1 Mar 2013


"Pure Knowledge of self realization of Human being."

"Change is an in Intrinsic Quality of Nature and as well as Human Body {Chitta(mind stuff,Psyche)}."

"The World is Mutable {Change is an in Intrinsic Quality of Nature}."

"New Countries,New Organizations,New Principles,Traditions and Languages are created,and with the passage of time they exists only in the Pages of History(Dwarka,Atlantis,Auste etc.)"

"A line is Drawn; a Country's formation is announced .It is consider Holy and People are ready to die for it in the Name of Patriotism."

"One principle is formed,some rules are made ,an Organization is made, a new Religion is named ,and people grow attached it and are ready ti die for it."

"Then a time comes when that Country,that Language and that Culture all come to an END."

"The wheel of Time keeps moving and New Counties ,Language,Religions,Traditions,system of Thoughts ,Art forms and Cultures Rise and Fall."

"People create Division in their Country,Language and Religion."
"They even Segregate Scriptures and Great Personalities."

"The Wheel of Time continues to move,and neither are the People alive any Longer,nor are their Faiths and Beliefs.Every thing Changes."

"Perhaps ,therefore,a World is said to be a PLAY."

"New actors come,show their Skills,and then go BACKSTAGE."

"The only thing that remains is the THUNDERING Sound of Applause."

'That,too,is Momentary,and Eventually is LOST in The SKY."

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