27 Feb 2013

Human Chakra

"Must be REAd & Post to Your Friends to Destroy the shadow of Confusion among us."

"The Evolution on the Physical Plane is no less valuable.
It prepares ground for Higher Developments and makes the whole Foundation Solid for Full Development."

"These Centres are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras"and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga" as the "NADIS"."

"It is Necessary for the True Individual,Aspirant & Sadhak,to have a through True & Pure Knowledge of the different YOGIS PLEXUS.".

"It may Sound Strange ,but the fact is that the Anatomy of the human Body Today is Far from that of the Anatomy of the Human study of Centres (Chakras) which are Hidden from us must begin with the observation of their functions which are quite open for Investigation."

"These Chakras cannot be detected by Anatomists by Dissection as actually they are more of an Astral Naturethen Physical."
"But the effect of their activity is perceptible in the Physical Body."

"The most important "CHAKRAS",i.e. Plexus as follows:{1}.Mooladhar,{2}Swadhisthan,{3} Manipur, {4} Anahat ,{5}Vishudha, {6} Ajana.These plexus or chakras are connected by Energy -Currents called "NADIS".The current that establishes connections between Two Centres is called "NADIS"."

"The YOGIS Nadis are neither the veins nor the arteries nor the Nerves."

"As explained by the Sir John Woodroffs they are Chhannels of Subtle Energy and therefore with all the skillful Post-Mortem examination ,the surgeons of today is unable to find in the Human Body any such things as the "IDA",and "PINGALA",and therefore the Modern Scientists are inclined to Ridicule the Yoga Science and its."

""NADI" is commonly understood as Nreve,but in fact it is Astral and not Physical.Just as there is a WIRELESS Current between two Radio-Centres,so, in the Human Body-Frame there are innumerable centres of the Various Activities of PRANA,i.e. the Living Energy,and that these Centres are linked together by Currents Imperceptible to Ordinary Human Eye."

"These Centres are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras"and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga as the "NADIS"."
" (This is explained in SUBALOPANISHAD)"

KNOWLEDGE of Vedanta"

"Secular & Social Conductive,Religious, Spiritual are two opposite directions in which the "WILL" of a person can be made Flow."

"One has simply to put switch on ."

"The practices of' Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY' begins at 'HOME',otherwise there is no" SPIRITUAL PROGRESS."

"Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY are the Process of Extracting "ONE'S- SELF" from the Quicksand of " LUSTFUL TENDENCIES"."

"The FOG of " LUSTFUL TENDENCIES " rises again & again and covers the MIND."

"There is no shortage of People who weave Stories in this World, but "Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY" are not just a subject of Discussion."

"If it were ,the whole world would have been liberated by now."

" In"Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY" one observes the state of his CHITTA (mind stuff,psyche), the destruction of Passions and Lack of PRIDE."

22 Feb 2013


"Human life is a Universal Truth due to Virtuous Contingency."

“Nature on one hand Supports Human Being in his enjoyment or celebration but on the other hand it punishes him bitterly for the mistakes or mischief done by human being against the DIVINE NATURE."

"However while writing the RAMAYAN ,Tulsidasji, Gita, Veda Vyasji, & other Scriptures of Universe (These all the Form of Lord in WORDS FORM, Sabda Hi Brahma He (Word is Lord)) had only ONE MEANING & One emotion, feeling,faith & truth ( True & Pure Knowledge Manifests from Lord Mother Kundalini for the welfare of Living & Non Living) per stanza in their Mind & Chitta (Mind-stuff, psyche )."

"Maharajshri (Guru Tattwa) used to say that people give fifteen to twenty different meaning of each stanza of the RAMAYANA and Other Holy Scriptures and believe they are Great Intellectuals (MARMGYA)."

"In thus becomes more difficult for the listener & devotee to understand the essence of the sermon."

"In this way Mass misguided by Egoistic Intellectuals of Universe."

""SHE" {LORD MOTHER} is painted as Riding on a LION as a symbol of Strength, Courage ,Magnanimity and Majesty."

"Again,"SHE" is described in three forms according to the threefold Nature of Inertia,Activity ,and Peace."

"This Power is the Force of Creation {generating},Developing and Evolving the animate world,but ordinarily its function is according to the Lifeless Laws of Nature and is therefore said to be Asleep,."

"In human body this Power can be Awakened in the form of Psychic Force."

"In Hinduism Shakti -Upasana ,or worship of this power forms an important branch Tantric & Yogic Science."

"In this form the Lord (God) is regarded as LORD MOTHER who destroys all Obstacles and Evils in the Path of Spiritual Evolution of Soul and leads up the True Individual,Aspirant to Goal of GOD REALIZATION,in other words it is with HER assistance that a Soul attains perfection through its union with the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT--SHIVA (LORD,GOD)."

""SHE" is painted as riding on a LION as a symbol of strength,courage ,magnanimity and majesty."

"The picture also denotes the fact that when the Kundalini is aroused in a person.She rides the Lion of Yoga which roars like a hungry Lion in the body and begins to devour the weakness (flesh) of the Yogi."

"The Shakti is with HER numerous kinds of weapons begins to wage war on the animal passions which form the strong army of SATAN and always hinder Spiritual Advancement,killing them one by one,till every one of them has been to the last overpowered and killed."

"In certain parts if India Goats & Buffaloes are slaughtered for appeasing the GODDESS,unfortunately the followers of the Sect not understanding the Real & True meaning of Sacrifice,slaughter animals instead of sacrificing their own flesh in the Fire of Prayer,Japa,Sadhan & Yoga and offering their animal passions and Carnal Desires to the " MIGHTY LOVING MOTHER"."

"Again,"SHE" is described in three forms according to the threefold Nature of Inertia,Activity ,and Peace."

"The Divine Power of 'OM"action in universe that works under the power of Shiva- Parvati -

"SHE" {LORD MOTHER,PARVATI }is described in three forms according to the threefold Nature of Inertia,Activity ,and Peace."

''Om'', Aa -Brahma, U - Vishnu, M - Mahesh. GOD: (Lord -Being)"

G-Generator, O-Operator, D-Destroyer.(GOD) ... - Shiva(Lord) as Brahma, when the act of creation ... His Kriyashkti -''Mahasaraswati''

"When you make the task of operation their Kriyashkti -''Mahalakshmi''

" When his Kriyashkti acts of destruction -''Mahakali''

"Serve as the Mahamrityunjaya his Kriyashkti -'' Baglamukhi''

"Shiva & Shakti(God) the Annatta(infinite), all automatic actions (creation, execution, destroy, etc.) engaged in the Parmeshwari or Power is Parvati."

"Human life is a Universal Truth due to Virtuous Contingency."

“Nature on one hand Supports Human Being in his enjoyment or celebration but on the other hand it punishes him bitterly for the mistakes or mischief done by human being against the DIVINE NATURE."
*~ Guru Tattwa Shri Shivom Tirhji ~*

"Divine saints and wise men are continuously following the universal laws of the nature by indulging themselves in it."

" Saints and great person reveal the facts of merits and demerits, profits and loss, joy and sorrow of the nature through the deep study of it."

"They bless mankind by telling them for their welfare that does this, “your life will always be happy’. If you will do that “you will have to bear or to endure the pain and sufferings. But at last they also say, “Do, as you wish”."
(Abstracted from book "Prarabdha Divya Path".)

"It is the Subtle Management of Visible & Invisible Universe for betterment of Life for Ever."

"The Six "SUKHAS" (HAPPINESS) of Precious Life."
"The first one is Good Health. That is above all the SUKHAS."

"The Second one is a Sufficient amount of Wealth."
"The Third Sukha is a Loyal Wife."

"The fourth is obedient Children."
"The fifth Sukha is patronage of the Government &
"The sixth and the last is Good neighborhood."

"A lucky person gets all the Sukhas when is Prarabdha (destiny created by past karma) is

"Life is a struggle and the more fortitude a person acquires for steering off its ups and downs, the better fitted he is to live in it."

"The Total Activities of our Precious Life are WITHIN the Boundaries of TIME."
"The Wilted Flower cannot Bloom Again."

A Leaf Torn from the tree cannot be attached Again."
"A Dead person cannot come for Life Again."

"And TIME that has gone by cannot come Back."
"TIME has a FLOW like AIR & Water."

"The Flow of TIME never stops; it never pauses."

"Day & Night are in the Boundaries of Time.Birth & Death are in the Boundaries of TIME."
"The Total Activities of our Precious Life are WITHIN the Boundaries of TIME."

The Entire Divine Play (Invisible) of Prarabdha (destiny created by Past Karma) is also BOUND by TIME."

"Far & Near, Visible - Invisible, Up- Down - where the universe has extended itself, the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is engaged in everything. Withdrawing the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) from the Universe is nothing other than the discernment of permanent Transient. This is the Detachment. This is the Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity."

"Do not be afraid of the Illusion
It is misconception of Mind & chitta
Do not tremble
do not be afraid
at each instant
everything is Divinity.

In your heart & mind
in the Universe
every moment
is living breath is Life force (prana shakti).

You can always
even now
go beyond
the Destroy illusion.

It is spark this Divine force
of Harmony and Unconditional Love
to break down the walls &layers of
Illusion in mind & chitta
to escape from Illusion."


"The Five Good Advices for Precious Life."

1."Remain balanced both in Favorable & Unfavorable Circumstances."

2."Surrender completely and nor HALF - HEATEDLY before our GOD. Pray before HIM Unselfishly."

3." Work & Karma (actions ) without attachment."

4."Discipline yourself before Discilining others."

5. Do not Feelings of Good and Bad. Remain above the Both."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

"For this everybody should be chant the Mantra given by Sadaguru Swami Shivom Thirthji Maharaj and Maa Bagulamukhi at the fix time 7.00 - 7.15 A.M. daily in the Homes, Temples (all types), Churchs (all types), Bodha-Chaityalayas (all types), All Holy Places(all types), Gurudwaras(all types) and all the Holly Places according to their own emotion & worship as well in HOME."

18 Feb 2013

Mata Parvati.

"DUALITY (Dvaita) v\s NON-DUALITY (Advaita)" {This is Unique Principle for Every body}."


"We ought to gain strength from HIM and makes ourselves "WORTHY of HIS UNION"."

♥ ॐ♥ "OM"="MA'♥ ॐ♥

"The Ancient and Mysterious Divine Mother Kundalini, spoken of in all the world’s Great Religions as Isis, Mary, Maya, Cybele, Ima, Hera,Maa, Amma, Shakti ( divine Power), Durga, Athena, and countless more & more."

"In Sanskrit the letter "M" means "SHIVA" or the "ADHYATAMA-BHAVA,the alphabet letter "A" means "BRAHMA"(LORD),the creator."

"This Rule is Applicable to Every One."

"One thing should be remembered: Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity) & Spirituality."

"Evolution of Life to GOD realization is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the real EVOLUTION."

"Every Child when born and even animal off spings CRY "MA",."

"The sound commences with 'M' and ends with 'A'. The sound "MA"means MOTHER."

"In Sanskrit the letter "M" means "SHIVA" or the "ADHYATAMA-BHAVA,the alphabet letter "A" means "BRAHMA"(LORD),the creator."

"The sound therefore denotes CREATION."

"The same sound reversed sounds "OM",a syllable repetition of which leads to REALIZATION of GOD,or AWAKENS EVOLUTION."

"Human being through Shiv-Shakti (OM)
Shiva's Bhakti to Shakti..."

"Shakti dances because Shiva wanted it."
"He Himself lying down inactive, allowing dance,
and His Heart is a Shakti's dance floor."

"Random Dance of Energy happening.
"When Shakti's party is over, by being reabsorbed back into Shiva, Shiva cannot resist a dance,so He's taking the form of Nataraj."

"Conscious Dance of Energy happening."

"Shiva and Shakti Lord & His divine power)are both present in Nataraj."

"So Two God & Goddess...as One."

"They cannot be without each-other,as Their Nature is the same."

"शिव की शक्ति पार्वती की क्रिया शक्ति निम्नानुसार कार्य करती है - ''ऊँ'', अ-ब्रह्मा, उ-विष्णु, म्‌-महेश ।GOD : G- Generator, O- Operator, D- Destroyer
- जब शिव सृजन का कार्य ब्रह्मा के रूप में करते हैं तो... उनकी क्रियाशक्ति - ''महासरस्वती''

- जब पालन का कार्य करते हैं तो उनकी क्रियाशक्ति - ''महालक्ष्मी''

- जब संहार का कार्य करते हैं तो उनकी क्रियाशक्ति - ''महाकाली''

- जब महामृत्युंजय के रूप में कार्य करते हैं तो उनकी क्रियाशक्ति - ''महा बगलामुखी''

- जब शिव संसार के समस्त कार्यों (सृजन, पालन, संहार आदि) में लगे रहते हैं तो परमेश्वरी या महाशक्ति पार्वती होती हैं ।

प्रत्येक मानव को जीव-निर्जीव कल्याण के लिए निम्न मंत्र का जाप नियत समय पर प्रतिदिन करना चाहिए ।

''ऊँ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं हिलीम्‌ ऊँ जीव-निर्जीव कल्याणकारी परम्‌-माँ परमेश्वरी नमो नमः ॥''

"The power of action(subtle) of Lord & His Divine power in universe that works under the power of Shiva- Parvati -''Om'', Aa -Brahma, u - Vishnu, M - Mahesh. GOD: G-Generator, O-Operator, D-Destroyer.

- Shiva as Brahma, when the act of creation ... His Kriyashkti -''Mahasaraswati''

- When you make the task of operation their Kriyashkti -''Mahalakshmi''
- When his Kriyashkti acts of destruction -''Mahakali''

- Serve as the Mahamrityunjaya his Kriyashkti -'' Baglamukhi''

- Shiva the world, all actions (creation, execution, destroy, etc.) engaged in the Parmeshwari or power is Parvati.

Every human life - being dead the following day at the appointed time should be chanted.

ऊँ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं हिलीम्‌ ऊँ जीव-निर्जीव कल्याणकारी परम्‌-माँ परमेश्वरी नमो नमः ॥''

15 Feb 2013


"What is KUNDALINI SHAKTI {Consciousness of divine power,spiritual Energy,Spiritual Power}: JADA (matter,Gross)
or Chetana( consciousness"?

"The Ancient and Mysterious(Subtle,non visible) Divine Mother Kundalini, spoken of in all the world’s Great Religions as Isis, Mary, Maya, Cybele, Ima, Hera, Shakti,Mahaswarswati, Durga, Athena, and countless more."

"The important things is Inner Awakening rather than Philosophies,Paths,Doctrines or Feelings."

"Here the Question is not of Accumulating ,but of Emptying i.e.SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY."

"SHAKTI {spiritual Energy,Spiritual Power} of the hree types: Jada (gross) Chetana (consciousness) & Chaitnya (the conscious - self or universal consciousness)."

"The Jada - Shakti is that energy which manifests in non living matter e,g. the power of lighting,thunder,hydro power,wind power."

"Such energy is raw power without any capacity to regulate itself."

"An electric Fan,for example: cannot shut itself off even the blast of air from it is no longer needed."

"The second type of power,Chetana Shakti,is that which regiuate the Senses,Mind,Intellect and ego."

"It manifests itself as the power of discrimination of the Human intellect and distinguishes between good and bad."

"The third power is Chaitnya Shkti(the conscious - self or universal consciousness) which is at the root of manifestationn of this external world."

"Rivers,mountains,oceans,seas ,birds ,animals,sun ,moon,stars and space are all created by it."

"All that can be seen and perceived is the result of the vibration of this power."

"This universal power,when acting in a body through the medium of senses and performing worldly deeds,is called conscious power."

"Similarly ,when Chetana Shakti is awakened,activated and made introspective,it purifies the CHITTA {mind stuff,psyche} & becomes SHAKTI (divine power) itself."

"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

"Just as solitude is necessary for "SPIRITUAL PRACTICES",so purification of CONDUCT is possible only through "SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT."

13 Feb 2013

Knowledge of Vedanta


"The World generally salutes Miracles, but those who salute not understand The Social , Religious & "SPIRITUAL."

"The Siddha PURUS (Spiritual Magnates, a person who has attainments) is one who has attained the SIDDHI of Self- Realization."

"This means the Self- Realization is not the real SIDDHI."

"Such a Siddha PURUS(Spiritual Magnates,a person who has attainments) does not interfere in the work of Lord (God)."

"He does not go against the Laws of Nature,and even if he been Ordered to do so by GOD."

"A person who has attained Siddhis but is not Self- Realized interfered in the activities and decisions of God if he makes use of them."

"He does them in the name of public welfare but is feeling his EGO within."

"As a result there comes a DAY when he is self only with his Siddhis,bereft of public welfare. THIS LEADS to HIS DOWNFALL."

"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

"Just as solitude is necessary for "SPIRITUAL PRACTICES",so purification of CONDUCT is possible only through "SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT."

"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity(RELIGION;the code of righteousness) & Spirituality(selflessness) can be atained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

"The practices of' Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY' begins at 'HOME',otherwise there is no" SPIRITUAL PROGRESS in our Precious LIFE."

"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY."

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects through Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality."

"The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

12 Feb 2013


Photo: Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji "The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"The Cause of Fear is the Ignorance (Agyan, Ajnan, Illusion) of the Individual."

*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

"The Cause of Fear is the Ignorance of the Individual."

"It is through Ignorance that he sees the world."

"Either he dashes toward the world ,or he is Frightened."

"All this is the Mind's Imagination.When the Mind becomes silent,Imagination is also silenced, and then attachment for, and fear of this world disappear."

"The mind is the Casual Force,both in bondage and Moksha (Liberation)."

"Burdens, resolves, thoughts- they all reside only in the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"It is simply question of when the Mind becomes free of Imagination, the Soul is already free to begin with."

"Divine Nature of Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) as well as DIVINE NATURE (Universe)"

"The Guru Tattwa & Prarabdha is the subtle awareness of inner experiences in a pilgrimage to the TIMELESS Omniscience of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS."

"It is a Purified Meditative Universe of mind & Chitta  to transform our Subtle Environment into Poise & Serenity :

"Who speaks Sound of Silence
"Who paints the Image in a Divine Sight
"Where are the Spectacles in a Dream
"Lotus pollen wakes is free from Mind & Chitta
"Where do the Color & fragrance emerges from
"Nowhere at all -
"THAT'S the NATURE of MIND & Chitta as well as DIVINE NATURE."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"The control of the senses is necessary for control of mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

" It is called "Sadhan Karma (actions)" and "Worldly Conduct " "WAY of Precious Life"."

"Attainment of Yoga & Meditation (unioin with the Supreme Spirit) is extremely difficult so long as Karma (action) and Way of Life is not ALIGNED."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"The SENSE of REVENGE is the Tendency of a WRETCH."

"It makes a man blind.It Forces him to walk the path of EVIL,and by destroying the Feeling of LOVE increases,attachment and Aversion in the Heart & MIND."

"A person who Burns in the Fire of REVENGE cannot sleep Peacefully at Night."

"The Heart & Mind ,unable to concentrate on any type of work,worldly ,Socially,Religiously,Spiritually. & so forth."

"A living being who has FALLEN into the Fire of Revenge is setting the stage to Burn in this Fire of Lifetimes."


"RIGHTEOUS ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
*~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~*

Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
*♥ ॐ♥"~~~*♥ ॐ♥"~~~*~~~♥ ॐ♥"~~~~~~~~♥ ॐ♥"~~~♥ ॐ♥ ॐ♥"~~~*♥*


"RIGHTEOUS ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
*~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~*


"Pray for its WELFARE."

"Endeavors to dispel its Grief ."

"But do not harbor the hope that in your Time of Need the World will Treat You in the same manner."

"It is Possible that the world will be Develop a feeling of Hatred toward You."

Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
*♥ ॐ♥"~~~*♥ ॐ♥"~~~*~~~♥ ॐ♥"~~~~~~~~♥ ॐ♥"~~~♥ ॐ♥ ॐ♥"~~~*♥*

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
*~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha ~*

"It is the Direction of the FLOW of the SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS & SPIRITUAL ENERGY which is DECIDER of the HUMAN & HUMAN BEHAVIOUR."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

♥ ॐ♥"What is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & PEACE? ♥ ॐ♥"
"To Realize Reality." {Total Cosmic Force}"
"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?
"To do no Evils in action(Karma), Mind & Thoughts."

"What is the Reality?
"Selflessness every Moment."

"The Heart & Mind inquired of the SOUL:
"What is the Beginning of this Subtle Bushiness ?
"What its end, and what its fruits ?
"The Soul answered:
"The begging of it is The Annihilation of Self,
"Its end Faithfulness,
"And its Fruit Immortality."

"The Heart & Mind asked:
"What is Annihilation ?
"What is Faithfulness ?
"What is Immorality ?


*~Guru Tattwa, Sufi Kalam, Prarabdha ~*

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY."

"Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality i.e. Guru Tattwa,Prarabdha."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an holistic approach, promoting health, education and enterprise; facilitating independence not dependence."
*~Guru Tattwa, Prarabdha ~*

"Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" "ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*

"The Cause of Fear is the Ignorance (Agyan, Ajnan, Illusion) of the Individual."


"The Cause of Fear is the Ignorance of the Individual."

"It is through Ignorance that he sees the world."

"Either he dashes toward the world ,or he is Frightened."

"All this is the Mind's Imagination.When the Mind becomes silent,Imagination is also silenced, and then attachment for, and fear of this world disappear."

"The mind is the Casual Force,both in bondage and Moksha (Liberation)."

"Burdens, resolves, thoughts- they all reside only in the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"It is simply question of when the Mind becomes free of Imagination, the Soul is already free to begin with."

"Divine Nature of Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) as well as DIVINE NATURE (Universe)"

"The Guru Tattwa & Prarabdha is the subtle awareness of inner experiences in a pilgrimage to the TIMELESS Omniscience of COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS."

"It is a Purified Meditative Universe of mind & Chitta to transform our Subtle Environment into Poise & Serenity :

"Who speaks Sound of Silence
"Who paints the Image in a Divine Sight
"Where are the Spectacles in a Dream
"Lotus pollen wakes is free from Mind & Chitta
"Where do the Color & fragrance emerges from
"Nowhere at all -
"THAT'S the NATURE of MIND & Chitta as well as DIVINE NATURE."

"The control of the senses is necessary for control of mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

" It is called "Sadhan Karma (actions)" and "Worldly Conduct " "WAY of Precious Life"."

"Attainment of Yoga & Meditation (unioin with the Supreme Spirit) is extremely difficult so long as Karma (action) and Way of Life is not ALIGNED."

"The SENSE of REVENGE is the Tendency of a WRETCH."

"It makes a man blind.It Forces him to walk the path of EVIL,and by destroying the Feeling of LOVE increases,attachment and Aversion in the Heart & MIND."

"A person who Burns in the Fire of REVENGE cannot sleep Peacefully at Night."

"The Heart & Mind ,unable to concentrate on any type of work,worldly ,Socially,Religiously,Spiritually. & so forth."

"A living being who has FALLEN into the Fire of Revenge is setting the stage to Burn in this Fire of Lifetimes."


"Pray for its WELFARE."

"Endeavors to dispel its Grief ."

"But do not harbor the hope that in your Time of Need the World will Treat You in the same manner."

"It is Possible that the world will be Develop a feeling of Hatred toward You."

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."

"It is the Direction of the FLOW of the SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS & SPIRITUAL ENERGY which is DECIDER of the HUMAN & HUMAN BEHAVIOUR."

♥ ॐ♥"What is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & PEACE? ♥ ॐ♥"
"To Realize Reality." {Total Cosmic Force}"
"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?
"To do no Evils in action(Karma), Mind & Thoughts."

"What is the Reality?
"Selflessness every Moment."

"The Heart & Mind inquired of the SOUL:
"What is the Beginning of this Subtle Bushiness ?
"What its end, and what its fruits ?
"The Soul answered:
"The begging of it is The Annihilation of Self,
"Its end Faithfulness,
"And its Fruit Immortality."

"The Heart & Mind asked:
"What is Annihilation ?
"What is Faithfulness ?
"What is Immorality ?


"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an holistic approach, promoting health, education and enterprise; facilitating independence not dependence."

8 Feb 2013

Vedic Books


"Doubt is the Worst of all Feelings among Human."
"Doubts have ruined Holy Places in INDIA as well as in UNIVERSE more than anything else.!?"

"Faith and doubt are at opposite ends."

"It turns even GOD into a DEMON."

"Doubt creates discord among happy families and destroy them."

:Doubt shakes the Foundation of happy ,Prosperous and Strong Family ,Society & Country so forth."

"Doubt can poison the loving and sweet relation of father & son,wife & husband,guru & disciple and between friends & so forth."

"Doubts have ruined Holy Places in INDIA as well as in UNIVERSE more than anything else.!

"Doubt has cracked the faith of individual being,aspirant & devotee and made them worldly,and made holy places unholy."

"The perspective of a true individual,aspirant & devotee or Sadhak is totally different from that of the Slippery World."

"No body can bind Lord (God) in any definition,description or explanation."

"WE understand that these differences about Lord (God) are due to different perspectives and experiences."

"Doubt is the worst of all feelings among human."
"It turns even GOD into a DEMON."


"The Truth is that our MIND is a PURE- TEMPLE,it is the COTTAGE of NARAYAN (GOD),it is the PLACEof PRAYER ,JAPA & SADHAN."

"A TEMPLE has to BUILT,an IDOL has to be PLACED in it,then it is necessary to INVOKE the DEITY into the "IDOL',and then daily prayers must be Performed in the TEMPLE."

"One has to walk a TEMPLE."

"IN The TEMPLE of the OUR MIND there is NONE of this.No constructions.no IDOL,no INVOCATIONS,nor does one have to WALK anywhere."

"Whenever we wish peer inside the OUR MIND and SEE NARAYAN (GOD)."


'THE PATH that LEADS to UNION with NARAYAN (GOD) goes through the OUR MIND."

" Difference between Pride & False Pride of individual beings of Universe"

"If you have wealth and you are proud of it, then it is pride."

" But suppose you do not have wealth and are proud of someone else’s wealth. That is false pride."

" It ...an individual doesn’t have strength, but is proud of it, that also is false pride."

"Everything a human being acquired in this world is not his, because it can be taken away from him at anytime."

" In spite of this he taken pride in his belongings. This is false. A person has no strength, but he portrays himself as invincible."

" A person is not intelligent, but believes himself to be the most intelligent person in the world. Without possessing any qualities he behave as it he is perfect."

"All this is false pride."