14 Mar 2013

MODERN Psychologist

"The MODERN Psychologist realizes for his knowledge solely on the Psychology of BRAIN."
"According to the Indian Psychologist Mind is also made up of a very fine substance,much finer than ETHER."

"The MODERN Psychologist realizes for his knowledge solely on the Psychology of BRAIN. To him Brain is the cause and Mind its effect,because he says that slightest derangement of Brain or the Nervous disorder tells upon the workings of Mind and cause some sort of Mental disturbances."

"That is no doubt TRUE.Mental and Intellectual Faculties are so linked with Brain that for their proper working sound Brain is a necessary.Just as a Receiver of a Radio machine be in sound working order for catching the Etherial waves of Electricity and converting them into Sound,and a slight derangement of its mechanism disturbs the production of sound,but it does not imply that the electrical wave depend for their existence on the receiver,which simply manifests their action through its mechanism."

"So Mind and Intellect too are not products of Brain ,but have an independent existence,which survive the body after Death and Transmigrate with Soul to a Fresh -Life."

"According to the Indian Psychologist Mind is also made up of a very fine substance,much finer than ETHER."

"MIND is a chief component of the Astral Body,which accompanies the Soul on a death to its Future Destination."

"The constitution of the Sub-Conscious (Hidden- Conscious) Mind is explained as follows:-
"The fine substance of which Chitta -mind stuff,psyche -is formed ,possesses a receptive capacity for storing in the impressions of every thing that a human perceives,does,or thinks."

"Chitta is a comprehensive term used by the Indian Psychologists which includes Impressions (Prarbdha,destiny) of perceptions,inferences,passions,emotions,sentiments,and other aspects of mental functions.It is very appropriately translated as "MIND- STUFF."
"In analogy with ether this stuff is also denominated as "CHITTAKASHA" (Pychic ether)."

"Impressions that are imprinted on "CHITTAKASHA" are never oblterated and during the life time of a human can be revived again and again as memory as the occasion demands,but at the time of death the "CHITTAKASHA" too undergoes a change bringing all the impressions gained during the whole Span of Life in a NUTSHELL within the scope of a Seed Form.and this seed Body composed of VASAANAS is called "KARAN SHARIR"(causal astral sharir,(subtle body) afresh another body of flesh and blood."

"The 'KARAN SHARIR' is so called because of its potentiality of making the impressions of past life stocked in it fructify,and weave round it a fresh body and evolve in the next life mental &intellectual powers in furtherance of their development achieved through the series of previous births."

"Thus a human goes on developing his faculties from birth to birth in his march towards final goal of perfection."

"The phenomenon of Transmigration of Soul is thus a Natural,Simple,and Reasonable one,sufficient to explain the many intricate problems of human psychology otherwise not explainable by Western Psychologists,such as Instinct,Sub-consciousness,Difference in Intellectually,Abnormally advanced powers of Mind and intellect in certain children without their having received any previous training and similar other spontaneous phenomena usually met with."

"Inherent desires in a HUMAN are the outgrowth of the stock of those impressions.(see Patanjali's Yoga Dardhan,sutras 3-18,4-8,and 4-9,"Coming into contact with the Impressions one gets knowledge of Previous Birth.)."

"This Rule is Applicable to Every One."

"One thing should be remembered: Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity) & Spirituality."
"To Transform the individual MIND in to DIVINE- TEMPLE"

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