"The Subtle Effect of the " The Vedantic Knwledge" on the Body, Senses, Mind & Chitta & Psychic Centers."
"The True & Pure VEDANTA Philosophy for the welfare of Living & Non Living (Five Tattwa: Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Ether)."
"The Name to this Divine School is Vedanta. Meaning of the term is" Fountain of All Knowledge."
"According to this Divine School of Subtle Thought (Emerges from Kundalini) LIFE is everything, the Creator and the Creation, both are one without Moment; Life id both the instrumental or efficient and the material cause of Creation."
"Light, reflection (Sun & Moon ) ,and the REFLECTOR are all ONE.The Name to this Divine School is Vedanta. Meaning of the term is" END of Knowledge."
"Again, there are many versions of this philosophy; more important of them are 'VIVARTA' (Sanskrit) Vada (Theory) of Divine Saint Shankaracharya & Parnama Vada of Vallabhacharya & Vishishtadvaita of Ramanujacharya."
"The First gives prominence to the 'Adhyatmabhava' or the static creative aspect."
" 'VIVARTA' is a word derived from the root "VRIT" to exist with a prefix 'Vi' used for speciality and means 'Special sort of Existence'. As the prefix also implies perversion, 'Vivartvada' in that sense would mean- divine theory of Perverted Knowledge'."
" But the Vedic Language uses the Term "SAMVARTA" instead , a derivative from the same root with the prefix 'SAM' used in the sense of the adverb 'WELL'.
(See Rigveda Mandal,10 Sukta 126 above referred to verse 4.)."
"Earth, Water, Air, Fire & Ether, mind & Chitta(mind stuff, psyche), understanding and Self - Sense these are the Eight Folds division of MY Nature."
"The True & Pure VEDANTA Philosophy for the welfare of Living & Non Living (Five Tattwa: Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Ether)."
"The Name to this Divine School is Vedanta. Meaning of the term is" Fountain of All Knowledge."
"According to this Divine School of Subtle Thought (Emerges from Kundalini) LIFE is everything, the Creator and the Creation, both are one without Moment; Life id both the instrumental or efficient and the material cause of Creation."
"Light, reflection (Sun & Moon ) ,and the REFLECTOR are all ONE.The Name to this Divine School is Vedanta. Meaning of the term is" END of Knowledge."
"Again, there are many versions of this philosophy; more important of them are 'VIVARTA' (Sanskrit) Vada (Theory) of Divine Saint Shankaracharya & Parnama Vada of Vallabhacharya & Vishishtadvaita of Ramanujacharya."
"The First gives prominence to the 'Adhyatmabhava' or the static creative aspect."
" 'VIVARTA' is a word derived from the root "VRIT" to exist with a prefix 'Vi' used for speciality and means 'Special sort of Existence'. As the prefix also implies perversion, 'Vivartvada' in that sense would mean- divine theory of Perverted Knowledge'."
" But the Vedic Language uses the Term "SAMVARTA" instead , a derivative from the same root with the prefix 'SAM' used in the sense of the adverb 'WELL'.
(See Rigveda Mandal,10 Sukta 126 above referred to verse 4.)."
"Earth, Water, Air, Fire & Ether, mind & Chitta(mind stuff, psyche), understanding and Self - Sense these are the Eight Folds division of MY Nature."
*~ The Bhagwata Gita ~*
"Scientific Proof of Vedanta Version : "Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande"(Universe & Human Body is Homologous)."
"Where the Western Science Ends, Vedantic & Indian Philosophy BEGINS."
"Whatsoever it is Very Very difficult (Illusion) for people to realize that there could be anything beyond this Body, Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."
"Everything General & Abnormal happens inside the Mind & Chitta, nothing happens outside. Behind the Divine Body is the Mind & Chitta, behind the mind & chitta is the Universal Mind & Chitta, and behind the Universal Mind & Chitta is the Universal Spirit or Consciousness."
"Earth, Water, Air, Fire & Ether, mind & Chitta, understanding and Self - Sense these are the Eight Folds division of MY Nature."
*~ The Bhagwata Gita ~*
"The last three words - Mind & chitta , understanding & Self -Sense are every very subtle & important."
"It is Mind & Chitta , which changes a Human to be either the Saint or a Beast as per his Slippery World."
"A Mind & Chitta of an individual is a part of the Cosmic - Mind & Chitta ; you must understand that your individual Mind & Chitta is part of the Universal Mind & Chitta and that actually there is only Universal - Mind & Chitta . Individual Mind & Chitta should not be brought into Consideration at All."
"Our Mind & Chitta ia a subtle concept and, in meditation , you have to BLOW it up."
"What happens when you Break the walls of the room, when is the Individual Space . It becomes part of the Total Space (Akash). So, Crux of the Individualization of Mind & Chitta is actually a Subtle - Process of "SELF- HYPNOTISM."
"The Mind & Chitta of the Human is an entity is very much a part of the system that described our Ancient Seers in the Vedanta & the Gita "BRAHMACHAKRA"."
"This Mind & Chitta is also subtly & Deeply linked to the COSMIC- Mind & Chitta ."
"A clear understanding of this REALITY will not only give one a Blissful Experiences but also reveal to us the Mysteries of the Universe."
"During, the process of Meditation , the Universal Mind & Chitta (psychic Ether) undergoes the same subtle process. The same transformation as Matter in the Process of FISSION & FUSION."
"When the Mind & Chitta is dissociate from the Sensory Experiences and made consistent on one subjects one point or one topic, the state of Divine - MEDITATION DEVELOP & MANIFEST."
"The Meditation is a Subtle - Science of the Self. Which was formulated and perfected by the Divine Rishis & saints like Patanjaliji of Vedantic Time"
"In fact, it was tradition to hold public discourses on the Science of Yoga & meditation and states of Mind & Chitta & Consciousness experienced at varoius stages of Practices & Benefits."
"Some people were of the opinion that Meditation leads to a state of Total consciousness; others felt that Meditation led to Vision , psychic experiences and contact with Spiritual Divinities; while others Felt that in Meditation , one was able to See GOD face to Face."
"But there were certain people who came to the conclusion that in Meditation, the consciousness is expanded Beyond the Normal Frontiers, and they called the Process an "Expansion of Consciousness"."
"The whole Universal Mind & Chitta is Encircled by an "ENERGY - AURA" and when Space & Time Unite with each other , a Great Subtle Phenomena takes place as the point or Nucleus of the Universal Mind & Chitta undergoes an EXPLOSION . During the process of Meditation, the Universal Mind & Chitta undergoes the same process, the same Transformation of an Matter in the process of Fission & Fusion."
"The Matter & Mind & Chitta should be properly understood by those who meditate according to Patanjali's Yoga Darshan. For most people , Matter is Inert and Mind & Chitta is Active, but matter is the State of Mind & Chitta where Mind & Chitta is subtle state of Matter i.e "Scientific Proof of Vedanta Version : "Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande"(Universe & Human Body is Homologous)."
"You must clearly understand that Matter and "Scientific Proof of Vedanta Version : "Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande"(Universe & Human Body is Homologous)." are two different States of "ONE - REALITY" i.e. Universal Consciousness"."
"The Centre Core of Mind & Chitta as well as Matter in each CASE is frequency, Vibration & Energy i.e. SHAKTI (Divine Power of God)."
"Everything General & Abnormal happens inside the Mind & Chitta, nothing happens outside. Behind the Divine Body is the Mind & Chitta, behind the mind & chitta is the Universal Mind & Chitta, and behind the Universal Mind & Chitta is the Universal Spirit or Consciousness."
"Whatsoever it is Very Very difficult (Illusion) for people to realize that there could be anything beyond this Body, Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."
"As You progress along the Path of Yoga & Meditation, you become more Aware of the Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) and identify less with the Body. The Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is very Great Subtle Force and, in order to understand it fully, you need a correct and Subtle Systematic way, otherwise, when you close your eyes for meditation you may go to unconsciousness , or deep sleep. In meditation, there should be TOTAL AWARENESS within and Without, and this awareness has to be experienced by the True, Gentle, Sober Practitioner."
There may be Moments when you have Psychic Experiences, but these are inde- structive Patterns of a part of Universal Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) and should never be taken as the fruits of Meditation."
"By Purifying the Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) through "KARMA YOGA", it is possible to avoid the Rush of Thoughts in Meditation, but when you Enter Deep into SUBTLE AREA of meditation you have other Difficulties. When the Ordinary Consciousness (layered by Vices, Vasanas & mental tendencies) has been Switches off completely , Psychic Experiences can occur and they may cause you to LOSE Your point of Concentration. This Psychic Experiences are so powerful that you cannot Ignore them, and most People's Spiritual Divine Jouney Ends at this Point."
"The Vedantic Philosophy has long Recognized the Subtle Existence (psychic Ether), of the CAUSAL MIND (Hindi: KARATMAK ) (in which is layered by Vices, Vasanas & mental tendencies)."
"In the West , only recently this has begun to be apprecited throiugh a Study, called " Transpersonal Psychology."
"The Reason for this perhaps the fact that there is no material part of the Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) which mediated Transpersonal activities."
"The Crude (Hindi : Kacha) and subtle levels of Human Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) both interact with the Physical, Mentalbody, mediated by the Brain Stem, the Imbic -System , or the "NEO- CORTEX"."
"However, the Causal Mind & Chitta Exists Independant Matters. Whereas, much of the cintent of the Crude and Subtle Unit mind & chitta is determined by the Physical Human Body, the content of the UNIT Causal Mind & Chitta is Transpersonally or Cosmically determined and not individually determined."
"The Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche), just like the body and the world, is also a part of NATURE."
"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within, a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."
*"THE CONSCIOUSNESS (Self- Realization) based Education is the KEY to Creating a World Free of Mental Tensions, Problems and Suffering, a World characterized by Unconditional Love, Peace & Prosperity, Harmony and Fulfillment i,e. Frequency, Vibration & Energy."*
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*
"The Great Divine Sage Patanjali has defined Yoga & Meditation as CHITTVRITI - NIRODHA, i.e. , stilling the Frequency, Vibration & Energy of Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche). In Reality this too is but a preparatory Stage that Paves the Divine way to "Self Realization than God - Realization."
"The Sage Yajyavalkya has defined Yoga & meditation : Atma Parmatma Sanyog (the union of Soul with the Over Soul ). But , there is something beyond this . It is Self Realization or Constant Awareness of the Self which comes as you rise above Body- Consciousness; gradually cast off Physical, Astral and Causal vestures and develop Cosmic & Super- Cosmic Awareness. And last of all , you are a Divine Wave of the Ocean of All Almighty - Consciousness"
*"THE CONSCIOUSNESS (Self- Realization) based Education is the KEY to Creating a World Free of Mental Tensions, Problems and Suffering, a World characterized by Unconditional Love, Peace & Prosperity, Harmony and Fulfillment i,e. Frequency, Vibration & Energy."*
"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."
"Scientific Proof of Vedanta Version : "Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande"(Universe & Human Body is Homologous)."
"Where the Western Science Ends, Vedantic & Indian Philosophy BEGINS."
"Whatsoever it is Very Very difficult (Illusion) for people to realize that there could be anything beyond this Body, Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."
"Everything General & Abnormal happens inside the Mind & Chitta, nothing happens outside. Behind the Divine Body is the Mind & Chitta, behind the mind & chitta is the Universal Mind & Chitta, and behind the Universal Mind & Chitta is the Universal Spirit or Consciousness."
"Earth, Water, Air, Fire & Ether, mind & Chitta, understanding and Self - Sense these are the Eight Folds division of MY Nature."
*~ The Bhagwata Gita ~*
"The last three words - Mind & chitta , understanding & Self -Sense are every very subtle & important."
"It is Mind & Chitta , which changes a Human to be either the Saint or a Beast as per his Slippery World."
"A Mind & Chitta of an individual is a part of the Cosmic - Mind & Chitta ; you must understand that your individual Mind & Chitta is part of the Universal Mind & Chitta and that actually there is only Universal - Mind & Chitta . Individual Mind & Chitta should not be brought into Consideration at All."
"Our Mind & Chitta ia a subtle concept and, in meditation , you have to BLOW it up."
"What happens when you Break the walls of the room, when is the Individual Space . It becomes part of the Total Space (Akash). So, Crux of the Individualization of Mind & Chitta is actually a Subtle - Process of "SELF- HYPNOTISM."
"The Mind & Chitta of the Human is an entity is very much a part of the system that described our Ancient Seers in the Vedanta & the Gita "BRAHMACHAKRA"."
"This Mind & Chitta is also subtly & Deeply linked to the COSMIC- Mind & Chitta ."
"A clear understanding of this REALITY will not only give one a Blissful Experiences but also reveal to us the Mysteries of the Universe."
"During, the process of Meditation , the Universal Mind & Chitta (psychic Ether) undergoes the same subtle process. The same transformation as Matter in the Process of FISSION & FUSION."
"When the Mind & Chitta is dissociate from the Sensory Experiences and made consistent on one subjects one point or one topic, the state of Divine - MEDITATION DEVELOP & MANIFEST."
"The Meditation is a Subtle - Science of the Self. Which was formulated and perfected by the Divine Rishis & saints like Patanjaliji of Vedantic Time"
"In fact, it was tradition to hold public discourses on the Science of Yoga & meditation and states of Mind & Chitta & Consciousness experienced at varoius stages of Practices & Benefits."
"Some people were of the opinion that Meditation leads to a state of Total consciousness; others felt that Meditation led to Vision , psychic experiences and contact with Spiritual Divinities; while others Felt that in Meditation , one was able to See GOD face to Face."
"But there were certain people who came to the conclusion that in Meditation, the consciousness is expanded Beyond the Normal Frontiers, and they called the Process an "Expansion of Consciousness"."
"The whole Universal Mind & Chitta is Encircled by an "ENERGY - AURA" and when Space & Time Unite with each other , a Great Subtle Phenomena takes place as the point or Nucleus of the Universal Mind & Chitta undergoes an EXPLOSION . During the process of Meditation, the Universal Mind & Chitta undergoes the same process, the same Transformation of an Matter in the process of Fission & Fusion."
"The Matter & Mind & Chitta should be properly understood by those who meditate according to Patanjali's Yoga Darshan. For most people , Matter is Inert and Mind & Chitta is Active, but matter is the State of Mind & Chitta where Mind & Chitta is subtle state of Matter i.e "Scientific Proof of Vedanta Version : "Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande"(Universe & Human Body is Homologous)."
"You must clearly understand that Matter and "Scientific Proof of Vedanta Version : "Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande"(Universe & Human Body is Homologous)." are two different States of "ONE - REALITY" i.e. Universal Consciousness"."
"The Centre Core of Mind & Chitta as well as Matter in each CASE is frequency, Vibration & Energy i.e. SHAKTI (Divine Power of God)."
"Everything General & Abnormal happens inside the Mind & Chitta, nothing happens outside. Behind the Divine Body is the Mind & Chitta, behind the mind & chitta is the Universal Mind & Chitta, and behind the Universal Mind & Chitta is the Universal Spirit or Consciousness."
"Whatsoever it is Very Very difficult (Illusion) for people to realize that there could be anything beyond this Body, Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."
"As You progress along the Path of Yoga & Meditation, you become more Aware of the Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) and identify less with the Body. The Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is very Great Subtle Force and, in order to understand it fully, you need a correct and Subtle Systematic way, otherwise, when you close your eyes for meditation you may go to unconsciousness , or deep sleep. In meditation, there should be TOTAL AWARENESS within and Without, and this awareness has to be experienced by the True, Gentle, Sober Practitioner."
There may be Moments when you have Psychic Experiences, but these are inde- structive Patterns of a part of Universal Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) and should never be taken as the fruits of Meditation."
"By Purifying the Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) through "KARMA YOGA", it is possible to avoid the Rush of Thoughts in Meditation, but when you Enter Deep into SUBTLE AREA of meditation you have other Difficulties. When the Ordinary Consciousness (layered by Vices, Vasanas & mental tendencies) has been Switches off completely , Psychic Experiences can occur and they may cause you to LOSE Your point of Concentration. This Psychic Experiences are so powerful that you cannot Ignore them, and most People's Spiritual Divine Jouney Ends at this Point."
"The Vedantic Philosophy has long Recognized the Subtle Existence (psychic Ether), of the CAUSAL MIND (Hindi: KARATMAK ) (in which is layered by Vices, Vasanas & mental tendencies)."
"In the West , only recently this has begun to be apprecited throiugh a Study, called " Transpersonal Psychology."
"The Reason for this perhaps the fact that there is no material part of the Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) which mediated Transpersonal activities."
"The Crude (Hindi : Kacha) and subtle levels of Human Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) both interact with the Physical, Mentalbody, mediated by the Brain Stem, the Imbic -System , or the "NEO- CORTEX"."
"However, the Causal Mind & Chitta Exists Independant Matters. Whereas, much of the cintent of the Crude and Subtle Unit mind & chitta is determined by the Physical Human Body, the content of the UNIT Causal Mind & Chitta is Transpersonally or Cosmically determined and not individually determined."
"The Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche), just like the body and the world, is also a part of NATURE."
"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within, a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."
*"THE CONSCIOUSNESS (Self- Realization) based Education is the KEY to Creating a World Free of Mental Tensions, Problems and Suffering, a World characterized by Unconditional Love, Peace & Prosperity, Harmony and Fulfillment i,e. Frequency, Vibration & Energy."*
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*
"The Great Divine Sage Patanjali has defined Yoga & Meditation as CHITTVRITI - NIRODHA, i.e. , stilling the Frequency, Vibration & Energy of Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche). In Reality this too is but a preparatory Stage that Paves the Divine way to "Self Realization than God - Realization."
"The Sage Yajyavalkya has defined Yoga & meditation : Atma Parmatma Sanyog (the union of Soul with the Over Soul ). But , there is something beyond this . It is Self Realization or Constant Awareness of the Self which comes as you rise above Body- Consciousness; gradually cast off Physical, Astral and Causal vestures and develop Cosmic & Super- Cosmic Awareness. And last of all , you are a Divine Wave of the Ocean of All Almighty - Consciousness"
*"THE CONSCIOUSNESS (Self- Realization) based Education is the KEY to Creating a World Free of Mental Tensions, Problems and Suffering, a World characterized by Unconditional Love, Peace & Prosperity, Harmony and Fulfillment i,e. Frequency, Vibration & Energy."*
"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."
"Divine Saint Maharshi Patanjali is dealing with a Science of Science called "YOGA & Meditation"
"A Person of Universe in such Dilemma needs TRUE & PURE NATURAL GUIDE."
"Three Ancient Divine Sanskrit sources make a Homologous quote:
"Maharishi Charak purified the Body with Ayurveda; Maharishi Painini purified our Tongue (language) with his grammar; while Maharishi Patanjali purified the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) with his Yoga."
"The True & Pure Knowledge of the Past, Present & Future--all exist WITHIN the INNER SELF of Every Individual Beings."
"As is the Divine Nature of the Lotus Leaf to remain untouched by water, so does a Righteous Person remains Fully Unaffected by Passions and Sensual Pleasures."
"A Person of Universe in such Dilemma needs TRUE & PURE NATURAL GUIDE."
"Three Ancient Divine Sanskrit sources make a Homologous quote:
"Maharishi Charak purified the Body with Ayurveda; Maharishi Painini purified our Tongue (language) with his grammar; while Maharishi Patanjali purified the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) with his Yoga."
"The True & Pure Knowledge of the Past, Present & Future--all exist WITHIN the INNER SELF of Every Individual Beings."
"As is the Divine Nature of the Lotus Leaf to remain untouched by water, so does a Righteous Person remains Fully Unaffected by Passions and Sensual Pleasures."
"The visited Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is like a Furious Elephant , but can be controlled by the Goad of Right Knowledge."
"The most important thing in Precious Life is True & Pure Knowledge. precedes Compassion. All noble & gentle people take this into account. How will an Ignorant People distinguish the Meritorious DEEDS from the Evil Ones ?."
"An Aspirant, noble, Gentle who does not know the non - living substances , cannot practice self - restraint."
"The True & Pure knowledge is of five kinds:
1. Scriptural 2. Knowledge derived through the Five Senses and the Mind.
3.Claivoyant 4. Telepathic and 5. Omniscient (knowledge from Lord Mother Kundalini or Kevala - Jnana)."
"Perfect Yoga & Meditation is attained through True & Pure knowledge and by Righteous Conduct & Act. "
"Divine Saint Maharshi Patanjali is dealing with a Science of Science called "YOGA"
"We have grammar of Panini, but not his yoga and medical work."
"We have the medical work of Charaka, but not his Yoga or his grammar."
"We have Yoga of Patanjali, but not his Life Science (Ayurveda) or his grammar"
"The Divine Work of These Maharishi were for the welfare of Human being, its culture , its divine philosophy and indeed , its entire civilization."
"The ASHTANGA YOGA by Divine Saint Patanjali is the system v\s "THE FIVE PRECEPTS ~ by BUDDHA"
"The Way of Eternal."
"The ASHTANGA YOGA by Divine saint Patanjali is the system , yet the said two verses are the most controversial amongst Modern- Yoga practitioners and in fact, are thrown out with impunity by the largest number of Modern- Yoga adherents as being irrelvant to the practice of Yoga. Verses 31, 33 to 45 support the Principle of YAMA & NIYAMA, the moral restraints and ethical observances of the ASHTANGA YOGA."
"These five restriction are:
1. Ahimsa (non violence).
2.Satya (truthfulness).
3.Asteya (nonstealing).
4."Brahamcharya (sextual - control)
5"Aparita graha (control of Greed)."
"These five ethical observances are"
1. Saucha (purity of body, mind, chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."
2. Santosh (serenity, contentment).
3."Tapas (disciplined Austerity).
4.Swadhayaya (self introspection), and
5. Atman Prasadama (accepting what one's Karma (actions) returns to one in life."
"The last observance is usually given as ISWARA - PRANIDHAN, or Devotion to Lord (God)."
"The Evolution on the Physical Plane is no less valuable.
It prepares ground for Higher Developments and makes the whole Foundation Solid for Full Development."
"These Centers are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras"and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga" as the "NADIS"."
"It is Necessary for the True Individual,Aspirant & Sadhak,to have a through True & Pure Knowledge of the different YOGIS PLEXUS."."
"It may Sound Strange,but the fact is that the Anatomy of the human Body Today is Far from that of the Anatomy of the Human study of Centres (Chakras) which are Hidden from us must begin with the observation of their functions which are quite open for Investigation."
"These Chakras cannot be detected by Anatomists by Dissection as actually they are more of an Astral Nature then Physical."
"But the effect of their activity is perceptible in the Physical Body."
"The most important "CHAKRAS", i.e. Plexus as follows:
{3} Manipur,
{4} Anahat ,
{6} Ajana.
These plexus or chakras are connected by Energy -Currents called "NADIS". The current that establishes connections between Two Centres is called "NADIS"."
"The YOGIS Nadis are neither the veins nor the arteries nor the Nerves."
"As explained by the Sir John Woodroffs they are Chhannels of Subtle Energy and therefore with all the skillful Post-Mortem examination ,the surgeons of today is unable to find in the Human Body any such things as the "IDA",and "PINGALA",and therefore the Modern Scientists are inclined to Ridicule the Yoga Science and its."
"NADI" is commonly understood as Nreve,but in fact it is Astral and not Physical.Just as there is a WIRELESS Current between two Radio-Centres, so, in the Human Body-Frame there are innumerable centres of the Various Activities of PRANA, i.e. the Living Energy, and that these Centres are linked together by Currents Imperceptible to Ordinary Human Eye."
"These Centers are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras"and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga as the "NADIS"."
" (This is explained in SUBALOPANISHAD)"
"Everything else is a Display of Words by Egoistic Intellectual of World to misguiding the MASS & Drowning in the Quicksand of MISFORTUNE."
"The Evolution on the Physical Plane is no less valuable."
"It prepares ground for Higher Developments and makes the whole Foundation Solid for Full Development."
"These Centers are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras" and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga" as the "NADIS"."
*~ Vedanta Version~*
"It is Necessary for the True Individual,Aspirant & Sadhak,to have a through True & Pure Knowledge of the different YOGIS PLEXUS.".
"It may Sound Strange ,but the fact is that the Anatomy of the human Body Today is Far from that of the Anatomy of the Human study of Centres (Chakras) which are Hidden from us must begin with the observation of their functions which are quite open for Investigation."
"To understand the SCRIPTURES of all Religion of World, an attitude of "EQUANIMITY" and "IMPARTIALITY" is essential in a true individual, aspirant, devotee & Sadhak."
"Whatever TRICK MIND,Chitta (Mind stuff, psyche) uses, a Human must use the same TRICK to DEFEAT it."
“Neural electrical activity has been correlated with different states of awareness. Children do not display the neural electrical activity associated with conscious awareness until after six years of age."
"They spend the first six years of their lives in the state referred to as the hypnogogic trance. This is the same state that hypnotists induce to implant suggestions directly into the subconscious mind."
"All patterns of behavior that emerge from experiences where conscious processing is absent or suspended remain below the level of conscious awareness, and tends to be repeated."
"As an adult any experience that rises above a certain stress threshold induces the hypnogogic state, resulting in a suspension of conscious processing. In this state whatever we experience will be stored in our subconscious memory but not consciously processed."
"This is why we are bombarded daily with negative messages that frighten us. It suspends our conscious processing and keeps our subconscious mind open to suggestive programming. In this way we are molded to fit the agenda of the elite."
"We are regressed daily into a state of hypnogogic compliance and downloaded with predictive programming by the media and entertainment industry.”
*~Vito Santana~*
"A Person in such Dilemma needs TRUE GUIDE."
"How can both contrary feelings arise at the same time in every human being of Universe.?."
"It can happens. If there is only one feeling, that is fine, but everyone is in the dilemma at some time or other."
"A dilemma means that two contrary feelings arise at same time. it means YOU do not know which one to accepts and which one to give up."
"It is good to go forward the world or toward spirituality?."
"How do you express third condition.? You say, "One mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) say this, and the other mind say that."But the mind is only One, and how feelings have arisen at the same time."
"A person in such dilemma needs TRUE GUIDE."
"When there is a conflict between sin and virtue,that is the best time to give initiation & true path. "
"People face dilemmas in worldly affairs as well in the their spiritual path.On one side the world pulls, and on the other side SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS SPIRITUAL CONDUCTIVITY attracts."
"It often happens that a person wants follow a path of spirituality, but he can not decide what his duty is.?His attachment comes in DISGUISE, puts on a clock of discretion and makes him WONDER."
"The entire world is tied with the consciousness of 'SHAKTI' , Divine Power (Maha- Laxmi,Maha- Swarswati & Maha- Kali ) of Lord Being (GOD)."
"There will be A DAY when our pleadings will definitely be HEARD."
" Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of "Selfishness, Ego,Ostentation, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity ,& Vices."
"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."
"Likewise, it is so simple to go WITHIN, to close the doors of that little chapel in the heart and say:
"True Prayer, Japa, Yoga, Mediation & so forth takes you closer to the real knowledge that is the ultimate goal of your Social, Religious & spiritual path."
"The most important thing in Precious Life is True & Pure Knowledge. precedes Compassion. All noble & gentle people take this into account. How will an Ignorant People distinguish the Meritorious DEEDS from the Evil Ones ?."
"An Aspirant, noble, Gentle who does not know the non - living substances , cannot practice self - restraint."
"The True & Pure knowledge is of five kinds:
1. Scriptural 2. Knowledge derived through the Five Senses and the Mind.
3.Claivoyant 4. Telepathic and 5. Omniscient (knowledge from Lord Mother Kundalini or Kevala - Jnana)."
"Perfect Yoga & Meditation is attained through True & Pure knowledge and by Righteous Conduct & Act. "
"Divine Saint Maharshi Patanjali is dealing with a Science of Science called "YOGA"
"We have grammar of Panini, but not his yoga and medical work."
"We have the medical work of Charaka, but not his Yoga or his grammar."
"We have Yoga of Patanjali, but not his Life Science (Ayurveda) or his grammar"
"The Divine Work of These Maharishi were for the welfare of Human being, its culture , its divine philosophy and indeed , its entire civilization."
"The ASHTANGA YOGA by Divine Saint Patanjali is the system v\s "THE FIVE PRECEPTS ~ by BUDDHA"
"The Way of Eternal."
"The ASHTANGA YOGA by Divine saint Patanjali is the system , yet the said two verses are the most controversial amongst Modern- Yoga practitioners and in fact, are thrown out with impunity by the largest number of Modern- Yoga adherents as being irrelvant to the practice of Yoga. Verses 31, 33 to 45 support the Principle of YAMA & NIYAMA, the moral restraints and ethical observances of the ASHTANGA YOGA."
"These five restriction are:
1. Ahimsa (non violence).
2.Satya (truthfulness).
3.Asteya (nonstealing).
4."Brahamcharya (sextual - control)
5"Aparita graha (control of Greed)."
"These five ethical observances are"
1. Saucha (purity of body, mind, chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."
2. Santosh (serenity, contentment).
3."Tapas (disciplined Austerity).
4.Swadhayaya (self introspection), and
5. Atman Prasadama (accepting what one's Karma (actions) returns to one in life."
"The last observance is usually given as ISWARA - PRANIDHAN, or Devotion to Lord (God)."
"The Evolution on the Physical Plane is no less valuable.
It prepares ground for Higher Developments and makes the whole Foundation Solid for Full Development."
"These Centers are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras"and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga" as the "NADIS"."
"It is Necessary for the True Individual,Aspirant & Sadhak,to have a through True & Pure Knowledge of the different YOGIS PLEXUS."."
"It may Sound Strange,but the fact is that the Anatomy of the human Body Today is Far from that of the Anatomy of the Human study of Centres (Chakras) which are Hidden from us must begin with the observation of their functions which are quite open for Investigation."
"These Chakras cannot be detected by Anatomists by Dissection as actually they are more of an Astral Nature then Physical."
"But the effect of their activity is perceptible in the Physical Body."
"The most important "CHAKRAS", i.e. Plexus as follows:
{3} Manipur,
{4} Anahat ,
{6} Ajana.
These plexus or chakras are connected by Energy -Currents called "NADIS". The current that establishes connections between Two Centres is called "NADIS"."
"The YOGIS Nadis are neither the veins nor the arteries nor the Nerves."
"As explained by the Sir John Woodroffs they are Chhannels of Subtle Energy and therefore with all the skillful Post-Mortem examination ,the surgeons of today is unable to find in the Human Body any such things as the "IDA",and "PINGALA",and therefore the Modern Scientists are inclined to Ridicule the Yoga Science and its."
"NADI" is commonly understood as Nreve,but in fact it is Astral and not Physical.Just as there is a WIRELESS Current between two Radio-Centres, so, in the Human Body-Frame there are innumerable centres of the Various Activities of PRANA, i.e. the Living Energy, and that these Centres are linked together by Currents Imperceptible to Ordinary Human Eye."
"These Centers are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras"and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga as the "NADIS"."
" (This is explained in SUBALOPANISHAD)"
"Everything else is a Display of Words by Egoistic Intellectual of World to misguiding the MASS & Drowning in the Quicksand of MISFORTUNE."
"The Evolution on the Physical Plane is no less valuable."
"It prepares ground for Higher Developments and makes the whole Foundation Solid for Full Development."
"These Centers are Technically called the "LOTUSES" or "Chakras" and the Currents that connect them are termed in "Yoga" as the "NADIS"."
*~ Vedanta Version~*
"It is Necessary for the True Individual,Aspirant & Sadhak,to have a through True & Pure Knowledge of the different YOGIS PLEXUS.".
"It may Sound Strange ,but the fact is that the Anatomy of the human Body Today is Far from that of the Anatomy of the Human study of Centres (Chakras) which are Hidden from us must begin with the observation of their functions which are quite open for Investigation."
"To understand the SCRIPTURES of all Religion of World, an attitude of "EQUANIMITY" and "IMPARTIALITY" is essential in a true individual, aspirant, devotee & Sadhak."
"Whatever TRICK MIND,Chitta (Mind stuff, psyche) uses, a Human must use the same TRICK to DEFEAT it."
“Neural electrical activity has been correlated with different states of awareness. Children do not display the neural electrical activity associated with conscious awareness until after six years of age."
"They spend the first six years of their lives in the state referred to as the hypnogogic trance. This is the same state that hypnotists induce to implant suggestions directly into the subconscious mind."
"All patterns of behavior that emerge from experiences where conscious processing is absent or suspended remain below the level of conscious awareness, and tends to be repeated."
"As an adult any experience that rises above a certain stress threshold induces the hypnogogic state, resulting in a suspension of conscious processing. In this state whatever we experience will be stored in our subconscious memory but not consciously processed."
"This is why we are bombarded daily with negative messages that frighten us. It suspends our conscious processing and keeps our subconscious mind open to suggestive programming. In this way we are molded to fit the agenda of the elite."
"We are regressed daily into a state of hypnogogic compliance and downloaded with predictive programming by the media and entertainment industry.”
*~Vito Santana~*
"A Person in such Dilemma needs TRUE GUIDE."
"How can both contrary feelings arise at the same time in every human being of Universe.?."
"It can happens. If there is only one feeling, that is fine, but everyone is in the dilemma at some time or other."
"A dilemma means that two contrary feelings arise at same time. it means YOU do not know which one to accepts and which one to give up."
"It is good to go forward the world or toward spirituality?."
"How do you express third condition.? You say, "One mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) say this, and the other mind say that."But the mind is only One, and how feelings have arisen at the same time."
"A person in such dilemma needs TRUE GUIDE."
"When there is a conflict between sin and virtue,that is the best time to give initiation & true path. "
"People face dilemmas in worldly affairs as well in the their spiritual path.On one side the world pulls, and on the other side SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS SPIRITUAL CONDUCTIVITY attracts."
"It often happens that a person wants follow a path of spirituality, but he can not decide what his duty is.?His attachment comes in DISGUISE, puts on a clock of discretion and makes him WONDER."
"The entire world is tied with the consciousness of 'SHAKTI' , Divine Power (Maha- Laxmi,Maha- Swarswati & Maha- Kali ) of Lord Being (GOD)."
"There will be A DAY when our pleadings will definitely be HEARD."
" Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of "Selfishness, Ego,Ostentation, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity ,& Vices."
"Although the TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within,a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."
"Likewise, it is so simple to go WITHIN, to close the doors of that little chapel in the heart and say:
"True Prayer, Japa, Yoga, Mediation & so forth takes you closer to the real knowledge that is the ultimate goal of your Social, Religious & spiritual path."
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