21 May 2013


Photo: Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*

"THE GODDESS of VEDANTA ; SANATAN or HINDU BELIEFS & its Divine Meaning & Which Type of Frequency, Vibrations & Energies Emerges & Manifest for welfare of Living & Non Living."."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"All the God{LORD} forms, whether they are Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim  % so forth reflect the Same & Homologous  God's Frequency, Vibration &  Energy (Psychic Energy & Psychic Ether)."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

" THE SHE" {LORD MOTHER, GODDESS } is painted as Riding on a LION as a symbol of Strength, Courage, Magnanimity and Majesty."

"Again,"SHE" is described in three forms according to the threefold Nature of Inertia,Activity ,and Peace."

"This Power is the Force of Creation {generating},Developing and Evolving the animate world,but ordinarily its function is according to the Lifeless Laws of Nature and is therefore said to be Asleep,."

"In human body this Power can be Awakened in the form of Psychic Force (Psychic Ether)."

"In The Vedantic ( Hinduism)  Shakti -Upasana, or worship of this power forms an important branch Tantric & Yogic Science."

"In this form the Lord (God) is regarded as LORD MOTHER who destroys all Obstacles and Evils in the Path of Spiritual Evolution of Soul and leads up the True Individual,Aspirant to Goal of GOD REALIZATION,in other words it is with HER assistance that a Soul attains perfection through its union with the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT--SHIVA (LORD,GOD)."

""SHE" is painted as riding on a LION as a symbol of strength,courage ,magnanimity and majesty."

"The picture also denotes the fact that when the Kundalini is aroused in a person. She rides the Lion of Yoga which roars like a hungry Lion in the body and begins to devour the weakness (flesh) of the Yogi."

"The Shakti is with HER numerous kinds of weapons begins to wage war on the animal passions which form the strong army of SATAN and always hinder Spiritual Advancement,killing them one by one,till every one of them has been to the last overpowered and killed."

"In certain parts if India Goats & Buffaloes are slaughtered for appeasing the GODDESS,unfortunately the followers of the Sect not understanding the Real & True meaning of Sacrifice,slaughter animals instead of sacrificing their own flesh in the Fire of Prayer,Japa,Sadhan & Yoga and offering their animal passions and Carnal Desires to the " MIGHTY LOVING MOTHER"."

"Again,"SHE" is described in three forms according to the threefold Nature of Inertia, Activity ,and Peace."

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*

"In the DIVINE  Social Culture, DIVINE  Religious Culture &  DIVINE Spiritual Culture of INDIA, i t is said:
"The Mother is God, the Father is God and the Sad -Guru is God."
 *"ॐ"~ THE VEDANTA ~"ॐ"*

"It is such a Great ideal,but in the Present age , who believes in it?."

"The Important things is Inner Awakening rather than Philosophies, Paths, Doctrines or Feelings."

"But one thing should be remembered: Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity) & Spirituality."

"Through Fickle-Mindedness and Lack of Control we stumble; by Steadiness and Control we ASCEND."

"To understand the SCRIPTURES of all Religion of World, an attitude of "EQUANIMITY" and "IMPARTIALITY" is essential in a Gentleman True Individual,Aspirant, Devotee & Sadhak."

"This "EQUANIMITY" can only arise through the Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spiritual Practices."

"The Cause of our Current Pitiable State is Our Social Conduct."

"Continuous efforts to purify Social Conduct are of Great Importance on the path of Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY,because it is Social Conduct that Drives an individual,aspirant towards Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY."

"Individual Beings and Universe welfare lies in doing only to follow the Natural Principles of PRARBDHA (Destiny) i.e.' CHAITNYA DHARMA(Self Realization of Consciousness)'

"The world is consumed by vasanas (propensity) at every movement.The fire of materialistic wishes and expectations BURNS in the MIND of individual beings always."

"Submerged within this FIRE,the entire world is becoming a MORSEL of food for DEATH."

"By showing in path of welfare of the world every body must try to SAVE it from entering the 'JAWS of DEATH'"

"Individual Beings and Universe welfare lies in doing only to follow the Natural Principles of PRARBDHA (Destiny) i.e.' CHAITNYA DHARMA(Self Realization of Consciousness)."

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*

"THE GODDESS of VEDANTA ; SANATAN or HINDU BELIEFS & its Divine Meaning & Which Type of Frequency, Vibrations & Energies Emerges & Manifest for welfare of Living & Non Living."."

"Prakruti – Nature. Goddess Lakshmi, & so forth is nature, the centre of all, the manifested and the unmanifested.

"Vikruti – Multi-Faceted Nature. Attributed with a multi-faceted nature, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth assumes many forms, known by numerous names, yet is attributeless.

"Vidya – Wisdom. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the inward movement of Consciousness toward liberation of the Ultimate.

"Sarvabhootahitaprada – Granter of Universal Niceties. All sensual pleasures are dependent upon the grace of Goddess Lakshmi only. As a repositary of knowledge and wisdom, She personifies pleasantries and blesses her devotees with Goodness.

"Shraddha – Devoted. The Goddess, who is realised devotion, is ever found of Her devotees, By one’s devotion, one can grasp the Ultimate Reality.

"Vibhuti – Wealth. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth, bestowing wealth and happiness on Her true followers, is the eternal source of bliss and joy, whose divine grace and benevolence on Her devotees bring joy to them.

"Surabhi – Celestial Being. The Goddess, who is the supreme forum, is also a celestial Being. She is worshipped by the Highest, the Trimurthis.

"Paramatmika – Omnipresence. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the Supreme Goddess of the three worlds and is the sole shelter for the distressed and the destitude.

"Vachi – Nectar-Like Speech. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth, the graceful and beautiful Goddess, is attributed with speech like nectar, sweeter in melody than the nectar, or even the music of the veena.

"Padmalaya – Residing On The Lotus. Emerging from the ocean of Milk and Nectar, the Divine Goddess has her abode in the lotus, which is a shelter of bliss and happiness.

"Padma – Lotus. Emerging from the Ocean of Milk, seated on lotus, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is also called Padma. She adores the lotus flower, and is Herself like one, tender, supple and graceful.

"Shuchi – Embodiment of Purity. Attributed with virtues of compassion, kindness, love, benevolence and mercy, among other things, the gracious Supreme Goddess is the symbolic representation of purity.

"Swaha – Shape of Swahadevi (Auspicious). Goddess Lakshmi embodies all that is held auspicious. Her grace and blessings ensure all comforts and bestow fruits of labour and true devotion, for she is the source of all that is good and auspicious.

"Swadha – Shape of Swadhadevi (Inauspicious). Bestowed with auspiciousness and sacred attributes, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth spells doom for those vilolating universal laws, becoming a sign of inauspiciousness for them.

"Sudha – Nectar. The beneficent, most endearing and lovable Goddess Lakshmi & so forthdwells in everybody as nectar, as the source of all bliss and enjoyment. She is effulgent with kindness and as sweet and charming as honey.

"Dhanya – Personification of Gratitude. The most benevolent, the most compassionate, the most endearing-with these attributes, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth dwells in everybody as the source of all bliss and enjoyment, for She is Gratitude Personified.

"Hiranmayi – Golden Appearance. Like a thousand suns, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth radiates splendour. Resplendent in all Her glory, She is dazzling like lightening, and cool as the silvery moon.

"Lakshmi – Goddess of Wealth. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the source of all powers and energies, dazzling in all Her glory.

"NityaPushta – Gaining strength Day By Day. She is the greatest strength, the greatest intelligence and the greatest bliss. By concentrating on Her, one can grow stronger day by day.

"Vibha – Radiant. The great Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi & so forthis a limitless ocean of beauty, whose spectacular appearance overwhelms the mind. She shines in all her glory and beauty of form.

"Aditi – Radiant Like The Sun. The beautiful, graceful, eternally radiant and smiling Goddess Lakshmi is the centre of beauty, the source of beauty. Seeing her beauty, even a thousand Kamadenus feel belittled.

"Deetya – Answer Of Prayers. Quickly dispelling all afflictions and fears, the beautiful Goddess protects Her beloved ones as an answer to their prayers.

"Deepta – Flame-Like. The gracious Goddess, most beautiful and graceful, shines with radiance, like a thousand suns brilliance.

"Vasudha – Earth. As Goddess of Earth, Goddess Lakshmi bestows Her grace and love on her worshippers. Anyone seeking shelter in Her will be blessed.

"Vasudharini – Bearer of the Burden of Earth. Mother Lakshmi & so forth, who quickly dispels all afflictions, is the Supreme Goddess of Earth. She protects her loved ones and showers Her grace and blessings on them, by bearing and taking upon Herself their burden.

"Kamala – Lotus. Although attributeless, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth has a lotus like face, eyes, hands and feet which carry their fragrance far and wide. Like the nectar in the lotus, She is ever sweet and endearing.

"Kantha – Consort of Vishnu. As the beloved consort of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the light of the universe, and its Infinite Existence.

"Kamakshi – One with Attractive Eyes. The eternally beautiful Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is loved by all the gods. Her eyes, radiating love and compassion, dazzle with the knowledge and wisdom of infinite power which the gods recognise as Ultimate Reality.

"Kamalasambhava – Emanating from the Lotus. Goddess Lakshmi’s emergence out of the powerful and waveless Ocean of Milk and Nectar is significant, for She is without attributes, changless, yet the cause of all changes.

"Anugrahaprada – Granter of Good Wishes. The ever-benevolent Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the bestower of all kinds of comforts to her devotees, granting them her grace, her blessings, and shelter.

"Buddhi – Wisdom. She is self-luminous, i.e., illuminates the senses, thereby dispelling ignorance.

"Anagha – Sinless. She is untainted, pure Consciousness. By mere concentration on Her, every sin becomes a virtue.

"Harivallabhi – Consort of Lord Hari. As Hari’s beloved, Goddess Lakshmi is His consort, and takes various forms when He manifests in the human form. She is the power of knowledge and the abode of all gods.

"Ashoka – Dispeller of Sorrows. Armed with all the tools of destruction, the Supreme Goddess dispels all sorrows and vanquishes evil. She dispels the fear of Her devotees by destroying evil and ensuring peace to prevail.

"Amrutha – Nectar. The Goddess is the quintessence of nectar. The devotee feels incomparable bliss when he surrenders himself totally, transcending his ego.

"Deepa – Radiant. The radiance emanating from Goddess Lakshmi & so forth overwhelms the mind of even Her beloved. Ever shining and replendent in all her jewellary, she exudes charm and magnetism.

"Lakashokavinashini – Remover of Universal Agonies. Without Goddess Lakshmi’s & so forth grace, it is impossible to accomplish any sacrificial rite or big mission. By surrendering unto her, one can be relieved of one’s agonies and distress.

"Dharmanilaya – Establisher of Eternal Law. The great, ever-forgiving Goddess Lakshmi & so forth stays with dharma, staying when one leads a pious life, devoid of any immoral activities. The devotee is blessed with the grace of Goddess Lakshmi and absolved of all sins.

"Karuna – Compassionate. As Mother of the universe, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the ocean of compassion and love. She is the embodiment of peace, praised by the gods, and giver of every wealth that is sought.

"Lokamatri – Mother of the Universe. There is no end to Her immense power. Her glory is so great as to be beyond description. As mother of the universe she commands the admiration and reverence of the gods and other beings.

"Padmapriya – Lover of Lotus. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth, seated on a lotus and emerging from the ocean of milk, is extremely fond of the flower. Her garland of lotuses is significant in that her beauty transcends all.

"Padmahasta – Having Lotus-Like Hands. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is attributed with hands that are soft and gentle like the petals of the lotus. They sparkle with ornaments that are studded with precious stones.

"Padmakshya – Lotus-eyed. Her lotus-like eyes are full of divine love and gentleness."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

*Namasteji, Pranamji, Namasteji,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of Vedanta."*

"The Yantra is constituent of "ZERO".Zero is having the combination of three significance i.e.
1.Reign of Lord being,
2.True (pure) knowledge & their benefit."
3. These three combine & form the Triangle.Every Yantra begins from Zero & vice versa."

"The geometry of "SHREE YANTRA" is not imaginary.The whole universe is residing in Shree Yantra."

"All ministers (Devta's) of Lord being residing in this Unique "Yantra.The pure concept of Vedanta " Yatha Pinde ,Tatha Brahmande,Human Body & Universe is homologous.The structure of others Yantra are derived from "Shree Yantra" for the beneficial of humankind ,non living as well by the Divine saint Of Sanatan Dharma."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

*Namasteji, Pranamji, Namasteji,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of Vedanta."*

"THE Pure Knowledge OF "Mantra".

"MANTRA" is related to philology (BHASGA VIGYAN);and it has three limbs.Varna means the basic alphabet.By joining letters words are formed.By combining words a 'MANTRA' is formed.Some mantras are called 'BEEJA' mantras or "SEED" mantras.In a 'BEEJA' mantras each letter is a 'MANTRA'. In other words,it each seed ,or letter,a word and a 'MANTRA' are included."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"A Sadhan of Japa is pathway to go from lower to a higher level,or to go inward (within) from outward.In other words, this is the path from "MATERILIALISM" to "SPIRITUALITY",starting with language, which is a part of this world and also part of physically-expressed speech.
The purification of letters,words and mantras inspire purification of chitta (mind -stuff,psyche),meaning and sentiments in the mantra strike the mind and enthuse in to awaken.Some aspirants starts to have "SPONTANEOUS " Pranayaam by doing japa,which is a sign of "AWAKENINGS".
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"Within you there are not only weaknesses, helplessness and misconceptions in abundance. Infinite capability, infinite wisdom and boundless joy are also present. If there is a disease within us, then its cure is also within us. You must recognize the power within and its influence. Be established within the self and burn down our defects through "BEEJA MANTRA."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

*Consciousness of Unconditional Love & Peace is Unique one among All Human Being & Non living Of UNIVERSE,"One for All & All for One"
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

"To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

*"ॐ"*"The Essence of the Vedanta & the Gita."~"ॐ"*
"When it can be so said about our knowledge of the Physical Plane much more can be said about the Higher Spheres still Unexplored. The Metaphysics and Occult Sciences have already given Glimpses in that Direction. We see that this Universe is a Divine Play of two kinds of Forces - Secular & Spiritual, Physical & Metaphysical. Physical Science gives us information of the Former & over the other it possesses no Jurisdiction."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

*Namasteji, Pranamji, Namasteji,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of Vedanta."*

"To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"For this everybody should be chant the Mantra given by Sadaguru Swami Shivom Thirthji Maharaj and Maa Bagulamukhi at the fix time 7.00 - 7.15 A.M. daily in the Homes, Temples (all types), Churchs (all types), Bodha-Chaityalayas (all types), All Holy Places (all types), Gurudwaras (all types) and all the Holly Places according to their own emotion & worship as well in HOME."

"To manifest the Homologous "Divine Power of Lord" to Over Come *THE GLOBAL WARMING in every Sphere of Life i.e. Welfare of Living & Non Living."


1. "ऊँ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं हिलीम्‌ ऊँ जीव-निर्जीव कल्याणकारी परम्‌-माँ परमेश्वरी नमो नमः ॥''
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

2."Om Aeim Hrim Shrim klim Hlim Om Shiv Shakti Bhyam Namoha Namaha."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

5. When you take your Sattvic Food Chant this Mantra 9 Time & then consume your Diet.
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

6.When you taking any Medicine Chant this Mantra 9 time."

* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL, Religious & Spiritual CONDUCTIVITY

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects through Social ,Religious & Spiritual Conductivity."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality (selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social ,Religiosity & Religious & Spiritual Conductivity i.e. Guru Tattwa,Prarabdha."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"ONE for ALL & ALL for ONE.{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita (Non-Duality),Within} i.e. Holy Human."
* "ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

Knowledge, Science, Spirituality Chaitanya-Dharma( Religion)Thrg Social Conduct ,
Consciousness of self realization:Prarbdha-Karma, Faith,Emotion,Feeling, PEACE,LOVE,Humanity,Happiness, Humility,Nature,Compassion,Belief,Mother,Krishna,
Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Teressa, Salvation,Beliefs,Tolerance,with TRUTH . : UNIQUE Positivity of LORD BEING(God)."
"Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" "ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*

"All the God{LORD} forms, whether they are Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim % so forth reflect the Same & Homologous God's Frequency, Vibration & Energy (Psychic Energy & Psychic Ether)."

" THE SHE" {LORD MOTHER, GODDESS } is painted as Riding on a LION as a symbol of Strength, Courage, Magnanimity and Majesty."

"Again,"SHE" is described in three forms according to the threefold Nature of Inertia,Activity ,and Peace."

"This Power is the Force of Creation {generating},Developing and Evolving the animate world,but ordinarily its function is according to the Lifeless Laws of Nature and is therefore said to be Asleep,."

"In human body this Power can be Awakened in the form of Psychic Force (Psychic Ether)."

"In The Vedantic ( Hinduism) Shakti -Upasana, or worship of this power forms an important branch Tantric & Yogic Science."

"In this form the Lord (God) is regarded as LORD MOTHER who destroys all Obstacles and Evils in the Path of Spiritual Evolution of Soul and leads up the True Individual,Aspirant to Goal of GOD REALIZATION,in other words it is with HER assistance that a Soul attains perfection through its union with the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT--SHIVA (LORD,GOD)."

""SHE" is painted as riding on a LION as a symbol of strength,courage ,magnanimity and majesty."

"The picture also denotes the fact that when the Kundalini is aroused in a person. She rides the Lion of Yoga which roars like a hungry Lion in the body and begins to devour the weakness (flesh) of the Yogi."

"The Shakti is with HER numerous kinds of weapons begins to wage war on the animal passions which form the strong army of SATAN and always hinder Spiritual Advancement,killing them one by one,till every one of them has been to the last overpowered and killed."

"In certain parts if India Goats & Buffaloes are slaughtered for appeasing the GODDESS,unfortunately the followers of the Sect not understanding the Real & True meaning of Sacrifice,slaughter animals instead of sacrificing their own flesh in the Fire of Prayer,Japa,Sadhan & Yoga and offering their animal passions and Carnal Desires to the " MIGHTY LOVING MOTHER"."

"Again,"SHE" is described in three forms according to the threefold Nature of Inertia, Activity ,and Peace."
"In the DIVINE Social Culture, DIVINE Religious Culture & DIVINE Spiritual Culture of INDIA, i t is said:
"The Mother is God, the Father is God and the Sad -Guru is God."
*"ॐ"~ THE VEDANTA ~"ॐ"*

"It is such a Great ideal,but in the Present age , who believes in it?."

"The Important things is Inner Awakening rather than Philosophies, Paths, Doctrines or Feelings."

"But one thing should be remembered: Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity) & Spirituality."

"Through Fickle-Mindedness and Lack of Control we stumble; by Steadiness and Control we ASCEND."

"To understand the SCRIPTURES of all Religion of World, an attitude of "EQUANIMITY" and "IMPARTIALITY" is essential in a Gentleman True Individual,Aspirant, Devotee & Sadhak."

"This "EQUANIMITY" can only arise through the Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spiritual Practices."

"The Cause of our Current Pitiable State is Our Social Conduct."

"Continuous efforts to purify Social Conduct are of Great Importance on the path of Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY,because it is Social Conduct that Drives an individual,aspirant towards Social Conductivity ,Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY."

"Individual Beings and Universe welfare lies in doing only to follow the Natural Principles of PRARBDHA (Destiny) i.e.' CHAITNYA DHARMA(Self Realization of Consciousness)'

"The world is consumed by vasanas (propensity) at every movement.The fire of materialistic wishes and expectations BURNS in the MIND of individual beings always."

"Submerged within this FIRE,the entire world is becoming a MORSEL of food for DEATH."

"By showing in path of welfare of the world every body must try to SAVE it from entering the 'JAWS of DEATH'"

"Individual Beings and Universe welfare lies in doing only to follow the Natural Principles of PRARBDHA (Destiny) i.e.' CHAITNYA DHARMA(Self Realization of Consciousness)."
"THE GODDESS of VEDANTA ; SANATAN or HINDU BELIEFS & its Divine Meaning & Which Type of Frequency, Vibrations & Energies Emerges & Manifest for welfare of Living & Non Living."."

"Prakruti – Nature. Goddess Lakshmi, & so forth is nature, the centre of all, the manifested and the unmanifested.

"Vikruti – Multi-Faceted Nature. Attributed with a multi-faceted nature, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth assumes many forms, known by numerous names, yet is attributeless.

"Vidya – Wisdom. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the inward movement of Consciousness toward liberation of the Ultimate.

"Sarvabhootahitaprada – Granter of Universal Niceties. All sensual pleasures are dependent upon the grace of Goddess Lakshmi only. As a repositary of knowledge and wisdom, She personifies pleasantries and blesses her devotees with Goodness.

"Shraddha – Devoted. The Goddess, who is realised devotion, is ever found of Her devotees, By one’s devotion, one can grasp the Ultimate Reality.

"Vibhuti – Wealth. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth, bestowing wealth and happiness on Her true followers, is the eternal source of bliss and joy, whose divine grace and benevolence on Her devotees bring joy to them.

"Surabhi – Celestial Being. The Goddess, who is the supreme forum, is also a celestial Being. She is worshipped by the Highest, the Trimurthis.

"Paramatmika – Omnipresence. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the Supreme Goddess of the three worlds and is the sole shelter for the distressed and the destitude.

"Vachi – Nectar-Like Speech. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth, the graceful and beautiful Goddess, is attributed with speech like nectar, sweeter in melody than the nectar, or even the music of the veena.

"Padmalaya – Residing On The Lotus. Emerging from the ocean of Milk and Nectar, the Divine Goddess has her abode in the lotus, which is a shelter of bliss and happiness.

"Padma – Lotus. Emerging from the Ocean of Milk, seated on lotus, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is also called Padma. She adores the lotus flower, and is Herself like one, tender, supple and graceful.

"Shuchi – Embodiment of Purity. Attributed with virtues of compassion, kindness, love, benevolence and mercy, among other things, the gracious Supreme Goddess is the symbolic representation of purity.

"Swaha – Shape of Swahadevi (Auspicious). Goddess Lakshmi embodies all that is held auspicious. Her grace and blessings ensure all comforts and bestow fruits of labour and true devotion, for she is the source of all that is good and auspicious.

"Swadha – Shape of Swadhadevi (Inauspicious). Bestowed with auspiciousness and sacred attributes, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth spells doom for those vilolating universal laws, becoming a sign of inauspiciousness for them.

"Sudha – Nectar. The beneficent, most endearing and lovable Goddess Lakshmi & so forthdwells in everybody as nectar, as the source of all bliss and enjoyment. She is effulgent with kindness and as sweet and charming as honey.

"Dhanya – Personification of Gratitude. The most benevolent, the most compassionate, the most endearing-with these attributes, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth dwells in everybody as the source of all bliss and enjoyment, for She is Gratitude Personified.

"Hiranmayi – Golden Appearance. Like a thousand suns, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth radiates splendour. Resplendent in all Her glory, She is dazzling like lightening, and cool as the silvery moon.

"Lakshmi – Goddess of Wealth. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the source of all powers and energies, dazzling in all Her glory.

"NityaPushta – Gaining strength Day By Day. She is the greatest strength, the greatest intelligence and the greatest bliss. By concentrating on Her, one can grow stronger day by day.

"Vibha – Radiant. The great Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi & so forthis a limitless ocean of beauty, whose spectacular appearance overwhelms the mind. She shines in all her glory and beauty of form.

"Aditi – Radiant Like The Sun. The beautiful, graceful, eternally radiant and smiling Goddess Lakshmi is the centre of beauty, the source of beauty. Seeing her beauty, even a thousand Kamadenus feel belittled.

"Deetya – Answer Of Prayers. Quickly dispelling all afflictions and fears, the beautiful Goddess protects Her beloved ones as an answer to their prayers.

"Deepta – Flame-Like. The gracious Goddess, most beautiful and graceful, shines with radiance, like a thousand suns brilliance.

"Vasudha – Earth. As Goddess of Earth, Goddess Lakshmi bestows Her grace and love on her worshippers. Anyone seeking shelter in Her will be blessed.

"Vasudharini – Bearer of the Burden of Earth. Mother Lakshmi & so forth, who quickly dispels all afflictions, is the Supreme Goddess of Earth. She protects her loved ones and showers Her grace and blessings on them, by bearing and taking upon Herself their burden.

"Kamala – Lotus. Although attributeless, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth has a lotus like face, eyes, hands and feet which carry their fragrance far and wide. Like the nectar in the lotus, She is ever sweet and endearing.

"Kantha – Consort of Vishnu. As the beloved consort of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the light of the universe, and its Infinite Existence.

"Kamakshi – One with Attractive Eyes. The eternally beautiful Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is loved by all the gods. Her eyes, radiating love and compassion, dazzle with the knowledge and wisdom of infinite power which the gods recognise as Ultimate Reality.

"Kamalasambhava – Emanating from the Lotus. Goddess Lakshmi’s emergence out of the powerful and waveless Ocean of Milk and Nectar is significant, for She is without attributes, changless, yet the cause of all changes.

"Anugrahaprada – Granter of Good Wishes. The ever-benevolent Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the bestower of all kinds of comforts to her devotees, granting them her grace, her blessings, and shelter.

"Buddhi – Wisdom. She is self-luminous, i.e., illuminates the senses, thereby dispelling ignorance.

"Anagha – Sinless. She is untainted, pure Consciousness. By mere concentration on Her, every sin becomes a virtue.

"Harivallabhi – Consort of Lord Hari. As Hari’s beloved, Goddess Lakshmi is His consort, and takes various forms when He manifests in the human form. She is the power of knowledge and the abode of all gods.

"Ashoka – Dispeller of Sorrows. Armed with all the tools of destruction, the Supreme Goddess dispels all sorrows and vanquishes evil. She dispels the fear of Her devotees by destroying evil and ensuring peace to prevail.

"Amrutha – Nectar. The Goddess is the quintessence of nectar. The devotee feels incomparable bliss when he surrenders himself totally, transcending his ego.

"Deepa – Radiant. The radiance emanating from Goddess Lakshmi & so forth overwhelms the mind of even Her beloved. Ever shining and replendent in all her jewellary, she exudes charm and magnetism.

"Lakashokavinashini – Remover of Universal Agonies. Without Goddess Lakshmi’s & so forth grace, it is impossible to accomplish any sacrificial rite or big mission. By surrendering unto her, one can be relieved of one’s agonies and distress.

"Dharmanilaya – Establisher of Eternal Law. The great, ever-forgiving Goddess Lakshmi & so forth stays with dharma, staying when one leads a pious life, devoid of any immoral activities. The devotee is blessed with the grace of Goddess Lakshmi and absolved of all sins.

"Karuna – Compassionate. As Mother of the universe, Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is the ocean of compassion and love. She is the embodiment of peace, praised by the gods, and giver of every wealth that is sought.

"Lokamatri – Mother of the Universe. There is no end to Her immense power. Her glory is so great as to be beyond description. As mother of the universe she commands the admiration and reverence of the gods and other beings.

"Padmapriya – Lover of Lotus. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth, seated on a lotus and emerging from the ocean of milk, is extremely fond of the flower. Her garland of lotuses is significant in that her beauty transcends all.

"Padmahasta – Having Lotus-Like Hands. Goddess Lakshmi & so forth is attributed with hands that are soft and gentle like the petals of the lotus. They sparkle with ornaments that are studded with precious stones.

"Padmakshya – Lotus-eyed. Her lotus-like eyes are full of divine love and gentleness."

"The Yantra is constituent of "ZERO".Zero is having the combination of three significance i.e.
1.Reign of Lord being,
2.True (pure) knowledge & their benefit."
3. These three combine & form the Triangle.Every Yantra begins from Zero & vice versa."

"The geometry of "SHREE YANTRA" is not imaginary.The whole universe is residing in Shree Yantra."

"All ministers (Devta's) of Lord being residing in this Unique "Yantra.The pure concept of Vedanta " Yatha Pinde ,Tatha Brahmande,Human Body & Universe is homologous.The structure of others Yantra are derived from "Shree Yantra" for the beneficial of humankind ,non living as well by the Divine saint Of Sanatan Dharma."

"THE Pure Knowledge OF "Mantra".

"MANTRA" is related to philology (BHASGA VIGYAN);and it has three limbs.Varna means the basic alphabet.By joining letters words are formed.By combining words a 'MANTRA' is formed.Some mantras are called 'BEEJA' mantras or "SEED" mantras.In a 'BEEJA' mantras each letter is a 'MANTRA'. In other words,it each seed ,or letter,a word and a 'MANTRA' are included."

"A Sadhan of Japa is pathway to go from lower to a higher level,or to go inward (within) from outward.In other words, this is the path from "MATERILIALISM" to "SPIRITUALITY",starting with language, which is a part of this world and also part of physically-expressed speech.
The purification of letters,words and mantras inspire purification of chitta (mind -stuff,psyche),meaning and sentiments in the mantra strike the mind and enthuse in to awaken.Some aspirants starts to have "SPONTANEOUS " Pranayaam by doing japa,which is a sign of "AWAKENINGS".

"Within you there are not only weaknesses, helplessness and misconceptions in abundance. Infinite capability, infinite wisdom and boundless joy are also present. If there is a disease within us, then its cure is also within us. You must recognize the power within and its influence. Be established within the self and burn down our defects through "BEEJA MANTRA."

*Consciousness of Unconditional Love & Peace is Unique one among All Human Being & Non living Of UNIVERSE,"One for All & All for One"

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

"To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.."

*"ॐ"*"The Essence of the Vedanta & the Gita."~"ॐ"*
"When it can be so said about our knowledge of the Physical Plane much more can be said about the Higher Spheres still Unexplored. The Metaphysics and Occult Sciences have already given Glimpses in that Direction. We see that this Universe is a Divine Play of two kinds of Forces - Secular & Spiritual, Physical & Metaphysical. Physical Science gives us information of the Former & over the other it possesses no Jurisdiction."

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