29 Jun 2013


"Every body in Universe standing at the window of Duality, looking at Duality, while being influenced in all aspects of Life by DUALITY, we talk about NON- DUALITY. This is our Pitiable Situation & Condition of Individual One"

"The Divine Theory of Advaita (non duality) were introduced by Bhagvad Shankracharya ( 1350 years ago). He manifest the Goal of Advata (non duality) & obligated the human race for the welfare of living & non living.The revered Bhagawan Shankracharya included all paths & practices in the Divine Path of Non- Duality. He offered "Suandaraya Lahiri " to World & also gave formal acceptance to Tantrik Spiritual Practices. The final goal of His Life was Non- Duality. To attain that Goal a person must follow some Spiritual Path or another, purify his Chitta (psyche, mind stuff), and be worthy of non- duality. His non -duality was not opposed to any spiritual practice, rather it was the foundation of all Spiritual Path of Universe."

"It was an Divine Ocean in which all kinds of waves would rise, and into which rivers would flow from all directions. It was like an Infinite Sky where innumerable small & big stars would spread their own Light."

"We want to jump straight to the non- duality state, ignoring the Spiritual Paths of Bhakti (devotion), Yoga & karma (actions). We also Ignore detached Karma, which weakens Prarabdha (destiny created by past Karma) & prepares the foundation for the experience of Non - Duality."

"We ridicule Devotion, which fills the heart, mind & chitta & give rise to an ordent desire for non- duality."

"We believe that Yoga that brings control over mind & chitta, purifies the power of discretion , and makes one worthy of grasping the Vedanta (True & Pure Knowledge) is superfluous."

"Every body in Universe standing at the window of Duality, looking at Duality, while being influenced in all aspects of Life by DUALITY, we talk about NON- DUALTY. This is our Pitiable Situation & Condition"

"Even when fully besieged by Maya (the grand Illusion, In modern Life it is Materialism), we say that Maya is False.It is True that , in principle, Maya is not Real, but its Falsehood must be experienced . As long as one is influenced by the ILLUSORY WORLD it is a Grand Mistake to call the World an Illusion."

"We forget that comparative analysis itself involves Duality Comparison is Only possible between Two, and hence Non - Duality can never be proven with comparative Analysis."

"Authority over Vedanta is achieved after the study of Karma Yoga(in action based spiritual path), Bhakti Yoga ( a devotion based spiritual path, & so forth, wherein the Awakening of the SHAKTI (divine Power) plays key role."

"The System of FOURFOLD Vedanta Sadhana is a Kind of Yoga, but today we have Turned a Blind Eye to it."

"Listening, thinking and conemplating are our areas of FOCUS Today. Many so called Egoistic Intellectuals People wander around as Sadhaks in the absence of INNER PREPSREDNESS."

"They do not Find GOD: rather , their Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) keeps on getting filled with Pride & other mental Vices."

"The Important Divine Upanishads "
"Of the many Upanishads, Eighteen have been quoted in the commetaries of Adi Shankara and are held as the most important."
"They are (1). ISA (2). Kena (3). Katha (4) Aitareya (5). Taittiriya (6). Prashna (7). Mundaka (8). Mandukya (9) Chhandogya (10). Brihadaranyaka (11). Svetashvatara (12). Kaushitaki Brahmana (13). Maitrayani (14). Narayana (15). Jabala ((16). Arunika (17). Kaivalya (180. Brahma Binsu."
"The First ten among them are most Renoned and are called together "DASOPANSHADA"."

"The main Commentators of Vedas."
"The main commentators of the Vedas are:
(1). Shri Madhavacharya
.(2). Shri Mahidar
(3). Shri Dayanand Saraswati
(4) Shri Skandaswamy
(5). Shri Aurobibdo and
(6). Shri Kapil Shastri."

"The Important Upanshads "
"Of the many Upanishads, Eighteen have been quoted in the commetaries of Adi Shankara and are held as the most important."

"They are (1). ISA (2). Kena (3). Katha (4) Aitareya (5). Taittiriya (6). Prashna (7). Mundaka (8). Mandukya (9) Chhandogya (10). Brihadaranyaka (11). Svetashvatara (12). Kaushitaki Brahmana (13). Maitrayani (14). Narayana (15). Jabala ((16). Arunika (17). Kaivalya (180. Brahma Binsu."

"The First ten among them are most Renoned and are called together "DASOPANSHADA"."

"A fact which every person should hold in mind every moment, he does not remember."
Even after seeing this "Divine Sport of Death", no one is reminded of his own death."
And who knows what fallacies he nurtures within him as wanders around."
The Lord (God) forth creation; "TIME" ( KAAL) Swallows it ups."
The Terrible Death Dance of time has continued since the beginning."
At every movement the world is Dissolving inside the Check of Time (Kaal).!

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