13 May 2016

Your silly mistake can add poison in life !!

Your Silly mistake can add poison in life !!

Question @ how ?
Answer @ after little fight or argument with someone.
So we always talk - he/she is wrong.

Question @ have ever think - what does that person think about you ?
Answer @ Same - he/she is wrong.

Question @ Actually who is right ??
Answer- Nobody.

Fact is we people are good judge of others and a good lawyer of self. We never accept our mistakes.

Only we accept/like what is meant for us. After that we search for solution or peace. We people never look for peace and discipline.

Solutions through few thoughts and Quotes :-

  1. Be kind - Being kind is much more important than being right, sometimes what a person needs, isn't a brilliant mind that speaks but a patient heart that listens-  - Chikku George Thomas.
  2. A meaningful silence is better than a meaningless words. - Unknown
  3. Kindness creates coolness, patience and  smile.
  4. Forget and forgive, Not Revenge and Regret- Remember The first to APOLOGIZE is the bravest, the first to FORGIVE is the Strongest and the first to FORGET is the Happiest.  - Unknown.
  5. No one in this world is pure and perfect. if you hate/avoid people for their mistakes, you will always be alone. So Judge Less and Love More. - Unknown.
  6. If you Judge someone it may create over smartness which can lead to put voice high.
  7. Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." - Mother Teresa.
  8. Smile and Silence are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and Silence is the way to avoid may problems. - Unknown.
So find yourself always in peace and be the part of social discipline.

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