5 May 2013


"To create "THE NEW WORLD"{Self Realized} .Emerge the new definition of * LOVE &PEACE*in every Heart, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)."

"When we look around in the world, we can see problems, sadness, and depression everywhere."

"The play of MAYA & PRARABDHA ( divine sports,Grand illusion,destiny)."

"The psychic tendencies,impression and selfishness,do not leave human being at once."

"They perish and are reborn again and again."

"They disappear and manifest again."

"This is the play of MAYA(the grand Illusion)."

"THE KNOT OF MAYA (Sport of Lord being )."

"THE Afflictions to Liberation(Moksha)."

"When we look around in the world, we can see problems, sadness, and depression everywhere."

" If you look at any country, any society, any city, any family, or within anybody's mind you will see restlessness. There is no peace."

" It seems that everyone is unhappy. In search of happiness, one wanders outside himself and tries to attain the pleasures of the senses."

"If you look at the houses, they look good. If you look at the gardens around the houses, they look pretty."

"People are dressed beautifully. But if you really get into their minds, you will see there is restlessness and unhappiness."

"One of the biggest mistakes that we all make when there are problems, is that we believe that some external factor is the cause. But if we look at it closely, the reason for insults and rejection is not out there in the world. It is really in our own mind-in our chitta (mind stuff )."

"The scriptures, as in Yoga Darshan, raise this question: Why is there so much unhappiness?."

"The reason is Maya ,Prarbdha or illusion."

"The Yoga Darahsn says that whatever you have suffered in your life is over. You cannot go back and be happy about those circumstances. But there is a way to correct the way you deal with further suffering in the future."

"We become unhappy because of desire, anger, hatred, greed, lust and jealousy. Illusion is the root cause of all of those feelings. It is said in the Yoga Darshan(Vedanta)."

"The Chitta {mind stuff,psyche},just like body and the world,is also a part of Nature."

"Just as solitude is necessary for "SPIRITUAL PRACTICES",so purification of CONDUCT is possible only through "SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT."

"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY."

"Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality.

"THINK GLOBALLY, ACT HOMELY , SOCIALLY RELIGIOUSLY,SPIRITUALLY."{All are ONE & ONE is All.{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita ( Non-Duality),Within}."

"Consciousness of universal Frds. for Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only On God" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*

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