9 Nov 2016


The Truth Behind Money and Human Life !!

इंसान भी कितना अनोखा जीव है!!.
पहले भगवान के आगे हाथ जोड़ कर धन - संपत्ति मांगता है !
फिर गर्व से उसी भगवान को दान देकर, नीचे अपना नाम लिखा कर अपनी श्रेष्ठता सिद्ध करता है !
इंसान पहले पैसा पाने के लिए अपना स्वास्थ्य खो देता है। फिर स्वास्थ्य को पाने के लिए पैसा और समय खो देता है.

Life is all about balancing everything but what we do, waste of time behind money with hard work. Due to this restless job we get tired, being stress.. may earn more but don't take care of health properly as a result at the end we spent all our earning at medical.

Money is not life...
I said to money you are just a piece of paper. money smiled and said : "Of course I am a piece of paper! but I have not seen a dustbin yet in my life.

Then asked self. A reply from Heart...
Money is like Salt. It is necessary but spoil excess than require.

With money, you can buy a house, but not a home.
With money, you can buy a clock, but not time.
With money, you can buy a bed, but not sleep.
With money, you can buy a book, but not knowledge.
With money, you can buy a position, but not respect.
With money, you can buy blood, but not life.
With money, you buy sex, but not love.

Life is short, So live your life.

Never focus on earn more money to do good works, rather do good works it can earn money more.


Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion. -Simon Sinek.

Working Towards Success Will Make You a Master But Working Towards Satisfaction Makes You A Legend.  - jemish goti.

Happiness starts with you. Not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your money, but with you.

15 Oct 2016

Peace of Mind

Having 'Peace of Mind' is not a strenuous job,
it is an effortless process so keep your mind cool and have a great life ahead.

"What is wrong with human of becoming angry?"
1)   Stay away from Anger. It hurts. Only You!
2)   If you are right then there is no need to get angry,
3)   And if you are wrong then you don't have any right to get angry.
4)   Patience with family is love,
5)   Patience with others is respect.
6)   Patience with self is confidence and Patience with GOD is faith.
7)   Never Think Hard about the PAST, It brings Tears...
8)   Don't think more about the FUTURE, It brings Fear...
9)   Live this Moment with a Smile, It brings Cheer.
10)  Every test in our life makes us bitter or better,
11)  Every problem comes to make us or break us,
12)  The choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious.
13)  Beautiful things are not always good but good things are always beautiful
14)  Happiness keeps You Sweet. But being sweet brings happiness.
15)  Do you know why God created gaps between fingers? So that someone who is special to you comes and fills those gaps by holding your hand forever. 

Never leave Your close ones, if you find few faults in them.
Just close Your eyes 'n Remember the best time You spent together,
because Affection is More Important than Perfection.
Neither you can hug yourself, nor you can cry on your own shoulder.
Life is all about living for one another, so live with those who love you the most.
Relations cannot be Understood by the Language of Money.
Because some Investments Never Give Profit but They Make us rich.
"Family n Friends are such Investments"

There is no Association / Good Friend circle better than your family.
Beautiful explanation by Swami Vivekananda:
Explaining the meaning of ‘Association’. He said: “The rain drop from the sky,
if it is caught in hands is pure enough for drinking.
If it falls in gutter, it’s value drops so much that it can’t be used for washing the feet.
If it falls on hot surface, it perishes.
If it falls on lotus leaf, it shines like a pearl
and finally, if it falls on oyster, it becomes a pearl.
The drop is same, but it’s existence & worth depends on with whom it associates.”

Coffee never knew that it would taste so nice and sweet, before it met milk and sugar.
We are good as individuals but become better when we meet and blend with the right people.
Stay Connected. "The world is full of nice people... If you can't find one... Be the one.!!"

How can you be a " Good Human" or " Happy Soul"?
Definition provided by Buddhist Lamas...
A Happy Soul is one who…
1)  stops trying to change others, but instead focus on changing self.
2)  accepts people for who they are.
3)  understands that everyone is right in one's own perspective.
4)  learns to "let go".
5)  able to drop expectations from every relationship and gives for the sake of giving.
6)  understands that whatever we do, we do it for our own peace.
7)  stops proving to the world, how intelligent one is.
8)  does not seek approval from others.
9)  stops comparing with others.
10)  peace with oneself.
11)  able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and is able to let go of one's wants.
12)  stops attaching "happiness" to material things.

1)   Body gets purified... by WATER & EXERCISE.
2)   Breathe gets purified... by YOGA - PRANAYAM.
3)   Mind gets purified... by MEDITATION.
4)   Intellect gets purified... by KNOWLEDGE.
5)   Memory gets purified... by REMEMBER & THINK.
6)   Ego gets purified... by SERVICE.
7)   Self gets purified... by SILENCE .
8)   Food gets purified... by POSITIVE THOUGHTS. (Care while cooking & eating).
9)   Wealth gets purified... by GIVING/DONATING.
10) Feelings gets purified... by LOVE.
So Spread Goodness all around. Think, Act, Speak ..... POSITIVE.

13 Oct 2016

Never disturbed.

You will find great relief, if you are disturbed.

Once Buddha was traveling with a few of his followers. While they were passing a lake, Buddha told one of his disciples, "I am thirsty. Do get me some water from the lake there."

The disciple walked up to the lake. At that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake.
As a result, the water became very muddy and turbid. 
The disciple thought, "How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink?"

So he came back and told Buddha, "The water in there is very muddy. I don't think it is fit to drink."After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake. 

The disciple went back, and found that the water was still muddy. He returned and informed Buddha about the same.After sometime, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back.

This time, the disciple found the mud had settled down, and the water was clean and clear.
So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha. 

Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said, "See what you did to make the water clean. You let it be, and the mud settled down on its own, and you have clear water."
Your mind is like that too! 
When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own.
You don't have to put in any effort to calm it down. It will happen. It is effortless."

26 Jun 2016

Never put an Advice !!

Never put an Advice!!
It may loose your values.
Many times we like to put an advice to anyone by judging at their situation. 

1. Sometimes not liking something wrong - to change we try to advice but we forget they don't listen to us. Only whom they know very well, respects or like. So never judge and change something.
If you don't like a Rule…Just Follow it…Reach on the Top…And Change the Rule. -Adolf Hitler.

2. Sometimes thinking self smart - we put an advice more (start explain ). but here Just follow the quote..
Never explain yourself to anyoneBecause the person who likes you doesn't need it and the person who dislikes you won't believe it. ~  Dave Hedges 

It's better to leave them without any advice. They will understand by their own way. But never try to Explain right or wrong of something or wait till someone ask you to share view. 

If you put an advice without permission then you will be categorize as fake as per bellow thought..
when you ask someone an advice then thousands will come but when you ask thousands for a help nobody comes,- Unknown

The demerit of advice is - 
it make clarity between two person's quality.
it simply makes distinction - An adviser is at higher and listener is at lower. We know human nature- he/she never want defeat. So nobody wants to find own-self at lower part. Sometimes it hurts them inside, human mind never accepts own-self as low standard. So sometimes listener too replies as he/she also knows everything. Therefore advice creates reply then reply turns to argument then turns to fight.

Don't put advice unnecessary. An advice is in far distance. only Small Explanation and excuse are also not acceptable.
So Quit free advice.

The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people...the more peaceful your life will become.― Mandy Hale

Always be a good listener. A good listener can be a good speaker, a good guider and a good peacemaker.

13 May 2016

Your silly mistake can add poison in life !!

Your Silly mistake can add poison in life !!

Question @ how ?
Answer @ after little fight or argument with someone.
So we always talk - he/she is wrong.

Question @ have ever think - what does that person think about you ?
Answer @ Same - he/she is wrong.

Question @ Actually who is right ??
Answer- Nobody.

Fact is we people are good judge of others and a good lawyer of self. We never accept our mistakes.

Only we accept/like what is meant for us. After that we search for solution or peace. We people never look for peace and discipline.

Solutions through few thoughts and Quotes :-

  1. Be kind - Being kind is much more important than being right, sometimes what a person needs, isn't a brilliant mind that speaks but a patient heart that listens-  - Chikku George Thomas.
  2. A meaningful silence is better than a meaningless words. - Unknown
  3. Kindness creates coolness, patience and  smile.
  4. Forget and forgive, Not Revenge and Regret- Remember The first to APOLOGIZE is the bravest, the first to FORGIVE is the Strongest and the first to FORGET is the Happiest.  - Unknown.
  5. No one in this world is pure and perfect. if you hate/avoid people for their mistakes, you will always be alone. So Judge Less and Love More. - Unknown.
  6. If you Judge someone it may create over smartness which can lead to put voice high.
  7. Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." - Mother Teresa.
  8. Smile and Silence are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and Silence is the way to avoid may problems. - Unknown.
So find yourself always in peace and be the part of social discipline.