30 Nov 2012

Self mastery

Self Mastery

I sit down quietly, feeling calm and relaxed, breathing in and out deeply... distancing my mind from all tensions and worries, remaining free and at peace. All those thoughts that come into my mind at the moment and are not important, I simply let them pass by... I am the creator of my own thoughts...

I think about the power of the will. Originally, I was a being free to choose what
 I wanted, to decide when I wanted it, without influences... Now, I return to that original state, to that inner source of deep peace, self-confidence and power... Now there is a natural intuition and knowledge of what is right. I realize this is what makes me free...

I feel relaxed and carefully observe my personality... my character and the life I lead... Am I who I want to be? Does my character correspond to my ideals? Do I lead the life I want to lead?

Am I independent? The power to free myself is to be found in my inner self... the capacity to feel like an autonomous being, with a free mind, as peaceful as I desire, as positive as I want it to be. And my feelings are in harmony, free of restrictions, free of influences...

The power of thoughts is so great, if I think I can do something the power will be there to do it. If I choose to think positively, I can think positively. If I want to relax my body, I can do it. If I want to be emotionally free, and still be in the world without bowing down to others, I can... This mastery over the self will bring me true freedom...

I ask myself over and over again: Am I free? ... Free to create the thoughts, and feelings I want to create, when I want to, as often as I want to, for as long as I want to...

I am the creator of my own world, of everything I think and do...

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