31 Mar 2020

Lock Down: Lets Live & Let Live!

First time happened Everything!!

* Birds Chirping / Sang in Town.
* Bells & Shankh Sound comes out from every house at evening.
* People recognized their neighbor in apartments.
* Cows, Dogs and other Animals moved happily on the roads.
* Mother Earth got little Peace from Pollution & Sounds.
* Got Less Air pollution and trees looked fresh / greened.
* Entire Family lived and laughed under one roof.
* Got time to talk with relatives and friends after long days.

Sure for First time.
Nature takes control on human being, never allowed to step out.

Perhaps for first time
Everyone prayed lord & said: Oh God Please save us!
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Really, We people have changed our lifestyle due to work, late night due to Facebook, WhatsApp, Social medias and something more.

So what this lock down want to say that - take care of your life in healthy ways again.

1. We can alter our sleep cycle and manage it in a good way.
2. We can get up early in the morning, warm up a bit and practice any home Exercise / workout & yoga / meditation then we will have good health (immunity will develop) and peaceful mind.
3. We can take our food in proper timing so that we will have a good function of digestion system.
4. Avoid the use of phones till late night will allow our eyes to get rest, less stress on our mind.
5. Avoid the using of stimulants as we will be having less work stress in the present.
6. Let live to other creatures in this earth and specially take care of Nature.
7. Keep practice on basic .....

This will be the best things to be fit and fine always to save ourselves & our Earth.
This Lock Down is a Reminder to Human Being.
Lets Live and Let Live.

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