee  per day."

(7)." SVADHYAYA : Stdudy systemetically The Gita,  the Ramayan, the Bhagvata , the Bible,  the Quran,  the Zend Avesta, the Tritakas, the Granth Sahib & so forth, from half an hour to one hour daily and have "Suddha Vichar" (True & pure thoughts)."

(8)."Preserve the vital force (Hindi: Veerya) very, very carefully. Veerya is God in motion or manifestation --- Vibhuti. Veerya is all power. Veerya is all Money. Veerya is the Essence of Precious Life, thought and Intelligence."
*~ Vedanta~*

(9)."Get by Hert some Prayer- Slokas, Stotras and reapeat as soon as you sit in the Asana before starting Prayer, Japa, Sadhna, Yoga or Meditation. This will elevate the mind & chitta quickly."

(10)." Have Satsanga (company of Righteous People). Give up bad company, smoking, meat and Alcoholic liquors entirely. Do not develop any evil Habits."
(11)." Have Japa Mala (rosary) roun your neck or in your pocket or underneath your pillow at night."

(12)." Observe MOUNA ( vow of Silence) for a couple of hours daily."

(13)."Fast on Ekadasi or live on Milk and Fruits ( not G.M.O at all.)."

(14)." Speak the TRUTH at all cast. Speak a little. Speak sweetly."

(15)."Reduce your wants (desires). If you have four shirt o or dresses, reduce the number to three or two. Lead a Happy, contented Life. Avoid unnecessary Worry (Chinta). Have plain living and high thinking."

(16). Never Hurt anybody (Ahimsa Paramo Dharma). Control Anger by unconditional Love. Kshama (forgiveness) and Daya (compassion)."

(17)."Do not depends upon Servants. SELF - RELIANCE is the highest of all Virtues."
(18)."Think of the mistakes you have committed during the course of the Day, just before retiring to bed (Self Analysis(). Keep daily diary and Self - Correction Register. Do not Brood over past mistakes."

(19).""Remember that DEATH is awaiting you at Every Moment. Never fall to fullfil your duties. Have PURE Conduct (Sadachara)."

(20)." Think Of GOD as soonas you wake up and just before you go to Sleep. Surrender yourself Completely to GOD(Saranagati)."
Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA i.e. Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advata ( Non Duality)."
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"Every kind of Mantras Vibration, Frequency & Energy can create a SHAPE. Every musical note can create a Pattern in Sand, a Geometrical Figure or Picture."

*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"Question:"When we try to visualize a Flame or another Symbol at the Eyebrow Centres, we can only see Patterns of color. However, we have no trouble in visualizing random thoughts and Recollections in Glorious Technicolor. Why in this Techniques to cultivate this Faculty of willful Visualization ?."

"Guru Tattwa:
"The Psychic Symbol is the Symbol on which the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) should concentrate in order to complete the Cycle of Mantra. This Psychic Symbol can take any form according to the Sound Vibration, Frequency & Energy."

"Every kind of Mantras Vibration, Frequency & Energy can create a SHAPE. Every musical note can create a Pattern in Sand, a Geometrical Figure or Picture."

"Experiments have been conducted on different Mantra Sounds, Consonant & Vowel of the Divine Language Sanskrit, and although no in depth study has been made, the basic Principles are known."

"The Symbol which is given at the time of Mantra Initiation represents the Shape of the Frequency & Vibration of the Mantra, and the form that it will Adopt Naturally and Spontaneously. This form is inherent in the consciousness."

"Many People will have noticed that while practicing normal Prayer, Japa Sadhan & Meditation, without any Symbol, in the course of their Sadhana(perhaps after five or ten years) as they intensify Awareness of the Mantra, an Image in Mind & Chitta in Chidakash. Later on, when they ask for a symbol, they recognize it as being the one which was observed. They FEEL (within) that it came to them Naturally."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"The Contact of the Good Saint & Sage can change the Character of a Human: This is Natural Law."

"The World is not Devoid of Divine Sages & Saints having Genuine Occult Powers who could know everything in every ONE"S mind & Chitta (mind stuff) and can also see the Past, Present & Future."

"A BAD Human can get converted into the Good Human when HE Comes in contact with Saintly Magnates."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA i.e. Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advata ( Non Duality)."
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"You have to Churn your Words, Action (Karma) & so forth through mind & Chitta (mind stuff,psyche ) into in to The Reality."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

"Yatha Pnde, Tatha Brahmande (Human Body & Universe is Homologous, ), Universe is Changing every Moment ,so our MIND & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is also changing due to mental tendencies.To Control the Mind & Chitta is necessary to Control the Global Warming ."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

"Harmony of Mind & Chitta and natural diet will usually result in Good Health and happiness for the person as well as Universe. If the person is harmonious with himself and with his environment , he will be a happy and effective person for Family, Society & Universe."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

"It is the Encolouration of Human's mind, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) & consciousness which Tinges the Emerald as Green and the Ruby as red.
"It is not the Sun alone, but it is the very light of Human's Visual Perception, which Illuminates the Sky."
"The Rose is Beautiful Only because Human Perceives it as BEAUTIFUL."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

"The Inner VITAL Frequencies, Vibrations, & Energies of Intuition within Our Self is the Vital Force of all our Words, Movements , Music & so fortth, and all manner of CREATIVITY."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

"Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*

"TWENTY (20) Important Social, Religious & spiritual Instructions for every individual."

"In the Fast Modern Life, If a House does not provide a mental peace, it is useless. A Home is actually not made up of stones, bricks, cement & lime, it is Made of Human Interactions with positive attitude & perceptive."

"The Inner VITAL Frequencies, Vibrations, & Energies of Intuition within Our Self is the Vital Force of all our Words, Movements , Music & so forth, and all manner of CREATIVITY."

(1). Get up at 4to5a.m. daily. This is BRAHMAMAHUTRATA (in which the Lord & Deovta visited on Earth Hemisphere in Astral Body) which is extremely favorable for Prayer, Japa, Sadhana, Yoga & Meditation."

(2). "Asana: Sit on Padma, siddha or sukha Asana for Prayer ,Japa & meditation for 15 t0 30 minutes & so forth, facing east or north. Increase the period gradually to three hours. Do Sirshana and Sarvangasana for keeping up Brahmacharya, Health & increases the Memory faculty. Take light physical exercise as stand on toes, walking (without talking), & so forth, regularly. Do 20 Pranayamas."

(3)."Apa: Repeat any Mantra (as your Faith & devotion) as Pure OM, according to your taste or inclination, from 108 to 21,600 times daily."

(4)."DIETETIC DISCIPLINE: Take Sattvic Food ( Harmonious to Body) and Suddha Ahara.Observe moderation in diet (Mitahara). Give up overload the Stomach. Give up those thins which the mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) likes best for a fortnight in a year., Eat simple food. Milk , Fruits , Herbs, Natural Vegetable help the concentration. Take food as medicine to keep the LIFE Going Naturally. Eating for enjoyment in SIN. Give up salt & sugar foer a Month. You must be able to live nice. Do not ask for extra salt for food and Sugar for Tea, coffee or Milk."

(5). If Possible have a separate Prayer, Japa , sadhana, Yoga & Meditation room."

(6)." Do Charity regularly, every Month, or even daily according to your means, say Nine Rupee per day."

(7)." SVADHYAYA : Stdudy systemetically The Gita, the Ramayan, the Bhagvata , the Bible, the Quran, the Zend Avesta, the Tritakas, the Granth Sahib & so forth, from half an hour to one hour daily and have "Suddha Vichar" (True & pure thoughts)."

(8)."Preserve the vital force (Hindi: Veerya) very, very carefully. Veerya is God in motion or manifestation --- Vibhuti. Veerya is all power. Veerya is all Money. Veerya is the Essence of Precious Life, thought and Intelligence."
*~ Vedanta~*

(9)."Get by Hert some Prayer- Slokas, Stotras and reapeat as soon as you sit in the Asana before starting Prayer, Japa, Sadhna, Yoga or Meditation. This will elevate the mind & chitta quickly."

(10)." Have Satsanga (company of Righteous People). Give up bad company, smoking, meat and Alcoholic liquors entirely. Do not develop any evil Habits."
(11)." Have Japa Mala (rosary) roun your neck or in your pocket or underneath your pillow at night."

(12)." Observe MOUNA ( vow of Silence) for a couple of hours daily."

(13)."Fast on Ekadasi or live on Milk and Fruits ( not G.M.O at all.)."

(14)." Speak the TRUTH at all cast. Speak a little. Speak sweetly."

(15)."Reduce your wants (desires). If you have four shirt o or dresses, reduce the number to three or two. Lead a Happy, contented Life. Avoid unnecessary Worry (Chinta). Have plain living and high thinking."

(16). Never Hurt anybody (Ahimsa Paramo Dharma). Control Anger by unconditional Love. Kshama (forgiveness) and Daya (compassion)."

(17)."Do not depends upon Servants. SELF - RELIANCE is the highest of all Virtues."
(18)."Think of the mistakes you have committed during the course of the Day, just before retiring to bed (Self Analysis(). Keep daily diary and Self - Correction Register. Do not Brood over past mistakes."

(19).""Remember that DEATH is awaiting you at Every Moment. Never fall to fullfil your duties. Have PURE Conduct (Sadachara)."

(20)." Think Of GOD as soonas you wake up and just before you go to Sleep. Surrender yourself Completely to GOD(Saranagati)."

"Every kind of Mantras Vibration, Frequency & Energy can create a SHAPE. Every musical note can create a Pattern in Sand, a Geometrical Figure or Picture."

"Question:"When we try to visualize a Flame or another Symbol at the Eyebrow Centres, we can only see Patterns of color. However, we have no trouble in visualizing random thoughts and Recollections in Glorious Technicolor. Why in this Techniques to cultivate this Faculty of willful Visualization ?."

"The Psychic Symbol is the Symbol on which the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) should concentrate in order to complete the Cycle of Mantra. This Psychic Symbol can take any form according to the Sound Vibration, Frequency & Energy."

"Every kind of Mantras Vibration, Frequency & Energy can create a SHAPE. Every musical note can create a Pattern in Sand, a Geometrical Figure or Picture."

"Experiments have been conducted on different Mantra Sounds, Consonant & Vowel of the Divine Language Sanskrit, and although no in depth study has been made, the basic Principles are known."

"The Symbol which is given at the time of Mantra Initiation represents the Shape of the Frequency & Vibration of the Mantra, and the form that it will Adopt Naturally and Spontaneously. This form is inherent in the consciousness."

"Many People will have noticed that while practicing normal Prayer, Japa Sadhan & Meditation, without any Symbol, in the course of their Sadhana(perhaps after five or ten years) as they intensify Awareness of the Mantra, an Image in Mind & Chitta in Chidakash. Later on, when they ask for a symbol, they recognize it as being the one which was observed. They FEEL (within) that it came to them Naturally."
"The Contact of the Good Saint & Sage can change the Character of a Human: This is Natural Law."

"The World is not Devoid of Divine Sages & Saints having Genuine Occult Powers who could know everything in every ONE"S mind & Chitta (mind stuff) and can also see the Past, Present & Future."

"A BAD Human can get converted into the Good Human when HE Comes in contact with Saintly Magnates."

"You have to Churn your Words, Action (Karma) & so forth through mind & Chitta (mind stuff,psyche ) into in to The Reality."

"Yatha Pnde, Tatha Brahmande (Human Body & Universe is Homologous, ), Universe is Changing every Moment ,so our MIND & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is also changing due to mental tendencies.To Control the Mind & Chitta is necessary to Control the Global Warming ."

"Harmony of Mind & Chitta and natural diet will usually result in Good Health and happiness for the person as well as Universe. If the person is harmonious with himself and with his environment , he will be a happy and effective person for Family, Society & Universe."

"It is the Encolouration of Human's mind, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) & consciousness which Tinges the Emerald as Green and the Ruby as red.
"It is not the Sun alone, but it is the very light of Human's Visual Perception, which Illuminates the Sky."
"The Rose is Beautiful Only because Human Perceives it as BEAUTIFUL."

"The Inner VITAL Frequencies, Vibrations, & Energies of Intuition within Our Self is the Vital Force of all our Words, Movements , Music & so fortth, and all manner of CREATIVITY."

6 Jan 2013


"True, Pure, Real Subtle HUMAN BODY SYSTEM of
Three Gunas (Quality of Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"THE STATE OF INNER LUMINOSITY IS SATTWA (harmonious & pious qualities)."


"Good Deeds to Build a Wisemen & only one bad deed to Build a Impure Mind & Chitta."

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."

"सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वेसन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥"

"May all be happy. May all be healthy. May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer."

"The GUNAS have their Positive & Negative Nature. In the negative aspect Tamas will manifest as inertia, lethargy, dullness, procrastination- state where the mind & chitta becomes totally DULL and has no FEELING of Vitality or Dynamism."

"In the Positive sense, TAMAS represents passivity, harmony, stability, motionlessness, stillness. "

"The SATTWA (harmonious & pious qualities), a combination of and a state of Harmony of Tamas & Rajas comes in the manifestation of Tamas & Rajas, within your self. What is Sattwa" It is the state of INNER LUMINOSITY."

"In Social Religious & Spiritual practices (prayer, japa , yoga ,meditaion & benefits) we try to become MOTIONLESS - we are trying to experience the Positive Tamasic state. We try to become Peaceful; we try to Feel the Harmony; we try to fix ourselves in the Pattern of Experience."

"Rajas in the Negative Aspect is Dominance, Aggression, Possessiveness, Selfishness. In the Positive Aspect it is Creativity, Vitality, Movement of Energy and Consciousness in the form of Creativity , Sattwa, which we have never experience in life because Sattwa is a Combination , a state of HARMONY, of TAMAS & RAJAS."

"It is not Puruty or Harmony which can be attained by an EFFORT. It is something which comes WITHIN YOURSELF, in the manifestation of Tamas and Rajas."

"Externally we may, desire - and experience at times- the Spontaneous Nature of our Personality which may sometimes make us Feel that we are experiencing SATTWA."

"However most of the TIME, human beings move between the State of RAJAS & TAMAS, RAJAS & TAMAS, RAJAS & TAMAS."


"Prior to the Practice of YOGA & MEDITATION, one has to Practice of "PRATYAHARA" {the process of turning the mind & chitta inward, through social, religious & spiritual disciplines) & "DHARANA" (presumption)."

"ONLY one form each pair-



3.DHARMA (code of righteousness, prescribed conduct)-ADHARMA (non-righteous conduct)

4. TEMPTING- BENEFICIAL----can exist in the MIND at any given MOMENT."

"THE lacks Reality
"Is akin to Faithlessness
"Blind obedience
"Without the light of knowledge
"Is utter waste of effort,
Like ploughing in sand.

"If thou art freed
"From the cage of this world
"Soar into the EMPYREAN
"And share the bliss of GOD.

"Do not O GOD, put out
"This flikening lamp !
"Cast not this heart afire with
"Love for THEE
"INTO the Furnace of DESIRE.

"Oh ! GOD ! Rend not
"my patched- up sail,
"Nor drive my broken bark
"from the river of True & Pure Knowledge !

"To Realize Reality."
"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?
"To do no Evils in action(Karma), Mind & Thoughts."

"What is the Reality?
"Selflessness every Moment."

"The Heart & Mind inquired of the SOUL:
"What is the Beginning of this Subtle Bushiness ?
"What its end, and what its fruits ?
"The Soul answered:
"The begging of it is The Annihilation of Self,
"Its end Faithfulness,
"And its Fruit Immortality."

"The Heart & Mind asked:
"What is Annihilation ?
"What is Faithfulness ?
"What is Immorality ?


5 Jan 2013


"This is the PURE RULE of the NATURE (Universe), what a person does to another day, the same will happen to him tomorrow."

"Every action (karma) has its anti reaction in subtle manner."

"As your Deeds(karma) as its REACTION. This universally True & Pure Principle of Prarabdha (destiny)."

"The EPHEMERAL WORLD,HUMAN BODY & HUMAN CHITTA (Mind stuff ,Psyche) are Ever Changing in PAST,PRESENT & FUTURE."

"Change in an INTRINSIC QUALITY of NATURE.Just like the Universe,
changes take place in the HUMAN BODY,too."

"Human Being Mind & Its CHITTA (Mind Stuff ,Psyche). How to create "ONENESS"?

"Chitta has a broader meaning than the word "mind". "

"This is the PURE RULE of the NATURE (Universe), what a person does to another day, the same will happen to him tomorrow."

"Similarly every one is BLIND, but everyone TAUNTS and TEASES others for being so."

"No one has the TIME,nor the INTEREST to THINK,to pause and PENETRATE to the ROOT of the MATTER.They THROW STONES merely by looking at other people."

"They call those who are not throwing stones FOOLISH.
These people do not realize that although TODAY it is they who are throwing,TOMORROW they will be the TARGET automatically."

"Today you are busy exposing someone,tomorrow you will also be exposed(every action have its own anti-reaction)."

"This is the PURE RULE of the NATURE (Universe),what a person does to another day,the same will happen to him tomorrow."

"Human Being Mind & Its CHITTA (Mind Stuff ,Psyche). How to create "ONENESS"?

"Chitta has a broader meaning than the word "mind". "

"Within you there are not only weaknesses, helplessness and misconceptions in abundance."

Infinite capability, infinite wisdom and boundless joy are also present."

"There is living being who represents a small universe within himself."

"This is called the individual level.The union of the whole(gross)and the Conscious takes place within a person's body."

"If there is a disease within us, then its cure is also within us."

" You must recognize the power within and its influence."

Be established within the self and burn down our defects through "Simple way of Spirituality in daily Life."

"Human Being Mind & Its CHITTA (Mind Stuff ,Psyche). How to create "ONENESS"?

"Chitta has a broader meaning than the word "mind". "

"Chitta includes mind, intellect, ego and collections of impressions (samskaras ,Prarbdha) within one's chitta for processes occur :
abstraction and construction of images, intellect (the determinative faculty of the thought process), the presence of ego, and the predisposition formed by the impressions of one's past experience."

"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."


"Change in an INTRINSIC QUALITY of NATURE.Just like the Universe,
changes take place in the HUMAN BODY,too."

"The "SOCIAL CONDUCT "has a close relationship to Family,Society l& so forth as well in Religiosity, spirituality."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA (Mind stuff,psyche)."

"A Gentleman, True- Human, Aspirant ,Devotee do not wait for CONDUCTIVE -TIME."

"His TRAIN of Social Conduct,Dutiful Service ,Prayer & Sadhan is at the PLATFORM in every situation."

"He knows how to make the best use (Time -Management) of the given circumstances."

"He accepts every situation as GOS"S grace and live the life of Social Conduct, Dutiful Services, Religiosity & Spirituality i.e. Prayer,Japa and Sadhan as for as possible."

"For him every circumstances is a TEST, and he PASSES every TEST."

"This is where the JOURNEY of Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality begins

"This is the Basis of Social Conduct Religiosity & Spirituality."

"The Divine Power (Shakti) is every where (Living & Non- Living) in Universe.

"The Total Progress of Living & Non-living (Panch Tatawa-5 Elements) with "TheTrue Principles of Consciousness in Universe ."

1. Creating Chaitanya (Consciousness) Co-ordination among Living & Non-living ."

2. Creating Chaitanya (Consciousness),Healthy,Positive Thoughtful & Dutiful Human Being."

3. Positive effort to gain the Cosmic-Micro-Energy with Chaitanyata (Consciousness)

4. Environment Through "Human body & Universe Homologous (Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande,Vedanta Verssion) ".

5. One for All & All for One ."

6.NO POLITICS (Deceiving,Cheating ,Looting & so forth)."

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects through Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality."