2 Mar 2013

Great Persons

"DUE to The Pure Knowledge of Vedanta & its influence INDIANS {BHARATIYA} never Attack to other country of Ancient & Modern Universe."


"India {BHARATVARSA} since beginning of Humanity in Universe believe in the Co-Existence of living being as well non-living."

"But due to the EGO,GREED of Human Race(EUROPEANS),they do not realize this Pure Knowledge of VEDANTA."

"Since the Ancient History till today,it is proved that "INDIA" never attack to other Country in Universe & Exploit to HUMAN RACE in Universe."

"Recent Fact Published in a German Magazine-

There are 3.3 Million Indians in America
38% of DOCTORS in America are Indians.
12% of SCIENTISTS in America are Indians.
36% of NASA employees are Indians.
34% of MICROSOFT employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL employees are Indians
13% of XEROX employees are Indians.
Let the world know what we stand for..
OM Jai OM !.

Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of Vedanta"

"Frequently Truth finds Truth and Falsehood finds Falsehood."

"If some one is Truly in search of a REAL - GURU he will definitely find a REAL GURU,because a REAL - GURU is,like wise ,in search of a REAL -DISCIPLE."

"The difficulty is for those who,after polluting their MIND with Worldly desires ,look for a GURU to fulfill those wishes and give them worldly PLEASURES."

"Frequently Truth finds Truth and Falsehood finds Falsehood."

Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of Vedanta"

"We will see that there is no person in this world who is "WORTHY."

"Some times everybody say things as if we are going astray, and this is not beneficial ,either for us or for family and society."

"When a person's time (Prarbdha,destiny,ripened samskars) is good,then even those things that are done wrong are sorted out and he is consider WORTHY."

"If time(Prarbdha,destiny,ripened samskars) are against you, the exact opposite happens."

"yes, some people do take PRIDE in there WORTHINESS."

Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namskar,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE *11.11.11*


"A Mind reequipped with DISCRETION is called DISCIPLINED MIND."

"Lord created Living Being LIFE "ONE for ALL & All for ONE"(COEXIST)."

"If we follow this NATURAL Principle then we will proceed Automatically toward FORGIVENESS, UNCONDITIONED LIVE & PEACE"

"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it{Within}."

"Life is beauty, admire it.{Within}."

'Life is bliss, taste it.{Within}."

"Life is a dream, realize it.{Within}."

"Life is a challenge, meet it.{Within}."

"Life is a duty, complete it.{Within}."

"Life is a game, play it.{Within}."

"Life is a promise, fulfill it.{Within}."

"Life is sorrow, overcome it.{Within}."

'Life is a song, sing it.{Within}."

'Life is a struggle, accept it.{Within}."

"Life is a tragedy, confront it.{Within}."

"Life is an adventure, dare it.{Within}."

"Life is luck{Prarbdha,destiny}, make it.{Within}."

"Life is too precious, do not destroy it.{Within}."

"Life is life, fight for it.{Within}."

Guru Tattwa, MOTHER TERESA ,Poetyca, Prarbdha
Jeetan Jain
"Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*

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