22 Jan 2014

Indian Wedding Oath

Indian Wedding Oath

Very few people know about these 7 Secrets of first day of Marriage by Kroy

According to shastras, there are 16 sanskars, out of which marriage is one of the most important one. Usually people after getting married for some time, tend to forget about their first day after marriage. Today we are goingto tell you seven important things about first day of marriage, remembering which is going to prove beneficial to you.

During the marriage of a Hindu couple, both of them swear of 7 oaths after which only the marriage is understood to be complete.
Click on this to know these oaths…
During marriage, the bride takes the

first oath –
तीर्थव्रतोद्यापनयज्ञ दानं मया सह त्वं यदि कान्तकुर्या:
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं जगाद वाक्यं प्रथमं कुमारी।।
This means that the Husband will do all fast, Udayapan, donation, etc, with his wife only. This will only prove them to be husband-wife.

Second oath –
हव्यप्रदानैरमरान् पितृश्चं कव्यं प्रदानैर्यदि पूजयेथा:
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं जगाद कन्या वचनं द्वितीयकम्।।
The bride takes the second oath too and swears that her husband that he will worship Gods by offering them Havya and worship ancestors by offering them Kavya and only then she will be his wife.

Third oath –
कुटुम्बरक्षाभरंणं यदि त्वं कुर्या: पशूनां परिपालनं च।
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं जगाद कन्या वचनं तृतीयम्।।
As per this shloka, the bride says to the groom that if you take care of me and my family and also animals, then I become your wife.

Fourth Oath –
आयं व्ययं धान्यधनादिकानां पृष्टवा निवेशं प्रगृहं निदध्या:।।
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं जगाद कन्या वचनं चतुर्थकम्।।
In this oath, the bride says to the groom that if you will earn and save money with my suggestion and acceptance than I become your wife.

Fifth oath –
देवालयारामतडागकूपं वापी विदध्या:यदि पूजयेथा:
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं जगाद कन्या वचनं पंचमम्।।
In this oath, the bride says to the groom that if you make Yatha Shakti Devalaya, garden, well and pond, I will become your wife.

Sixth oath –
देशान्तरे वा स्वपुरान्तरे वा यदा विदध्या:क्रयविक्रये त्वम्।
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं जगाद कन्या वचनं षष्ठम्।।
As per this shloka, the bride says to the groom that if you do a business in your city, state, country or even abroad and take care of our family, and me I will become your wife.

Seventh oath –
सेवनीया परिकी यजाया त्वया भवेभाविनि कामनीश्च।
वामांगमायामि तदा त्वदीयं जगाद कन्या वचनं सप्तम्।।

In this last oath, the bride says to the groom that if in life you will never touch any other woman apart from me then I will become your wife.

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