27 Feb 2013

Human Chakra

"Must be REAd & Post to Your Friends to Destroy the shadow of Confusion among us."

"The Evolution on the Physical Plane is no less valuable.
It prepares ground for Higher Developments and makes the whole Foundation Solid for Full Development."

"These Centres are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras"and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga" as the "NADIS"."

"It is Necessary for the True Individual,Aspirant & Sadhak,to have a through True & Pure Knowledge of the different YOGIS PLEXUS.".

"It may Sound Strange ,but the fact is that the Anatomy of the human Body Today is Far from that of the Anatomy of the Human study of Centres (Chakras) which are Hidden from us must begin with the observation of their functions which are quite open for Investigation."

"These Chakras cannot be detected by Anatomists by Dissection as actually they are more of an Astral Naturethen Physical."
"But the effect of their activity is perceptible in the Physical Body."

"The most important "CHAKRAS",i.e. Plexus as follows:{1}.Mooladhar,{2}Swadhisthan,{3} Manipur, {4} Anahat ,{5}Vishudha, {6} Ajana.These plexus or chakras are connected by Energy -Currents called "NADIS".The current that establishes connections between Two Centres is called "NADIS"."

"The YOGIS Nadis are neither the veins nor the arteries nor the Nerves."

"As explained by the Sir John Woodroffs they are Chhannels of Subtle Energy and therefore with all the skillful Post-Mortem examination ,the surgeons of today is unable to find in the Human Body any such things as the "IDA",and "PINGALA",and therefore the Modern Scientists are inclined to Ridicule the Yoga Science and its."

""NADI" is commonly understood as Nreve,but in fact it is Astral and not Physical.Just as there is a WIRELESS Current between two Radio-Centres,so, in the Human Body-Frame there are innumerable centres of the Various Activities of PRANA,i.e. the Living Energy,and that these Centres are linked together by Currents Imperceptible to Ordinary Human Eye."

"These Centres are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras"and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga as the "NADIS"."
" (This is explained in SUBALOPANISHAD)"

KNOWLEDGE of Vedanta"

"Secular & Social Conductive,Religious, Spiritual are two opposite directions in which the "WILL" of a person can be made Flow."

"One has simply to put switch on ."

"The practices of' Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY' begins at 'HOME',otherwise there is no" SPIRITUAL PROGRESS."

"Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY are the Process of Extracting "ONE'S- SELF" from the Quicksand of " LUSTFUL TENDENCIES"."

"The FOG of " LUSTFUL TENDENCIES " rises again & again and covers the MIND."

"There is no shortage of People who weave Stories in this World, but "Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY" are not just a subject of Discussion."

"If it were ,the whole world would have been liberated by now."

" In"Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY" one observes the state of his CHITTA (mind stuff,psyche), the destruction of Passions and Lack of PRIDE."

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