29 May 2013

I descend

"Lord Krishna says: "The people whose Sins have been cleared by Good Karmas (actions) become FREE from "DUALITY (DVAITA) and are able to be ENGROSSED in 'ME' with the strenghth of an UNSHAKABLE OATH."

"The Spiritual Principles are thousands of Centuries old."
Their History is extensive.Due to differences in place and time,indeed their implementation changes."

"Within their realms there are many congregations and branches.
Spiritual knowledge continues to grow and develop."

"Often impurities are introduced.These impurities are not present in the PURE & ORIGINAL Principles,but in their So called FOLLOWERS."

"Critics are unable to differentiate between Principles and their followers,and thus reject the BASIC CONCEPT itself."

"Under the PRETEXT of UNITING all People,these CRITICS Sow the Seeds of Jealousy and Hatred."

"They talk about Welfare,but continue to Push the Common Masses into the Deep Abyss of MISFORTUNE."

"As long as their DRAMA of FALSE LOVE continues,they appear to be successful,but as soon as this DRAMA ENDS,They CRASH to GROUND."

In order to realize God ,ONE'S chitta (mind stuff) must be filled with Sattwa 9harmonious 0qualities.If it is filled with the darkness of Tamo Guna,and every moment finches with waves of Rajas Guna and enveloped in attachment,Hatred,anger and Desires,how can the reflection of the SOUL Shine in the Chitta ?"

"Studying the Scriptures helps cleanse one's intelligence,remove doubts,develop greater LOVE for Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality and develop Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality interest."

"This happens through direct experience.Otherwise the Emty study of Scriptures can cause arrogance about knowledge and make the DARK Layer of TAMAS Quality even more Dense."
"Vices are always for Worldly affairs. If virtues are dominated by EGO then they are also Vices,even if they are Harmonious in Nature."

"Virtues that are Free from EGO are REAL VIRTUES."

"This Real Virtues are inclined towards the SOUL."

"These are the HOLY TENDENCIES that subside upon Attainment of the SELF."

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