10 Jun 2013

Wake up Parents

"WAKE UP & WAKE UP" Parents of Every Country of Universe !."

"Son are they who're devoted to their parents,
"A Parent is they who nurtures their children;
"A Friend is he who is a repository of faith,
"A Wife is she in whom the husband finds satisfaction.
"As by attendance, attentiveness and caress,"The fish, turtle and bird;
"Constantly nurture their little ones,
"Similar is association with good Persons."
"~ Ancient Chanakya ~"

"Now days Children of Every Country spend more and more of what little playtime they have left watching, TV., Computer, where they learn about Violence, Bullying & so forth in the Schools, a major problem in every country, and of Teenage - Lust & Suicide."

"The Most Direct Proof of the Influence of Worldly Happenings {UNHAPPINESS} on Our Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is * EGO, OSTENTATION, ATTACHMENT, GREED, ANGER & so forth & these are cause of Deceiving, Cheating & Looting & so forth."
Spare some time in the morning & Evening for Self Realization."

"Spare some time in the morning & Evening for our Divine offspring for the betterment of precious Life."

"Try to inspire your children to take a New Direction i.e. Subtle management of precious life i.e. Self Realization. You do not have to tell them to eat & to married because these are NATURAL DEVICES. You have to TEACH & INSPIRE to your children how to Devote more Time for Self Realization, how to be Social, Religious & Spiritual Discipline, how to Spare some time in the morning & Evening for Self Realization."

“There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.”
"~ M.Gandhi ~"


"Within you there are not only weaknesses, helplessness and misconceptions in abundance. Infinite capability, infinite wisdom and boundless joy are also present."

"WAKE UP & WAKE UP" Parents of Universe !."

"Now days Children of Every Country spend more and more of what little playtime they have left watching, TV., Computer, where they learn about Violence, Bullying & so forth in the Schools, a major problem in every country, and of Teenage - Lust & Suicide."

"The World of Children is now full of rivalry, deception , a lack of Close relationships & denial of responsibility."

"Worst of all , as they sit eating Chocolate and Potato Chips (made of G.M.O.) and playing video, computers game, they don't know what they are missing."

"EMF (electromagnetism fields) and limitless "JunK- FooD" are causing adults diseases in children as young as eight or nine years old."

"High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity , weak or misshapen ones, stress- related Asthma and atopy are all unusually common children's diseases in every country."
"That is the Only GENUINE Way Social, Religious & Spiritual - Truth is brought into the UNIVERSE."

“Neural electrical activity has been correlated with different states of awareness. Children do not display the neural electrical activity associated with conscious awareness until after six years of age."

"They spend the first six years of their lives in the state referred to as the hypnogogic trance. This is the same state that hypnotists induce to implant suggestions directly into the subconscious mind."

"All patterns of behavior that emerge from experiences where conscious processing is absent or suspended remain below the level of conscious awareness, and tends to be repeated."

"As an adult any experience that rises above a certain stress threshold induces the hypnogogic state, resulting in a suspension of conscious processing. In this state whatever we experience will be stored in our subconscious memory but not consciously processed."

"This is why we are bombarded daily with negative messages that frighten us. It suspends our conscious processing and keeps our subconscious mind open to suggestive programming. In this way we are molded to fit the agenda of the elite."

"We are regressed daily into a state of hypnogogic compliance and downloaded with predictive programming by the media and entertainment industry.”
*~Vito Santana~*
Spare some time in the morning & Evening for Self Realization."

" Divine & Subtle Guidelines for BETTER LIFE."

1."Practice everyday the act of casting all doubts out of your Mind & Chitta(mind stuff, psyche)."

2."Never settle for anything less than what you want to be."

3."Do not impose serf created limitations upon yourself."

4." Keep on believing as long as you live and your effectiveness will increased. Never compare yourself or your achievements with others make your comparisons with yourself. Think, believe and visualize success"

5. "Get your mind & chitta full of optimism and enthusiasm. Affirm that, "Perhaps I cannot do it, but God is with ME and with his strength I can do this."

6." The difficult we do immediately , the impossible may take a little longer ."

7."Since God anf I form a strong combination, it may be assumed that God and I can do the Immpossible, even if it does require a little time. Make that dominating thought of your mind & chitta- God & I are under FEATABLE."

8."It is important to eliminate from your conversation all negative and upsetting ideas, for they tend to produce Duce Tension and Annoyance inwardly."

9."The secret of achievement is to hold a picture of a successful outcome in mind & chitta."

10."Also say, "The Rough is only mental. I think victory and yet Victory. I believe I am always Divinely Guided. I believe I will always take the Right Turn of the Road of Life."

11."Believe in our Scriptures (not dogmas) that God will always make a way where there is NONE."
Spare some time in the morning & Evening for Self Realization."

"Life is Life, Awakened to Divine Light {Within} every moment with Positive Attitude & Perceptive."

"This World {Universe} & OUR MIND, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)} is Like the WAVES of an OCEAN."

"Evolution of Life to "Self -Realization" is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the "REAL- EVOLUTION"."

"RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
Spare some time in the morning & Evening for Self Realization."

"It said that those who live in Glass Houses should not throw stones at others."
But here everyone is living in glass houses and throwing at others."

"The Most Direct Proof of the Influence of Worldly Happenings {UNHAPPINESS} on Our Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is * EGO, OSTENTATION, ATTACHMENT, GREED, ANGER & so forth & these are cause of Deceiving, Cheating & Looting & so forth."
Spare some time in the morning & Evening for Self Realization."
*"ऊँ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ऊँ"*

"Are such persons Really Well-Wishers?."

"An Enemy is better than they are (well wishers)."

"Giving up & Destroying the PRIDE is nothing but servicing our own head."

"Elimination of ILLUSION is the GOAL of Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality."

"Evolution of Life to "Self -Realization" is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the "REAL- EVOLUTION"."

"Are such persons Really Well-Wishers?."

"From a Worldly perspective (materialistic) people might be a well-wisher,but from SOCIALLY, RELIGIOUSLY, SPIRITUALLY stan point there was no one more harmful than he was."

"Are such persons really well-wisher? No,while displaying a feeling of kindness and support they serve us sweet poison."

"The invoke feelings of attachment and aversion about some one or the other in our mind."

"An Enemy is better than they are(well wishers)."

"At least his real nature is known,where as these so-called well-wisher pollute our mind with poison,which their sweetness makes easy to accept."
Spare some time in the morning & Evening for Self Realization."

"These are the Maufia of So Called Schools, Colleges, Universities & so forth in every City Of India, as well as other counties of World.
Break & destroy the chains of it for the welfare of Humanity i.e. Self Realization of Next Generation to over come the Global warming i.e. Existence of Earth."



"Temple Principles...
"Non - Violence (Holy Heart, Mind,Thoughts & Deeds)
"ORDER ( Service & Duties without Expectations)
"BALANCE ( In all Regions, Path & Sects)
"HARMONY(Among Family, Society & so forth)
"Unconditional Love among Family , Society & so forth
"CONSCIOUSNESS among Living & Non Living
"Individual being LIVE BY A MORAL PLANE."

"EDUCATED & HIGHLY EDUCATED(MAXIMUM) (Ego, Materialist, Ostentation)."

"Every individual in Modern Universe BELITTLE, NUDGE & DESPISE all others & try to prove that he is the MODERN & HIGHLY EDUCATED ( Outward)."

"VIOLENCE in the form of Slaughter & Terrorism & Unwanted Wars due to the Fake Patriotism & Nationality, "Unrest , disharmony , ailment , depression , lethargy , poverty , lack of concentration on TRUTH & so forth are now very common and prevailing in almost every house,society & so forth. "
"EGO for to become Powerful County in World
"FEAR (with Each other in all Respects)

"Every individual in Modern Universe BELITTLE, NUDGE & DESPISE all others & try to prove that he is the MODERN."

"What is The "NEETI- SHASTRA (Moral Philosophy, Moral Ethics , Moral Science, Welfare of Living & Non Living of our Universe & other Universe) of Divine

"The Human beings who remain in a "DILEMMA" attains neither the WORLD, nor "SOCIAL CONDUCT" as well as Religiosity & "SPIRITUALITY"."

"The Time has come for the Whole World, in spite of its Diversity, to accept that the Teachings of the Ancient Divine Rishis (Sages) are the Root of All Religions, having ONE and the SAME GOAL for welfare of Living & Non living."

"ONLY one form each pair:




4. TEMPTING- BENEFICIAL- can exist in the MIND & CHITTA at any given MOMENT."

"Either the "WORLD" (Ego, Desire, Lust Hate & Vices etc.) will exist, or "SOCIAL , RELIGIOUS & "SPIRITUAL CONDUCT (Unconditional Love & Peace with non violence etc.) will exist."

"If Individual being TRY to KEEP both then BOTH will disappear."

"Either there will be "SUPREMACY of ANGELS " or "DEVILS " in the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"The world as well as our body is mix of PROPITIOUS and UNPROPITIOUS."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff, psyche)."

"In the FACE of this Inner Battle even the Greatest Battle the External World is always Meaningless & Worthless."

"NEETI " is the Subtle & Visible (within) Link between: {A}. Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity & Materialism,
{B}. Idealism and Realism, {C}. Precept & Practice,

1.Definition & Actualization,
2. Learning & Application,
3. Ignorance & True & Pure Knowledge,
5.Self- pity & Self- Respect,
6.Giving & Getting, 7.Good & Bad,
8.Right & Wrong,
9.Fake & Real,
10. Temporary & Permanent
11. Weakness & Strength,
12.Past & Future,
13. Purity & Impurity
14. Inner & Outer
15. Foolishness & Wisdom,
16. Contentment & Covetousness,
17. Withdrawal & Confrontation,
18. Disunity & Unity,
19. Self- pity & Self- Respect,
20. Giving & getting,
21. Faith & Reason,
22.Dogma & Disbelief,
23.Mysterious & Obvious,
24.Unearthly & Earthly,
25.Theory & Practice, 26. Courage & Discretion,
27. Dependence & Autonomy,
28.Rigidness & Flexibility,
29. Goodness & Evil,
30.Poverty & Wealth,
31. Individual & Society,
32. Self & Non- Self,
33. Art & Artlessness,
34.Religion & Atheism,
35. Within & Without, 36.Fate & Action (Karma),
37. Submission & Resistance,
38. Humility & Confidence,
39.Harmony & Conflict, 40.Passivity & Power,
41. Failure & Success,
42. Dictatorship & Democracy,
43.Self-denial & Opportunism,
44.Virtue & Wisdom, 45. Solitude & Eratosthenes,
46. Self- Negation & Self- Realization, 47. Self- Effacement & Self- Assertion,
48. Individual Soul & the Supreme Soul, 49. Renunciation & Enjoyment,
49. Silence & Speech,
50. LIFE & DEATH, 51.Solitude & Eratosthenes,
52.Temporary & Permanent,
53.Weakness & Strength."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

"To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.."

*"ॐ"*"The Essence of the Vedanta & the Gita."~"ॐ"*
"When it can be so said about our knowledge of the Physical Plane much more can be said about the Higher Spheres still Unexplored. The Metaphysics and Occult Sciences have already given Glimpses in that Direction. We see that this Universe is a Divine Play of two kinds of Forces - Secular & Spiritual, Physical & Metaphysical. Physical Science gives us information of the Former & over the other it possesses no Jurisdiction."

"To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.."

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