6 Apr 2022

The Earth - Live & Let Live


Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only livable planet. Earth is home not just for humans but millions of other plants and species too. The water and air on the earth make it possible for life to sustain. we must protect it at all costs.

but sad to say - we human are the only creatures who are destroying it mainly in the name of civilization.

Earth means Nature, it will take care own by nature. it does not require human support.

We are now at Yr.2022 @ modern era humans and Now we are all educated, but ..

Education ...... Valueless ( Education that balance humanity and Society)

Youth..............Jobless ( job holders not as per education)

Humans.........Humanity less

Attitude ....... Careless

Kids................Manner less

Spouce....... .Fearless

we are all educated but fighting for something same way as before 5000+yrs ago... 

we everyone are facing challenges / violence's everywhere in domestic/ commercial / international (between Kids/State/Country)  .... such as fight  for a small wrong word/work ..little money/ land/.........

So how are educated...Only skills to earn more...?

* Request - Please stop War 🙏(Currently Russia & Ukraine)

Where is the moral values that will make your life  Happy and peaceful.

there are many points that can be throw against current generation humans activity as we were pointing old generation peoples... like as one example blind belief, rumours... all these were/ is/ will be in society for ever. subject is it can be increase or decrease by our good nature only.

Simple Fact - human nature will corrected by some moral lesson or from past experiences. 

Best is moving without mistake with guide and Best guider is .............you know well🙂.

Humans are the greatest creation of the God because of his brain ( only for good Nature/thoughts), not for bad natures (selfish, Greedy, lie, anger, Wrong, illusion ....)

Good nature will come from good education, education means not skilled / technical / professional educations... 

its humanity and social life balanced education, We believe In India that is in "Bhagabat Geeta".

Good literate will create good nature in us, Good nature will create Good culture then Good Society.

there are many books, upanishads, granths, veds are available In india. "Bhagabat Geeta" is for life balancing.

if we are not accepting our Bhagabat Geeta and other vedic literatures then nothing can change us.


We humans are the guest in this earth.

Life is beautiful, Live and let live.  Save the Nature, Save Lives.


वक़्त सबका आता है ! Time is important. There is a time for everything & everyone....

Time will change everything....

31 Dec 2021

We are @ 21ST CENTURY !


We are @ 21ST CENTURY !


Cooking. - Fireless











Education - Valueless


Government - Useless

Parliament - Clueless


Everything is becoming LESS (* not all are / always true like as but sometimes it seems/feel by some angle)

but still our hope in God is - Endless.

Now a days society is like this 👆👇

Death- Its is predestined but nobody wishes..

Water - It saves life but nobody reserves water.

Food - Everyone need but nobody wishes to farming.

Daughter In Law / Wife - all wants but nobody wants daughter.

Tree (Oxygen/ Shadow/ Wood/Fruit...) - Everyone Search but nobody plants.

It's time to wake up for social discipline.

30 Mar 2021

Cow: Gau Mata

India is famous for its culture and Unity.

Indian Culture is a platform that holds information related to the history, culture and heritage of India.

India is home to several religions, but the most common is Hinduism at 80% of the population.

Hinduism is more than a religion. It is a culture, a way of life, and a code of behavior. This is reflected in a term Indians use to describe the Hindu religion.

Hindus are worshipers of nature’s forces like Vayu, Agni, Varuna, Indra, Prithvi and so on. They are natural forces embodied in the form of gods. Not just nature, we also have an old tradition of worshiping nature’s creations such as animals, plants and trees. One of the most venerated animal in Hinduism is the cow. 

Hindus often refer to cows as the mother of earth because they give a lot for the human race. Each and every product from a cow is beneficial to man.. Though most people raise cows for milk and other dairy products, even the manure and urine of cows are considered to have medicinal properties and serve as excellent disinfectants.

but due to our comfort zone we people have forgot the importance of cow in our daily life. where as we are loving to keep dogs inside our home. 

Now a days we people have almost a dog/vehicle in each houses. whatever we have among these, if we are giving our time to care them then why not for a cow which will provide us good health and wealth.

Simple: If we are keeping a cow in our home then we will get genuine milk and milk products which will give good health and also wealth ..Now a days we are not getting genuine products which causes many disease.

Some organisations trying to declare: Cow as the national animal.

Lets start caring our Gau Mata again. Lets keep a Cow as a domestic animal in our houses. 

29 Mar 2021



As we know god's greatest creation to the earth is human being.
Since ancient there were a tradition women will work at home and men will work outside home to survive life. it's heard, at that time there were always being mistreat to women. most of their life was not fair. That time Women were saying : it's men ruling time. We need freedom.

Yes' it's time to empower women. Empowerment should be only for women safety purpose where it need. Else in same way one day Men will Say : women misleading /ruling are too much. Need justice...

when ever matter comes on indiscipline, we (Human) need to correct us, to be sanskaari and good character. as we know - If your character is fine, you will be shine..
Now a days we have many news that women are doing wrong at many things...
though all women are not wrong, like that all men are not wrong.
So If anything to change then let's be a good human that will make our life peaceful. 

Woman can do everything what she want. No where it's written that Women are weak and men are strong in mental. you are not comparable to a man.. you are greater than a man....
Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. 
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.

Women self prepared for home care to make disciplined social life as they have the god gifted super qualities. The Director (God) always gives the hardest roles to His best actors!” that's why you have been given big roles : wife, daughter in law, Mother.. (more responsibilities). Only Women have the inbuilt powers by birth..that's enough to manage a home without any preparation.
You are home maker / minister. So Take care yourself and your family too.

A woman is not successful after a good earn rather A woman is successful - who manages good at home and who can make her home to heaven with her own ability.
So You need increase our ability that makes you successful where ever it may be either at office for earn money or at home for earn blessing ( Ultimate peaceful life).

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is in the heart.
A pretty face gets old. A Nice body will change. but a good woman will be a good woman.

23 Mar 2021

Love and Unity : ultimate way to live the life

India is famous for it's culture and Unity.

We Indian's have many religion and we celebrate all religious festival together. It's our love and unity.

Though life is not always fare all time. Challenges come to everyone's life and to country too. In our life different type of challenges We will be face which may break our relations / unity. 

we should stand strong at all situation with our love and unity because we believe that there is no life (Success, peace and happiness) without love and unity where ever it may be in a family or in a country.

here sharing some challenges/rumors that are cause of our life spoil... 

1. Sometimes some social rumor/Proverb which are breaks human relations. like as...

Jitne Kanyaa - Utne Barh, Jitne Bhai - Utne Ghar. ( half listened /Negative Side view) 

What we people think - our family members will be selfish and will separate one day.

In Fact - Genuinely in every family it need one room for every adult. 

So if you ever hear this rumor, Please take it positive, Never break your heart and home.

2. Some times in our personal life we fight /argue for a little thing and make it unnecessary big.

* A survey brought out that 90% of the quarrels erupt due to a wrong tone of voice. Only 10% of the quarrels are due to differences in opinion. 

* Silence and smiles are two powerful tools. Smiles are the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems.

* No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for their mistakes, you will be alone in this world .So judge less and love more.

Be brave for your family and country. Never let any challenge that breaks your relation/unity in your life at any situation.

because challenges/time are always in running condition .. it will pass one day. 

Generally we humans are not equal. we are different by our nature. it's law of nature.

So due to different in nature, naturally our thoughts, opinions and choices will be differ person to person.  we should respect their own style and should try to correct at need/wrong only, if not corrected then also not to break relations. 

we have to adjust with our own, like as our fingers are different, without one it's big miss but when all are present and they bend together everything is possible.

We can't live without our own belongings and relatives. There is no life without them.

Do you know: Why we celebrate our festivals  whole year?

We are celebrating many festivals in a year not only for our enjoyment but also to return our happiness through get together of our belongings and relatives. This is our culture.

So Live the Happiest life with your family in your home, As like: single drop makes an ocean...A Happy home will make A Happy country.

As we know love and unity is everything for social life.