14 Mar 2013


"The TRANSMUTATION of Sex ENERGY in to Divine Energy."

"The TRANSMUTATION of Sex ENERGY can easily make a man or women develop in him or her the "SIXTH SENSE" of what he calls the CREATIVE IMAGINATION,otherwise known as the INNER VOICE of INSPIRATIONAL or DIVYA -ADESHA,the DIVINE COMMISERATION."

"A Yogi does not stop here,but with full determination proceeds on to reach the Top of Complete Evolution of Self.
To him Secular achievements are merely of secondary Significance."

"Semen,the male impregnating fluid ,is called 'SHUKRA' and also 'VINDU' in the Sanskrit language and the fluid discharged by ovaries of females which when combined with spermatozoa of the male semen develops instantly into an ovum of the embryo,is called RAJA and is also regarded as VINDU."

"Ovaries of female are glands similar to testies of the male genital glands."
"The Science of Yoga informs us that Raja is also present in the males but in an undeveloped condition and is situated in the perinium muscle known to the Yoginis as Yonisthan."

"Similarly SHUKRA in undeveloped condition is present in the females .Thus SHUKRA and Raja both exists in the bodies of both males & females."

"A Yogi combines the Two oppositely charged fluids in one's own system and starts the Evolutionary action

"It could not understand was why the temple & was so full of indecent statues, as if indecency were merely dancing.".?

"A Yogi combines the Two oppositely charged fluids in one's own system and starts the Evolutionary action."

"The TRANSMUTATION of Sex ENERGY in to Divine Energy."

"In different ages,ideologies and the way of doing Sadhana and prayer change"

.It is said that this was done for protection from unexpected natural calamities,but we don;t understand how it is related to natural calamities."?

"It appear that when TANTRA Sadhana (the practice of Tantra)was devalued,and practices of 'VAAM MARG'( a school of thoughts in Tantra that professes the consumption of liquor,meat and others) were popular,such temples were built,and such statues built in the existing temples."

In its original form Vaam-Marg was spiritual,but with the passage of times it become perverse."

"The indecent statue in the temple can also mean that spirituality is surrounded by attractions,desires and hopes,but that one has to cross those to reach Lord (God)."

"When a devotee goes into the temple, many different attractions and vasnas are scattered around, but he must focus on the "CENTRAL STATUE' of worship."

"In some temples indecent statues exist all the way up to the inner most sanctuary of the temple."

"This implies 'that worldly desires chase a devotee over along way and he must ignore them."


"The TRANSMUTATION of Sex ENERGY can easily make a man or women develop in him or her the "SIXTH SENSE" of what he calls the CREATIVE IMAGINATION, otherwise known as the INNER VOICE of INSPIRATIONAL or DIVYA -ADESHA,the DIVINE COMMISERATION."

"A Yogi does not stop here,but with full determination proceeds on to reach the Top of Complete Evolution of Self.
To him Secular achievements are merely of secondary Significance."

"Semen,the male impregnating fluid ,is called 'SHUKRA' and also 'VINDU' in the Sanskrit language and the fluid discharged by ovaries of females which when combined with spermatozoa of the male semen develops instantly into an ovum of the embryo,is called RAJA and is also regarded as VINDU."

"Ovaries of female are glands similar to testies of the male genital glands."
"The Science of Yoga informs us that Raja is also present in the males but in an undeveloped condition and is situated in the perinium muscle known to the Yoginis as Yonisthan."

"Similarly SHUKRA in undeveloped condition is present in the females .Thus SHUKRA and Raja both exists in the bodies of both males & females."

"A Yogi combines the Two oppositely charged fluids in one's own system and starts the Evolutionary action

"Within you there are not only weaknesses, helplessness and misconceptions in abundance. Infinite capability, infinite wisdom and boundless joy are also present."

"Lead a life, mainly directed towards the fulfillment of "Personal" desires is always, sooner or later to a bitter extract deception"
*~ Albert Einstein ~*

"A Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) reequipped with DISCRETION is called DISCIPLINED MIND."

"The mansion of human life should be built on Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity (One for All & All for One)."

" ONE for All & All & for All. Dvaita (Duality, Diversity) v\s Advaita ( Non-Duality)."

"Here the Question is not of Accumulating ,but of Emptying i.e.SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY, SPIRITUALITY."

"Self -Realization in its BROADEST SENSE means the highest possible EVOLUTION of an individual being in his "Life - Time"."

"A Mind & Chitta reequipped with DISCRETION is called DISCIPLINED MIND."

"Lord created Living Being LIFE "ONE for ALL & All for ONE"(COEXIST with LIVING & NON LIVING)."

"Adorn our Chitta (mind stuff, psyche, within) with unconditional Love & Inner Peace"."

"Wide gap existing between worldliness and social interaction, should be destroy and every human Oppose and Avoid Ostentation."

"We follow our Life in the Cycle of "NATURE".

"The essence of Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & Spirituality automatically flow like air in every Family,House,Society and so on."

"Just as Solitude is necessary for "SPIRITUAL PRACTICES",so purification of CONDUCT is possible only through "SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT."

"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity),Religiosity & Spirituality."

"True Prayer, Japa, Yoga, Mediation & so forth (Self Realization) takes you closer to the real knowledge that is the ultimate goal of your Social, Religious & spiritual path."

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