26 Jun 2016

Never put an Advice !!

Never put an Advice!!
It may loose your values.
Many times we like to put an advice to anyone by judging at their situation. 

1. Sometimes not liking something wrong - to change we try to advice but we forget they don't listen to us. Only whom they know very well, respects or like. So never judge and change something.
If you don't like a Rule…Just Follow it…Reach on the Top…And Change the Rule. -Adolf Hitler.

2. Sometimes thinking self smart - we put an advice more (start explain ). but here Just follow the quote..
Never explain yourself to anyoneBecause the person who likes you doesn't need it and the person who dislikes you won't believe it. ~  Dave Hedges 

It's better to leave them without any advice. They will understand by their own way. But never try to Explain right or wrong of something or wait till someone ask you to share view. 

If you put an advice without permission then you will be categorize as fake as per bellow thought..
when you ask someone an advice then thousands will come but when you ask thousands for a help nobody comes,- Unknown

The demerit of advice is - 
it make clarity between two person's quality.
it simply makes distinction - An adviser is at higher and listener is at lower. We know human nature- he/she never want defeat. So nobody wants to find own-self at lower part. Sometimes it hurts them inside, human mind never accepts own-self as low standard. So sometimes listener too replies as he/she also knows everything. Therefore advice creates reply then reply turns to argument then turns to fight.

Don't put advice unnecessary. An advice is in far distance. only Small Explanation and excuse are also not acceptable.
So Quit free advice.

The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people...the more peaceful your life will become.― Mandy Hale

Always be a good listener. A good listener can be a good speaker, a good guider and a good peacemaker.

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