30 Mar 2021

Cow: Gau Mata

India is famous for its culture and Unity.

Indian Culture is a platform that holds information related to the history, culture and heritage of India.

India is home to several religions, but the most common is Hinduism at 80% of the population.

Hinduism is more than a religion. It is a culture, a way of life, and a code of behavior. This is reflected in a term Indians use to describe the Hindu religion.

Hindus are worshipers of nature’s forces like Vayu, Agni, Varuna, Indra, Prithvi and so on. They are natural forces embodied in the form of gods. Not just nature, we also have an old tradition of worshiping nature’s creations such as animals, plants and trees. One of the most venerated animal in Hinduism is the cow. 

Hindus often refer to cows as the mother of earth because they give a lot for the human race. Each and every product from a cow is beneficial to man.. Though most people raise cows for milk and other dairy products, even the manure and urine of cows are considered to have medicinal properties and serve as excellent disinfectants.

but due to our comfort zone we people have forgot the importance of cow in our daily life. where as we are loving to keep dogs inside our home. 

Now a days we people have almost a dog/vehicle in each houses. whatever we have among these, if we are giving our time to care them then why not for a cow which will provide us good health and wealth.

Simple: If we are keeping a cow in our home then we will get genuine milk and milk products which will give good health and also wealth ..Now a days we are not getting genuine products which causes many disease.

Some organisations trying to declare: Cow as the national animal.

Lets start caring our Gau Mata again. Lets keep a Cow as a domestic animal in our houses. 

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