2 May 2013

Precious Life

The Indian way of Life since Ancient TIME i.e. Vedantic Period.? i.e. VISIBLE & INVISIBLE Management of Precious Life."

"The Future of mankind depends on this class of Indians . In time not so far , the Whole World would look for Ward to them for Guidance & Reformer & Leadership like Mahatma Gandhi & Vivekananada & so forth."

"To Get up reasonably early in the morning , take the one glass of water (minimum), walk in home without sleeper, brushing the teeth with branch of Neem (Margosa), washout, going out in a park (without sleeper) for morning walk ,bathing, sitting for sometime Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga or Meditation and then to have breakfast (lemon green tea must take) are the usual duties an average Indian generally performs before he starts his work."

"He then goes for his work and returns by 7 \ 8 p.m., to mingle with his family members before he retires to bed."

"Some Modern Indians rise very late, say at 8]9 A.M., take bed tea, rush for bath to get ready for office, eat something or take tiffin with them and attend the irrespective office. After finishing the day's work, they go to clubs or for a walk with or without their wives. "

"An Indian generally takes his dinner between 8 and 10 P.M., gossip with his family members and then retires for sleep."

"An Average Indian works with relation, talks to his guest, friends or visitors during work, often neglecting his work. His work is slow, and incase of a Government servant, negative, unless there are extra incentives like offer of extra money, profit or other advantages. An office worker reads a book, visit his friends or a temple or mosque during business hours."

"He is basically greedy, materially -oriented but outwardlly Religious -Looking. He pretends to show that he is contested but actually he is acquisitive . He talks of high philosophy and sings songs of glory of his Ancentors , but leads a not too - virtuous Life. He is ingenious, manipulative about his own affairs, and engages much of his time in how not to pay what is due to others, evading taxes, and earning money by hook or crook to meet his high cost of living."

"Most of the population is poor and the their major time goes in making both ends meet somehow."

" An average Indian is Brainy , Intelligent, Religious, Orthdox, Eoist, Individualistic, Proud, Patient, Non- Violent, Conservative, Peace- Loving, Hospitable, Talkative, Showy, Hypocrite, God Fearing, and a person with lesser Ambitions."

"In Social Life, an Indian would spread more on marriges and Rituals, would pay attention to parenstand other family members and would live in a joint family which, of late has started disntegrating. He attends social functions, does charities for his own community , interferes in or talks about othersa affairs."

" He goes and listens to preachers , Religious - Guru, Sooth - Sayers. HolyPlaces, Pilgrimages, Community Functions, even without believing in them. He does it as a Traditonal Custom or to Show to others."

"Some Indians, who are core and soul of Indian Society are Really Highly Spiritually, Contened, Philosophical, Philanthropiv, Learned, Unselfish, Virtuous, Experts in Yoga & Meditation, Herbs, Astrology, Spiritually and capable of showing the Path of Unconditional Love & Peace, Prosperity and Happiness to whole World."

"The Future of mankind depends on this class of Indians . In time not so far , the Whole World would look for Ward to them for Guidance & Reformer & Leadership like Mahatma Gandhi & Vivekanana."

"The Five Good Advices & Subtle Natural Healing for Every Moment."
(1). Remain balanced both in Favorable & Unfavorable circumstances."
(2)." Surrender completely and not Half- Heartedly before your God - Miracle would Happen."
(3). Work & Karma (action) without Attachment."
(4)."Discipline yourself before Disciplining others."
(5)." Do not have feeling of Good and Bad. Remain above the Both."

"TWENTY (20) Important Social, Religious & spiritual Instructions for every individual."

"In the Fast Modern Life, If a House does not provide a mental peace, it is useless. A Home is actually not made up of stones, bricks, cement & lime, it is Made of Human Interactions with positive attitude & perceptive."

"The Inner VITAL Frequencies, Vibrations, & Energies of Intuition within Our Self is the Vital Force of all our Words, Movements , Music & so forth, and all manner of CREATIVITY."

(1). Get up at 4to5a.m. daily. This is BRAHMAMAHUTRATA (in which the Lord & Deovta visited on Earth Hemisphere in Astral Body) which is extremely favorable for Prayer, Japa, Sadhana, Yoga & Meditation."

(2). "Asana: Sit on Padma, siddha or sukha Asana for Prayer ,Japa & meditation for 15 t0 30 minutes & so forth, facing east or north. Increase the period gradually to three hours. Do Sirshana and Sarvangasana for keeping up Brahmacharya, Health & increases the Memory faculty. Take light physical exercise as stand on toes, walking (without talking), & so forth, regularly. Do 20 Pranayamas."

(3)."Apa: Repeat any Mantra (as your Faith & devotion) as Pure OM, according to your taste or inclination, from 108 to 21,600 times daily."

(4)."DIETETIC DISCIPLINE: Take Sattvic Food ( Harmonious to Body) and Suddha Ahara.Observe moderation in diet (Mitahara). Give up overload the Stomach. Give up those thins which the mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) likes best for a fortnight in a year., Eat simple food. Milk , Fruits , Herbs, Natural Vegetable help the concentration. Take food as medicine to keep the LIFE Going Naturally. Eating for enjoyment in SIN. Give up salt & sugar foer a Month. You must be able to live nice. Do not ask for extra salt for food and Sugar for Tea, coffee or Milk."

(5). If Possible have a separate Prayer, Japa , sadhana, Yoga & Meditation room."

(6)." Do Charity regularly, every Month, or even daily according to your means, say Nine Rupee per day."

(7)." SVADHYAYA : Stdudy systemetically The Gita, the Ramayan, the Bhagvata , the Bible, the Quran, the Zend Avesta, the Tritakas, the Granth Sahib & so forth, from half an hour to one hour daily and have "Suddha Vichar" (True & pure thoughts)."

(8)."Preserve the vital force (Hindi: Veerya) very, very carefully. Veerya is God in motion or manifestation --- Vibhuti. Veerya is all power. Veerya is all Money. Veerya is the Essence of Precious Life, thought and Intelligence."
*~ Vedanta~*

(9)."Get by Hert some Prayer- Slokas, Stotras and reapeat as soon as you sit in the Asana before starting Prayer, Japa, Sadhna, Yoga or Meditation. This will elevate the mind & chitta quickly."

(10)." Have Satsanga (company of Righteous People). Give up bad company, smoking, meat and Alcoholic liquors entirely. Do not develop any evil Habits."
(11)." Have Japa Mala (rosary) roun your neck or in your pocket or underneath your pillow at night."

(12)." Observe MOUNA ( vow of Silence) for a couple of hours daily."

(13)."Fast on Ekadasi or live on Milk and Fruits ( not G.M.O at all.)."

(14)." Speak the TRUTH at all cast. Speak a little. Speak sweetly."

(15)."Reduce your wants (desires). If you have four shirt o or dresses, reduce the number to three or two. Lead a Happy, contented Life. Avoid unnecessary Worry (Chinta). Have plain living and high thinking."

(16). Never Hurt anybody (Ahimsa Paramo Dharma). Control Anger by unconditional Love. Kshama (forgiveness) and Daya (compassion)."

(17)."Do not depends upon Servants. SELF - RELIANCE is the highest of all Virtues."
(18)."Think of the mistakes you have committed during the course of the Day, just before retiring to bed (Self Analysis(). Keep daily diary and Self - Correction Register. Do not Brood over past mistakes."

(19).""Remember that DEATH is awaiting you at Every Moment. Never fall to fullfil your duties. Have PURE Conduct (Sadachara)."

(20)." Think Of GOD as soon as you wake up and just before you go to Sleep. Surrender yourself Completely to GOD (Saranagati)."

(21). Mother should do divine Breastfeading to their Child with Devotion to AVOID the Disease Like CANCER.

"Every kind of Mantras Vibration, Frequency & Energy can create a SHAPE. Every musical note can create a Pattern in Sand, a Geometrical Figure or Picture."

"Question:"When we try to visualize a Flame or another Symbol at the Eyebrow Centres, we can only see Patterns of color. However, we have no trouble in visualizing random thoughts and Recollections in Glorious Technicolor. Why in this Techniques to cultivate this Faculty of willful Visualization ?."

"The Psychic Symbol is the Symbol on which the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) should concentrate in order to complete the Cycle of Mantra. This Psychic Symbol can take any form according to the Sound Vibration, Frequency & Energy."

"Every kind of Mantras Vibration, Frequency & Energy can create a SHAPE. Every musical note can create a Pattern in Sand, a Geometrical Figure or Picture."

"Experiments have been conducted on different Mantra Sounds, Consonant & Vowel of the Divine Language Sanskrit, and although no in depth study has been made, the basic Principles are known."

"The Symbol which is given at the time of Mantra Initiation represents the Shape of the Frequency & Vibration of the Mantra, and the form that it will Adopt Naturally and Spontaneously. This form is inherent in the consciousness."

"Many People will have noticed that while practicing normal Prayer, Japa Sadhan & Meditation, without any Symbol, in the course of their Sadhana(perhaps after five or ten years) as they intensify Awareness of the Mantra, an Image in Mind & Chitta in Chidakash. Later on, when they ask for a symbol, they recognize it as being the one which was observed. They FEEL (within) that it came to them Naturally."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"The Contact of the Good Saint & Sage can change the Character of a Human: This is Natural Law."

"The World is not Devoid of Divine Sages & Saints having Genuine Occult Powers who could know everything in every ONE"S mind & Chitta (mind stuff) and can also see the Past, Present & Future."

"A BAD Human can get converted into the Good Human when HE Comes in contact with Saintly Magnates."

"You have to Churn your Words, Action (Karma) & so forth through mind & Chitta (mind stuff,psyche ) into in to The Reality."

"Yatha Pnde, Tatha Brahmande (Human Body & Universe is Homologous, ), Universe is Changing every Moment ,so our MIND & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is also changing due to mental tendencies.To Control the Mind & Chitta is necessary to Control the Global Warming ."

"Harmony of Mind & Chitta and natural diet will usually result in Good Health and happiness for the person as well as Universe. If the person is harmonious with himself and with his environment , he will be a happy and effective person for Family, Society & Universe."

"It is the Encolouration of Human's mind, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) & consciousness which Tinges the Emerald as Green and the Ruby as red.
"It is not the Sun alone, but it is the very light of Human's Visual Perception, which Illuminates the Sky."
"The Rose is Beautiful Only because Human Perceives it as BEAUTIFUL."

"The Inner VITAL Frequencies, Vibrations, & Energies of Intuition within Our Self is the Vital Force of all our Words, Movements , Music & so fortth, and all manner of CREATIVITY."

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