15 Nov 2012


Only Skin Color, language, native place and finally religious & religion is different but the main thing inside the each human being is one & EQUAL. ONE for ALL & All for ONE.

Individual beings wish to attain different types of miraculous powers,but they do not wish by experience the AWAKENED STATE.

The CHAITNYATA / the conscious self remains active on different planes through the mind and senses but still remains separate and unaffected the mind and the body.

The body is simply a medium,there is no question of it being active because of its gross nature.

It can compared to a machine. Due to the EGO a living become the DOER,unable to experience the difference between the Chaitanya,the conscious self and the body.

This called the DORMANT STATE of the conscious -self. Even though it is functioning, the conscious self gets pushed behind and LIFE FORCE comes to the fore front.

Awakening is the state where one begins to experience the separateness between the body and the conscious self.

Then the sense of DOERSHIP begins to transform into the sense of an OBSERVER who sees the conscious self function through the body and mind.

At this stage,a individual's FALSE- PRIDE begins to disappear.The main reason the opportunity to experience the conscious self does not arises,the reservoir of samskaras, the accumulated seeds of past Karma (own actions).These samskaras take the form of passions and are responsible for the rise of mental modification according to their OWN NATURE.

The sense organs are always pouncing on worldly pleasures and their fruits.Inspired by the samskaras, the mind is always supporting them.

As a result,neither does the world disappear from sight nor can the mind or sense organs become INTROVERTED.

The conscious self is called "CONSCIOUSNESS" when it begins to work through the sense organs.The beginning of the experience of the separateness of the consciousness from body and the mind is an important TURNING POINT in SADHAN.

This is also beginning of the DISSOLUTION of the ACUTE- ENEMY of Human Being.

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