29 Nov 2012

Relieving from Stress

Relieving The Stress Of Subtle Inner Burdens

All of the matters, messages, ideas and feelings that you want to communicate and/or clear up with someone but you still haven't done, mean an inner burden that you sustain. To communicate the essential, and what has meaning to people that you love and are important for you, is an act of love and care. To leave pending conversations and to postpone the
m means to accumulate things to say, matters to clear up and ideas to dialogue with, inside you. It means a burden that prevents you from living the present with full freedom. You have something pending.

There are people who, only on the verge of death, quickly say what they feel, to clarify matters and to communicate feelings. It seems that feeling death to be near gives them the courage to dare to open themselves and communicate that which they have wanted to say for so long but have put off.

Sometimes we feel the burden of not having expressed our feelings to a closed loved one, before he/she has died, about how grateful we are to them or/and how sorry we are for some incorrect action committed towards them. We put off the expression of the feelings until it is too late and the loved one dies. Even after a long time after that, we continue to feel the burden of the postponement within.

What might have been, and was not, can no longer be fixed. We simply have to accept how the past happened and not live with regrets that increase our inner heaviness. We have to learn from it, not put off conversations, but clear up matters as they arise and not be afraid to do so.

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