29 Nov 2012

Human beings

Human beings, according to ancient Indian teachings, are not simply a coordinated collection of limbs, senses and sensations; they are all these put together, governed by the intelligence, that is sharpened by the modes and memories earned through many births. Intelligence and skills, by themselves are instruments with a limited range of efficiency; there are many goals which they cannot achieve.
Those goals can most certainly be attained by the Grace of the Divine Power.

Complete surrender of the ego to the Divine Will brings Grace upon you and fills you with bliss. In the epic Ramayana, Vibheeshana was capable of that surrender and so he was accepted very quickly and attained the joy from the Divine. On the other hand, Sugreeva took quite a while to reach that stage, as he doubted the prowess of Lord Rama and only when his doubts were cleared, he truly surrendered to the Lord.

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