21 May 2013


Photo: "ॐ"Namasteji"ॐ"Pranamji "ॐ"Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"ॐ" i.e. Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advaita ( Non Duality)."
"श्री*"ॐ""~"श्री*~*"ॐ~"श्री*~"ॐ"~"श्री* "ॐ"*"श्री**"ॐ"*"श्री*श्री**"ॐ"श्री**"ॐ"

and Propagandize and FAKE- TEACHINGS to their INNOCENT PUBLIC to HATE, AVERSION, ENMITY, VENGEANCE & so forth, so the so called CHEATERS, DECEIVERS, POLITICIANS (so called Government) will LET ESTABLISHED (FAKE) Spend any AMOUNT of MONEY (which is looted by Public in the name of Tax) on ILLEGAL ARMS & FAKE WAR i.e. for TERRORIST, ACTIVIST, NAXAILIST & so forth & the Group of Mafia of Media, Food, Pharmaceutical, Medicine, Weapons Industry & so forth Internationally Deceiving, Cheating & Looting the innocent public of World ."
"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa , Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"The so called Politicians of World are Cheaters, Deceivers & Looters of their Public in the name of Nationality & Patriotism i.e. Religion, TERRORISM, Extremist, Naxalites & so forth."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"आदमी को देखकर, डर रहा है आदमी !,
आदमी को लूटकर, घर भर रहा है आदमी !,
मारता है आदमी, और मर रहा है आदमी ! ।"
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"The Man, seeing a Man afraid !;
"After robbing a Man, a Man around the house !,
"Kills Man, and Dying Men.!"
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"मंदिर, मस्जिद, गिरजाघर में बांट दिया भगवान को,
धरती बांटे, सागर बांटे, मत बांटो इन्सान को ।"
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*
"Temple, Mosque, Church of God in the split,
"Earth divided, ocean divided, not human has to divide."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"The Most Direct Proof of the Influence of Worldly Happenings {UNHAPPINESS} on Our Mind & Chitta (mind stuff,psyche) is * EGO, OSTENTATION, ATTACHMENT, GREED, ANGER & so forth*
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"The GREAT FAULT of MODERN EDUCATION which Emerging & Manifesting Poverty, Corruption, Mental Unrest & Materialism, Terrorism & so forth."

"The GREAT FAULT of MODERN EDUCATION has been that, "With all its advanced methods (materialistic) of Training Children & Teachers, "In has Missed what is Most Importance: "Namely the Lesson of "SELF REALIZATION"."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

*{Must be Read for Welfare of Living & Non living to over come Global Warming}.*
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA (Mind stuff,psyche)."

"With the END of the "COLD- WAR" & Resultant Contradictory Trends of Increased GLOBALIZATION i.e. Deceiving, Cheating , Looting, Terrorism & so forth & Growing Fragmentation."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"It may Involve the Desire of Greed to be well known so called Politicians, Saints, Professors, Artists, Actors, Scientists or SCHOLARS & so forth."

"RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION & Well Living with Divine Nature."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"If they "DIVINE REFORMER" let to learn public of their country that WHOLE UNIVERSE is our Family, Society than there is no "REVENGE" (Created by so called politicians) at all among Us."

"The FIRST & LAST Equipoise or Equilibrium for "SELF - REALIZATION of UNIVERSE i.e. Unconditional Love & Peace."

"With the END of the "COLD- WAR" & Resultant Contradictory Trends of Increased GLOBALIZATION i.e. Deceiving, Cheating , Looting, Terrorism & so forth & Growing Fragmentation."

"The "GLOBAL DIVINE STABILITY"{G.D.S.} is Occurred, Germinates, Emerges & Manifest to follow the "Divine Natural Law & Principle of VEDANTA:

"सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥"
"May all be happy. May all be healthy."
May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer."
*~Vedanta Version~*

"When someones start to sink into SELFISHNESS,
"Then HE continues to sink more & more."
"The Selfishness not & not be related to MONEY alone in individual beings in UNIVERSE."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"It can be directed toward POWER (of Politicians of Universe), FAME, SENSUAL PLEASURES or PROTECTION of the Body."

"So, that Humane Family, Society and so forth will be better prepared (within, Self Realization) for manifold challenges that lie ahead."

"A gradual transition from "POLITICAL WAR (i.e. Faked Patriotism & Nationality), Culture War & so forth, based on nuclear deterrence , to a culture of Unconditional Love & Peace that focuses on restoring the deteriorating Nature - Cure i. e. Ecology (Divine Five Tattwa (element : Earth, Water, Air, Fir & Ether) of Planet i.e. welfare of Living & Non Living (Vedanta Version)."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

" For this a Nuclear Weapon - free world , as an independent Monitoring Body (including Divine Saint of All Religions) for Nuclear Disarmament ; The Necessity for an Irreversible Movement (without Prejudice) a " THE DIVINE NUCLEAR - WEAPONS WORLD", and the expansion and and manifestation of the "THE DIVINE NUCLEAR WEAPONS MOVEMENT"(without veto power to any Country) into the "LORD - COUNCIL", responsible (within) for International Unconditional Love & Peace & Global - Ecology i.e. welfare of Living & Non Living (Divine Five Tattwa (element : Earth, Water, Air, Fir & Ether)."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"When we "Self Realized" exactly what to DO within every single moment of every single day towards BUILDING INFINITE BEING'S KINGDOM here upon this Earth-Plane (within), by walking within PEACEFUL LOVING-KINDNESS every single step-of-the-WAY, FORGIVING the trespasses of the Ignorance (Duality, Dvaita) of ALL of INFINITE BEING'S many disillusioned CHILDREN, who lost their WAY, because of carnal blindness !
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji "The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥

"Who is Responsible for Present Satiable Havoc ! ?."



"Who is Responsible for Present Satiable Havoc ! ?."

"If True Reformers let to learn public of their country that WHOLE UNIVERSE is our Family, than there is no REVENGE at all among Us."

"That is the Only GENUINE Way Social, Religious & Spiritual - Truth is brought into the UNIVERSE."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"The so called Politicians of World are Cheaters, Deceivers & Looters of their Public in the name of Nationality & Patriotism i.e. TERRORIST, Extremist, Naxalites & so forth."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"It said that those who live in Glass Houses should not throw stones at others."

"But here everyone is living in glass houses and throwing at others."

"RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"They & their Family Members spreading their Business Continental with correlation with Media, Capitalists & so forth ."

" In the NAME & WAVES of Nationality & Patriotism Every Country's so called LEADER making Fools to public & public is always in Loss."

" If they let to learn public of their country that WHOLE UNIVERSE is our Family, than there is no REVENGE at all among Us."

" The Whole universe may autocratically manifest in to HEAVEN."

" This is the Easiest Way for Love & Peace & to over come the Global Warming."

"The Most Direct Proof of the Influence of Worldly Happenings {UNHAPPINESS} on Our Mind & Chitta is * EGO, OSTENTATION, ATTACHMENT, GREED, ANGER & so forth*

Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaskar"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of Vedanta"

"The "PATRIOTISM " & "NATIONALITY" that is available today is also sugar coated with "MATERIALISM".
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"Now days "PATRIOTISM " &" NATIONALITY" and 'Materialism' alternate each other in the 'Slippery INDIA' & UNIVERSE.'"
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"Sometimes one is more effective and sometimes the other one rules."

"The "PATRIOTISM " &" NATIONALITY" that is available today is also sugar coated with"MATERIALISM".

"These days the "MATERIALISM" is on "RISE."

"But all this is like a stage play for "PATRIOTISM MAGNATES " like Shri 108 Bhagat Sing, Shri 108 Chandrasekhar Azad , Shri 108 Mahatama Gandhi, Shri Subhas Chandra Bose, Nelson Mendela,Luther King (both) & countless .."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"They view ( in invisible form) this and enjoy this as a "DIVINE SPORT"(MAYA.Grand illusion) of the Lord & thinking what type of INDIANS are today.?."

"When a REFORMER makes an honest and selfless attempt to REFORM the world, more than the word, he is actually REFORMING his own self."

"There is living being who represents a small universe within himself.This is called the individual level.The union of the whole(gross)and the conscious takes place within a
person's body."

"The world is mix of PROPITIOUS and UNPROPITIOUS ."

"There has always been a need for REFORMS and many REFORMISTS have been working in the directions.Some reforms do see the light of the day,though for a short while."

"Incidentally, if the REFORMERS efforts are not tinged with any selfish motives,they help him purify his own Chitta (mind stuff,psyche). But generally these reforms are short lived and things turn as before."

"The result is that these REFORMERS begin realize the futility of REFORMS and that they are chasing a GOAL which can never be accomplished."

"This world is mix of The world is mix of PROPITIOUS and UNPROPITIOUS."

"Sometimes there is an escalation of the PROPITIOUS and at the other times there is an UPSURGE in the UNPROPITIOUS but their co-existence is MANDATORY in the world."

"When a REFORMER makes an honest and selfless attempt to REFORM the world, more than the word, he is actually REFORMING his own self."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA (Mind stuff,psyche)."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"How do we KNOW that we have ABSOLUTE GOD-UNION?:

"When we "Self Realized" exactly what to DO within every single moment of every single day towards BUILDING INFINITE BEING'S KINGDOM here upon this Earth-Plane (within), by walking within PEACEFUL LOVING-KINDNESS every single step-of-the-WAY, FORGIVING the trespasses of the Ignorance (Duality, Dvaita) of ALL of INFINITE BEING'S many disillusioned CHILDREN, who lost their WAY, because of carnal blindness !
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
*♥ ॐ♥"~~~*♥ ॐ♥"~~~*~~~♥ ॐ♥"~~~~~~~~♥ ॐ♥"~~~♥ ॐ♥ ॐ♥"~~~*♥*

"It may involve the Desire to be well known so called Politicians, Saints, Professors, Artists, Actors, Scientists or SCHOLARS & so forth.."

"When someones start to sink into SELFISHNESS i.e. Greed,Lust, Untruth & so forth, then HE continues to sink more & more."

"The Selfishness not & not be related to MONEY alone in individual beings in UNIVERSE."

"It can be directed toward POWER (of Politicians of Universe), FAME, SENSUAL PLEASURES or PROTECTION of the Body."

"It may involve the Desire to be well known so called Politicians, Saints, Professors, Artists, Actors, Scientists or SCHOLARS & so forth.."

"Jealousy, hate and disgust are sentiments helpful to SELFISHNESS."

"When someones start to sink into SELFISHNESS,
"Then HE continues to sink more & more."

"The individual beings sinks deeper into the abyss of SELFISHNESS & heart ,mind & chitta (mind stuff) is POLLUTED further."

"In this manner a individual beings is distanced FURTHER from the consciousness of Lord Being."

"Prepare the MIND & CHITTA for any circumstances,because all these things are the RESULTS of INDIVIDUAL's own "PRRABDHA."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"There is living being who represents a small universe within himself (Human body & Universe is Homologous, Yatha Pinde -Tatha Bramhande)."
*"ॐ"~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarabdha ~"ॐ"*

"This is called the individual level.The union of the whole(gross)and the conscious takes place within a person's body."

"You must recognize the power within and its influence. Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of (Slippery World) Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity, & Vices & so forth."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY, SPIRITUALITY."

"Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality i.e. Guru Tattwa, Prarabdha.

" ONE for All ALL for ONE. Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita ( Non-Duality) i.e. Holy Human}."

" "http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaushal-Bansal/183270601722361
"Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*

and Propagandize and FAKE- TEACHINGS to their INNOCENT PUBLIC to HATE, AVERSION, ENMITY, VENGEANCE & so forth, so the so called CHEATERS, DECEIVERS, POLITICIANS (so called Government) will LET ESTABLISHED (FAKE) Spend any AMOUNT of MONEY (which is looted by Public in the name of Tax) on ILLEGAL ARMS & FAKE WAR i.e. for TERRORIST, ACTIVIST, NAXAILIST & so forth & the Group of Mafia of Media, Food, Pharmaceutical, Medicine, Weapons Industry & so forth Internationally Deceiving, Cheating & Looting the innocent public of World ."

"The so called Politicians of World are Cheaters, Deceivers & Looters of their Public in the name of Nationality & Patriotism i.e. Religion, TERRORISM, Extremist, Naxalites & so forth."

"आदमी को देखकर, डर रहा है आदमी !,
आदमी को लूटकर, घर भर रहा है आदमी !,
मारता है आदमी, और मर रहा है आदमी ! ।"

"The Man, seeing a Man afraid !;
"After robbing a Man, a Man around the house !,
"Kills Man, and Dying Men.!"

"मंदिर, मस्जिद, गिरजाघर में बांट दिया भगवान को,
धरती बांटे, सागर बांटे, मत बांटो इन्सान को ।"

"Temple, Mosque, Church of God in the split,
"Earth divided, ocean divided, not human has to divide."

"The Most Direct Proof of the Influence of Worldly Happenings {UNHAPPINESS} on Our Mind & Chitta (mind stuff,psyche) is * EGO, OSTENTATION, ATTACHMENT, GREED, ANGER & so forth*

"The GREAT FAULT of MODERN EDUCATION which Emerging & Manifesting Poverty, Corruption, Mental Unrest & Materialism, Terrorism & so forth."

"The GREAT FAULT of MODERN EDUCATION has been that, "With all its advanced methods (materialistic) of Training Children & Teachers, "In has Missed what is Most Importance: "Namely the Lesson of "SELF REALIZATION"."

*{Must be Read for Welfare of Living & Non living to over come Global Warming}.*

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA (Mind stuff,psyche)."

"With the END of the "COLD- WAR" & Resultant Contradictory Trends of Increased GLOBALIZATION i.e. Deceiving, Cheating , Looting, Terrorism & so forth & Growing Fragmentation."

"It may Involve the Desire of Greed to be well known so called Politicians, Saints, Professors, Artists, Actors, Scientists or SCHOLARS & so forth."

"RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION & Well Living with Divine Nature."

"If they "DIVINE REFORMER" let to learn public of their country that WHOLE UNIVERSE is our Family, Society than there is no "REVENGE" (Created by so called politicians) at all among Us."

"The FIRST & LAST Equipoise or Equilibrium for "SELF - REALIZATION of UNIVERSE i.e. Unconditional Love & Peace."

"With the END of the "COLD- WAR" & Resultant Contradictory Trends of Increased GLOBALIZATION i.e. Deceiving, Cheating , Looting, Terrorism & so forth & Growing Fragmentation."

"The "GLOBAL DIVINE STABILITY"{G.D.S.} is Occurred, Germinates, Emerges & Manifest to follow the "Divine Natural Law & Principle of VEDANTA:

"सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥"
"May all be happy. May all be healthy."
May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer."
*~Vedanta Version~*

"When someones start to sink into SELFISHNESS,
"Then HE continues to sink more & more."
"The Selfishness not & not be related to MONEY alone in individual beings in UNIVERSE."

"It can be directed toward POWER (of Politicians of Universe), FAME, SENSUAL PLEASURES or PROTECTION of the Body."

"So, that Humane Family, Society and so forth will be better prepared (within, Self Realization) for manifold challenges that lie ahead."

"A gradual transition from "POLITICAL WAR (i.e. Faked Patriotism & Nationality), Culture War & so forth, based on nuclear deterrence , to a culture of Unconditional Love & Peace that focuses on restoring the deteriorating Nature - Cure i. e. Ecology (Divine Five Tattwa (element : Earth, Water, Air, Fir & Ether) of Planet i.e. welfare of Living & Non Living (Vedanta Version)."

" For this a Nuclear Weapon - free world , as an independent Monitoring Body (including Divine Saint of All Religions) for Nuclear Disarmament ; The Necessity for an Irreversible Movement (without Prejudice) a " THE DIVINE NUCLEAR - WEAPONS WORLD", and the expansion and and manifestation of the "THE DIVINE NUCLEAR WEAPONS MOVEMENT"(without veto power to any Country) into the "LORD - COUNCIL", responsible (within) for International Unconditional Love & Peace & Global - Ecology i.e. welfare of Living & Non Living (Divine Five Tattwa (element : Earth, Water, Air, Fir & Ether)."

"When we "Self Realized" exactly what to DO within every single moment of every single day towards BUILDING INFINITE BEING'S KINGDOM here upon this Earth-Plane (within), by walking within PEACEFUL LOVING-KINDNESS every single step-of-the-WAY, FORGIVING the trespasses of the Ignorance (Duality, Dvaita) of ALL of INFINITE BEING'S many disillusioned CHILDREN, who lost their WAY, because of carnal blindness !

"Who is Responsible for Present Satiable Havoc ! ?."



"Who is Responsible for Present Satiable Havoc ! ?."

"If True Reformers let to learn public of their country that WHOLE UNIVERSE is our Family, than there is no REVENGE at all among Us."

"That is the Only GENUINE Way Social, Religious & Spiritual - Truth is brought into the UNIVERSE."

"The so called Politicians of World are Cheaters, Deceivers & Looters of their Public in the name of Nationality & Patriotism i.e. TERRORIST, Extremist, Naxalites & so forth."

"It said that those who live in Glass Houses should not throw stones at others."

"But here everyone is living in glass houses and throwing at others."

"RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."

"They & their Family Members spreading their Business Continental with correlation with Media, Capitalists & so forth ."

" In the NAME & WAVES of Nationality & Patriotism Every Country's so called LEADER making Fools to public & public is always in Loss."

" If they let to learn public of their country that WHOLE UNIVERSE is our Family, than there is no REVENGE at all among Us."

" The Whole universe may autocratically manifest in to HEAVEN."

" This is the Easiest Way for Love & Peace & to over come the Global Warming."

"The Most Direct Proof of the Influence of Worldly Happenings {UNHAPPINESS} on Our Mind & Chitta is * EGO, OSTENTATION, ATTACHMENT, GREED, ANGER & so forth*
"The "PATRIOTISM " & "NATIONALITY" that is available today is also sugar coated with "MATERIALISM".

"Now days "PATRIOTISM " &" NATIONALITY" and 'Materialism' alternate each other in the 'Slippery INDIA' & UNIVERSE.'"

"Sometimes one is more effective and sometimes the other one rules."

"The "PATRIOTISM " &" NATIONALITY" that is available today is also sugar coated with"MATERIALISM".

"These days the "MATERIALISM" is on "RISE."

"But all this is like a stage play for "PATRIOTISM MAGNATES " like Shri 108 Bhagat Sing, Shri 108 Chandrasekhar Azad , Shri 108 Mahatama Gandhi, Shri Subhas Chandra Bose, Nelson Mendela,Luther King (both) & countless .."

"They view ( in invisible form) this and enjoy this as a "DIVINE SPORT"(MAYA.Grand illusion) of the Lord & thinking what type of INDIANS are today.?."

"When a REFORMER makes an honest and selfless attempt to REFORM the world, more than the word, he is actually REFORMING his own self."

"There is living being who represents a small universe within himself.This is called the individual level.The union of the whole(gross)and the conscious takes place within a
person's body."

"The world is mix of PROPITIOUS and UNPROPITIOUS ."

"There has always been a need for REFORMS and many REFORMISTS have been working in the directions.Some reforms do see the light of the day,though for a short while."

"Incidentally, if the REFORMERS efforts are not tinged with any selfish motives,they help him purify his own Chitta (mind stuff,psyche). But generally these reforms are short lived and things turn as before."

"The result is that these REFORMERS begin realize the futility of REFORMS and that they are chasing a GOAL which can never be accomplished."

"This world is mix of The world is mix of PROPITIOUS and UNPROPITIOUS."

"Sometimes there is an escalation of the PROPITIOUS and at the other times there is an UPSURGE in the UNPROPITIOUS but their co-existence is MANDATORY in the world."

"When a REFORMER makes an honest and selfless attempt to REFORM the world, more than the word, he is actually REFORMING his own self."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA (Mind stuff,psyche)."

"How do we KNOW that we have ABSOLUTE GOD-UNION?:

"When we "Self Realized" exactly what to DO within every single moment of every single day towards BUILDING INFINITE BEING'S KINGDOM here upon this Earth-Plane (within), by walking within PEACEFUL LOVING-KINDNESS every single step-of-the-WAY, FORGIVING the trespasses of the Ignorance (Duality, Dvaita) of ALL of INFINITE BEING'S many disillusioned CHILDREN, who lost their WAY, because of carnal blindness !

"It may involve the Desire to be well known so called Politicians, Saints, Professors, Artists, Actors, Scientists or SCHOLARS & so forth.."

"When someones start to sink into SELFISHNESS i.e. Greed,Lust, Untruth & so forth, then HE continues to sink more & more."

"The Selfishness not & not be related to MONEY alone in individual beings in UNIVERSE."

"It can be directed toward POWER (of Politicians of Universe), FAME, SENSUAL PLEASURES or PROTECTION of the Body."

"It may involve the Desire to be well known so called Politicians, Saints, Professors, Artists, Actors, Scientists or SCHOLARS & so forth.."

"Jealousy, hate and disgust are sentiments helpful to SELFISHNESS."

"When someones start to sink into SELFISHNESS,
"Then HE continues to sink more & more."

"The individual beings sinks deeper into the abyss of SELFISHNESS & heart ,mind & chitta (mind stuff) is POLLUTED further."

"In this manner a individual beings is distanced FURTHER from the consciousness of Lord Being."

"Prepare the MIND & CHITTA for any circumstances,because all these things are the RESULTS of INDIVIDUAL's own "PRRABDHA."

"There is living being who represents a small universe within himself (Human body & Universe is Homologous, Yatha Pinde -Tatha Bramhande)."

"This is called the individual level.The union of the whole(gross)and the conscious takes place within a person's body."

"You must recognize the power within and its influence. Be established within the self and burn down our defects.of (Slippery World) Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity, & Vices & so forth."

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