29 Mar 2021



As we know god's greatest creation to the earth is human being.
Since ancient there were a tradition women will work at home and men will work outside home to survive life. it's heard, at that time there were always being mistreat to women. most of their life was not fair. That time Women were saying : it's men ruling time. We need freedom.

Yes' it's time to empower women. Empowerment should be only for women safety purpose where it need. Else in same way one day Men will Say : women misleading /ruling are too much. Need justice...

when ever matter comes on indiscipline, we (Human) need to correct us, to be sanskaari and good character. as we know - If your character is fine, you will be shine..
Now a days we have many news that women are doing wrong at many things...
though all women are not wrong, like that all men are not wrong.
So If anything to change then let's be a good human that will make our life peaceful. 

Woman can do everything what she want. No where it's written that Women are weak and men are strong in mental. you are not comparable to a man.. you are greater than a man....
Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. 
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.

Women self prepared for home care to make disciplined social life as they have the god gifted super qualities. The Director (God) always gives the hardest roles to His best actors!” that's why you have been given big roles : wife, daughter in law, Mother.. (more responsibilities). Only Women have the inbuilt powers by birth..that's enough to manage a home without any preparation.
You are home maker / minister. So Take care yourself and your family too.

A woman is not successful after a good earn rather A woman is successful - who manages good at home and who can make her home to heaven with her own ability.
So You need increase our ability that makes you successful where ever it may be either at office for earn money or at home for earn blessing ( Ultimate peaceful life).

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is in the heart.
A pretty face gets old. A Nice body will change. but a good woman will be a good woman.

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