5 Jan 2013


"This is the PURE RULE of the NATURE (Universe), what a person does to another day, the same will happen to him tomorrow."

"Every action (karma) has its anti reaction in subtle manner."

"As your Deeds(karma) as its REACTION. This universally True & Pure Principle of Prarabdha (destiny)."

"The EPHEMERAL WORLD,HUMAN BODY & HUMAN CHITTA (Mind stuff ,Psyche) are Ever Changing in PAST,PRESENT & FUTURE."

"Change in an INTRINSIC QUALITY of NATURE.Just like the Universe,
changes take place in the HUMAN BODY,too."

"Human Being Mind & Its CHITTA (Mind Stuff ,Psyche). How to create "ONENESS"?

"Chitta has a broader meaning than the word "mind". "

"This is the PURE RULE of the NATURE (Universe), what a person does to another day, the same will happen to him tomorrow."

"Similarly every one is BLIND, but everyone TAUNTS and TEASES others for being so."

"No one has the TIME,nor the INTEREST to THINK,to pause and PENETRATE to the ROOT of the MATTER.They THROW STONES merely by looking at other people."

"They call those who are not throwing stones FOOLISH.
These people do not realize that although TODAY it is they who are throwing,TOMORROW they will be the TARGET automatically."

"Today you are busy exposing someone,tomorrow you will also be exposed(every action have its own anti-reaction)."

"This is the PURE RULE of the NATURE (Universe),what a person does to another day,the same will happen to him tomorrow."

"Human Being Mind & Its CHITTA (Mind Stuff ,Psyche). How to create "ONENESS"?

"Chitta has a broader meaning than the word "mind". "

"Within you there are not only weaknesses, helplessness and misconceptions in abundance."

Infinite capability, infinite wisdom and boundless joy are also present."

"There is living being who represents a small universe within himself."

"This is called the individual level.The union of the whole(gross)and the Conscious takes place within a person's body."

"If there is a disease within us, then its cure is also within us."

" You must recognize the power within and its influence."

Be established within the self and burn down our defects through "Simple way of Spirituality in daily Life."

"Human Being Mind & Its CHITTA (Mind Stuff ,Psyche). How to create "ONENESS"?

"Chitta has a broader meaning than the word "mind". "

"Chitta includes mind, intellect, ego and collections of impressions (samskaras ,Prarbdha) within one's chitta for processes occur :
abstraction and construction of images, intellect (the determinative faculty of the thought process), the presence of ego, and the predisposition formed by the impressions of one's past experience."

"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."


"Change in an INTRINSIC QUALITY of NATURE.Just like the Universe,
changes take place in the HUMAN BODY,too."

"The "SOCIAL CONDUCT "has a close relationship to Family,Society l& so forth as well in Religiosity, spirituality."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA (Mind stuff,psyche)."

"A Gentleman, True- Human, Aspirant ,Devotee do not wait for CONDUCTIVE -TIME."

"His TRAIN of Social Conduct,Dutiful Service ,Prayer & Sadhan is at the PLATFORM in every situation."

"He knows how to make the best use (Time -Management) of the given circumstances."

"He accepts every situation as GOS"S grace and live the life of Social Conduct, Dutiful Services, Religiosity & Spirituality i.e. Prayer,Japa and Sadhan as for as possible."

"For him every circumstances is a TEST, and he PASSES every TEST."

"This is where the JOURNEY of Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality begins

"This is the Basis of Social Conduct Religiosity & Spirituality."

"The Divine Power (Shakti) is every where (Living & Non- Living) in Universe.

"The Total Progress of Living & Non-living (Panch Tatawa-5 Elements) with "TheTrue Principles of Consciousness in Universe ."

1. Creating Chaitanya (Consciousness) Co-ordination among Living & Non-living ."

2. Creating Chaitanya (Consciousness),Healthy,Positive Thoughtful & Dutiful Human Being."

3. Positive effort to gain the Cosmic-Micro-Energy with Chaitanyata (Consciousness)

4. Environment Through "Human body & Universe Homologous (Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande,Vedanta Verssion) ".

5. One for All & All for One ."

6.NO POLITICS (Deceiving,Cheating ,Looting & so forth)."

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects through Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality."

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