10 Jun 2013


"THE Frequency, Vibration, Energy of Universe , other Universe & our body , Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) are subtle combination of i.e. Five Divine Tattwa {Elements) : Earth,Air, Water, Fire & Ether."

"Since Time Immemorial Vedantic Scriptures are replete with guidelines and True & Pure Rules in respect of Magnetic flows, Effects of these five Tattwa, gravitation so forth so that human could lead a peaceful life, apart from enhancement in mental Peace, inductive life in surrounding in Family, Society & so forth."

"In fact Universe & other Universe & Human body is composite whole of proportional blend of five elents. Their equitable proportion creates Bio - Electric Magnetic Frequency, Vibration & Energy which bestows Health, Mental Peace & Prosperity on human."

"Even the Gods pine and yearn for Human from because Human form Body, mind & chitta) consists of five elements which finally merge into respective Five Elements. Formation of body is dependent on following equation of birth & death (inception & termination)."

"Ether+ Fire+ Water + Earth + = Body formation(creation).
"Physical form of body - Air+ Water + Fire + Earth + Ether = Process of destruction."
""SEAT of Brain is Psychic Ether, that of shoulders is - Fire, Navel- Air, Knee - Earth & Soles of feet (lower extremities)- Water, and sole & super being are formless, as both can only be felt and not seen. That is reason why in the Great are of Phonology life Force (Oxygen) is considered as the ATAMA (soul) which , after leaving body , submerges with Sun - and this is the end of Life (Death)."

"All the things, trees and plants are all dependent on Sun for their Existence. It can be concluded that Sun is the source from which Life Emanates."

"Vital Force surfaces in the Universe when the Sun rises in the Universe when the capacity to decimate diseases. As the Sun rises in the East & sets in the West, that bis why orientation assumes a significant role in the process of orientation assumes a significant role in the process of orientation . Moreover , SOLAR ,AIR AND LUNAR FREQUENCY, VIBRATION & ENERGIES on our body, Surrounding & so forth."

"In Vedas these five elements i.e. Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Ether are controlled by consciousness of the individual body, Senses, Mind & Chitta, known in the West as Bio - Electricity."

"Our Bodies, Living & Non Livings are composed of Energy, Frequency & Vibrations & Subtle Information."

"The World round us is not merely what we see.There are innumerable Phenomena that never come within the Range of Senses."

"Our body, Senses, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) & Universe made & consists of Five basic Element & controlled by Consciousness (Chetana, Spirit) or we say Electricity of Life Force or Non chargeable Divine Battery."

" The Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga & Meditation i.e. Energy, Frequency & Vibrations & Subtle Information & Subtle Sulture of Mind & Chitta. Just as through physical culture one develops strength, overcomes Debility & adds to the personalities and health,

"Our Immune Cells & Endocrine Glands are outfitted with the same & Homologous Receptors for brain signals as our Neurons are. Therefore , they are like an extended Brain. When Intelligence is lost , in the immune or the Endocrine system , senility of the whole body creeps in."

"If you wish to understand Living , non Living & the Universe & other Universe think of Consciousness i.e. West says Frequency, Vibration & energy."

"Our Bodies & Non Living appear to be composed of solid matter that can broken into molecules & Atoms, but Quantum Physics tells us that every Atom is more than 99.9999% empty space & the subatmomic particles moving at lightening speed through this space are actually bundles of Vibrating Energy. These Vibrations are not random & meaningless."

"However ,they carry Subtle Information. Thus, one bundle of Vibrations is coded as a Hydrogen Atom, another as Oxygen; each Element has in fact its own Unique Code."

"This is the Vedanta & the Gita."
"Everything is Frequency, Vibratins & Energy and that are all there is to it. March the frequency, vibrations, energy of the Reality(consciousness) you want and you cannot help but get that Reality can be . It is no other ways." This is the Vedanta & the Gita."

"The Codes are abstract, and so multimeter is our Cosmos & everything in it. Chasing the Physical Structure of the Body down to its Ultimate Source Dead- Ends as Molecules give way to Atoms, atoms to subatomic particles, and these particles to ghosts of energy dissolving into an Empty Void."

"This Void is mysteriously imprinted with information even before any information is expressed. Just as thousands of words exist Silently in our memory (the brain capacity of memory is more than 1000Terabytes) without being spoken,the quantum field holds the Entire Universe in unexpressed form; it has been that way since the "BIG BANG", when billions of Galaxies were compressed into Space Millions of Times smaller than the period at the end of this sentence."

"Yet even before that infinitesimal dot, the structure of the Universe existed in Unmanifest Form."

"Since all this happens at an Unseen, Unmanifest level, the losses go unnoticed until they have progressed to a very large stage and are expressed as a physical symptom."

"The Five Senses cannot go deep enough to experience the billions of quantum exchanges. The rate of change is at once to fast and too slow: too fast because individual Chemical Reactions take less than 1\10,000th os a second, too slow because their cumulative effect will not show scale millions of times smaller than a Single Atom."

"What is The "NEETI- SHASTRA (Moral Philosophy, Moral Ethics , Moral Science, Welfare of Living & Non Living) of Divine VEDANTA & The Gita ?."

"Our body, Senses, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) & Universe made & consists of Five basic Element & controlled by Consciousness (Chetana, Spirit) or we say Electricity of Life Force or Non chargeable Divine Battery."

"In Vedas these five elements are controlled by consciousness of the individual body, Senses, Mind & Chitta, known in the West as Bio - Electricity."

"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE , TRUE &PURE Knowledge is within, a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

"All different ways of worship prescribed by different Religious Sects aim at this very Spiritual Communion , which is possible by complete merger of MIND, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) into the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS of GOD."

"What is The "NEETI- SHASTRA (Moral Philosophy, Moral Ethics , Moral Science, Welfare of Living & Non Living) of Divine VEDANTA ?."

"We are All Research Scholar in Search of Truth without Grand Illusion."

"NEETI " is the Subtle & Visible (within, Invisible) Link between Social ,Religious & Spiritual Conductivity & Materialism:
1. "Idealism and Realism,
2."Precept & Practice,
3."Definition & Actualization,
4."Learning & Application,
5."Ignorance & True & Pure Knowledge,
7."Self- Pity & Self- Respect,
8."Giving & Getting,
9."Good & Bad, Right & Wrong,
10."Fake & Real,
11."Temporary & Permanent,
12."Weakness & Strength,
13."Past & Future,
14."Foolishness & Wisdom,
15."Contentment & Covetousness,
16."Withdrawal & Confrontation,
17."Disunity & Unity,
18."Faith & Reason Dogma & Disbelief,
19." Mysterious & Obvious,
20."Unearthly & Earthly,
21."Theory & Practice(Practical),
22."Courage & Discretion,
23."Dependence & Autonomy,
24."Rigidness & Flexibility,
25." Goodness & Evil,
26."Poverty & Wealth,
27."Individual & Society,
28."Self & Non- Self,
29."Art & Artlessness,
30."Religion & Atheism,
31."Within & Without,
32." Fate & Action (Karma),
33."Submission & Resistance,
34."Humility & Confidence,
35."Harmony & Conflict,
36."Passivity & Power,
37." Failure & Success,
38." Dictatorship & Democracy,
39."Self-denial & Opportunism,
40."Virtue & Wisdom,
41."Solitude & Eratosthenes,
42."Self- Negation & Self- Realization,
43."Self- Effacement & Self- Assertion,
44."Individual Soul & the Supreme Soul,
45."Renunciation & Enjoyment,
46."Silence & Speech,
47."Solitude & Eratosthenes,
48."Temporary & Permanent,
49."Weakness & Strength."
50."The LIFE & The DEATH."

"The "NEETI SHASTRA" sees through the Abstruse Topics and labyrinth of Mysticism surrounding the Divine, True & Pure Ancient (Created from Lord Mother Kundalini for the Welfare of Living & Non Living of Universe & Others Universe) DIVINE LANGUAGE "SANSKRIT" Literature, Consisting of the:
(1). Four Vedas (2). Six Vedangas (3).The Upanishads (about 100), of which 11 are considered Important.
(4). The Purans , 18 in number (5). The Dharma Shastra , 47 in number, of which about 20 extinct

(6). The Ramayana
(7). The Mahabharata
(8). The Bhagvad Gita, besides the six systems of philosophy that grew out of the Upanishads, nameley : the "NYAS" (rationalism) founded by Divine Saint Gautama; the Vaiseshika ( Pluralism) by Kanads: the "SANKHYA" (Evolutionism) by Divine sainta Kapila; the "Yoga"(perfectionism) by Divine Saint Patanjali; the "MIMANSA" (Moralism) by divine Saint Jaimini; and the "Vedanta" by Divine Saint Badarayana or Veda Vyasji."

"These abound in Social, Religious & Spiritual percepts, moral sentiments, apophthegms and didactic contents."

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