29 Nov 2012

Role Consciousness

Role Consciousness To Soul Consciousness

Experience the following thoughts one after the other:

I am conscious of myself and of what is around me...
I look at my life as a detached observer...
I observe the different roles I play during the day...
I see to what point I am capable of releasing myself of the role after I have played it and the scene has ended...
I can be myself...
I am freed from my roles and the consciousness of my body with which I play the roles...
I become light, without any burdens, free of weight...
I am only pure consciousness, I am light...
I am a miniscule point of light that radiates from the centre of my forehead...
I radiate the innate qualities of my being...
I radiate vibrations of peace; I radiate vibrations of love...
I am peace, I am love, I am light...

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