5 May 2013

Be Water

"Mental Torments of IGNORANCE do not come from the World: they come from within."

"Elimination of Illusion is the Goal of Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity i.e. practice & Benefits."

"Ego, Anger, Hatred, Enmity, Aversion and Selfless service cannot Co-Exist."

"Must be follow Antitodes for Peace-full & Happy Life."

"Ego| v\s Egolessness,
"Ostentation v\s Simplicity,
"Anger v\s Self Controll of Mind & chitta,
"Envy v\s Generosity,
"Fear v\s Faith without Illusion,
"Hate v\s Love,
"Impatience v\s Patience,
"Immoral v\s Moral,
Lie v\s Truth,
"Lust v\s Unconditional Love ,
"Nationality & Patriosm v\s Universal Brother hood,
"Self Importance v\s Modesty,
Self Pity v\s Self Forgiveness,
"Criticism v\s Positive Attitude & Perceptive & so forth."

"Ignorance means Lack of True & pure Knowledge (Agyan, Ajnana)."

"NOW This the Age Of "SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS & SPIRITUAL CONDUCTIVITY i.e. Practice & benefits"."

"Who is the WINNER ?."

"For a WINNER, Precious Life is Flexible; can be Adjusted according to be "DIVINE CIRCUMSTANCES"."

"To defeat an enemy is a Political Victory,
"To win a friend is a Social Victory,
"To win the senses is Spiritual Victory."
"But in practical life , He is a Winner, who knows a TIME to be Vocal and a Time to be Silent,
"A Time mix and Time to be apart,
"A Time to quarrel and a Time to Love,
"A Time to weep and a Time to Smile,
"A Time to attack and a Time to withdraw,
"A Time to be active and a Time to be Passive,
"A Time to be qiuck and a Time to be Slow,
"A Time to be speed up and a Time to Wait."
"For a WINNER, Precious Life is Flexible; can be Adjusted according to be "DIVINE CIRCUMSTANCES"."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarbdha ~"ॐ"*

"If the World is a cause of Ignorance for some then same World will be the cause of the Removal of Ignorance & Kindling True & Pure KNOWLEDGE."

"The knowledge attained through the senses is very limited and erroneous. This knowledge, in fact, is ignorance.Experience beyond this universe begin when the activity of the Shakti (Lord Mother Kundalini) in the form of Intellect Ceases."

"Mental Torments of IGNORANCE do not come from the World: they come from within."

"The source of thoughts, tendencies and Faith, feelings of beliefs & so forth are within, and they accumulate in the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) in the form of Samskaras,( accumulated impression i.e. Prarabdha (destiny created due to the past karma)."

"The meaning of assault of thoughts and torments of Mind is that accumulated impressions are arising and coming to the surface."

"Sometimes the accumulated impressions are rise without any external factor."

"As long as Illusion persists no amount of Book Knowledge will prove beneficial (Einsteinji, Gandhiji, Nikola Teslaji, Vivekanandji, Mother Teressaji & countless)."

"The sign of jnana, knowledge, must manifest in your behavior."

"Knowledge pervades everything in the World but, due ti Illusion, only Ignorance visible."

"If the World is a cause of Ignorance for some then same World will be the cause of the Removal of Ignorance & Kindling True & Pure KNOWLEDGE."

"Ignorance is a state of being uninformed (lack of knowledge). The word ignorant is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware and is often used as an insult to describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts. Ignoramus is commonly used in the US, the UK, and Ireland as a term for someone who is willfully ignorant."

"Ignorance is distinguished from stupidity, although both can lead to "unwise" acts.

"Writer Thomas Pynchon articulated about the scope and structure of one's ignorance: "Ignorance is not just a blank space on a person's mental map. It has contours and coherence, and for all I know rules of operation as well. So as a corollary to [the advice of] writing about what we know, maybe we should add getting familiar with our ignorance, and the possibilities therein for writing a good story."

"The legal principle that literally "ignorance of the law is no excuse", stands for the proposition that the law applies also to those who are unaware of it."

"Willful delusion"
"Attachment Ego & Ostentation arise due to the Illusion. The same Illusion is the basis for the Belief that the world causes suffering."

"Matters which are obvious are sometimes ignored, not taken into consideration. This phenomenon is not limited to ordinary persons without native ability but extends to the highest level of human governance resulting in nightmarish scenarios that could, with more wisdom, have been avoided."
"Consequences of Ignorance"

"Individuals with superficial knowledge of a topic or subject may be worse off than people who know absolutely nothing. As Charles Darwin observed, "ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge."

"Ignorance can stifle learning, in that a person who falsely believes he or she is knowledgeable will not seek out clarification of his or her beliefs, but rather rely on his or her ignorant position. He or she may also reject valid but contrary information, neither realizing its importance nor understanding it. This concept is elucidated in "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated ."Self-Assessments."

"The Time has come for the Whole World, in spite of its Diversity, to accept that the Teachings of the Ancient Divine Rishis (Sages) are the Root of All Religions, having ONE and the SAME GOAL for welfare of Living & Non living."

"You make a Religion of all Religions, including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength, "What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA ( 
♥श्री ॐ♥", Religion based on Consciousness)?."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

"The union of world that exists, in the form of of ACCUMULATEDSAMSKARS (Prarabdha, destiny, accumulated impressions) in the CHITTA (mind stuff,psyche) and the visible SLIPPERY WORLD (YATHA PINDE TATHA BRHAMANDE, HUMAN BODY & UNIVERSE IS HOMOLOGOUS), stifles the competency of an individual SOUL."

"You make a Religion of all Religions, including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength, "What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA (
♥श्री ॐ♥", Religion based on Consciousness)?."

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