"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
*~Mohandasji Gandhi~*
"Perfect Sincerity, Holiness, Gigantic, Intellect, and an all - onquering will. Let only a handful of men work with these, and the whole world will be revolutionized."
~*Swami Vivekananda *~
"Scientifically - Minded people may not believe in Super Spiritual attainment, but ONE who is devoted to them and has progressed to certaint extent in SUPER SPIRITUALITY i.e. Koman Coban, Aghasa, Mirdad, Buddha, Naths Sages & countless--they alone can understand this Inner Bliss."
"The control of the senses is necessary for control of mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche). It is called "Sadhan Karma (actions)" and "Worldly Conduct " "WAY of Precious Life". Attainment of Yoga & Meditation (unioin with the Supreme Spirit) is extremly difficult so long as Karma (action) and Way of Life is not ALIGNED."
"One who Personally & Directly experiences True & Pure Knowledge and has the Divine Capacity to manifest to direct experience to disciple - HE Alone is the "TRUE - Guru."
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘Happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
*~John Lennon~*
"RIGHTEOUS ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA (Mind stuff,psyche)."
ॐ "What is Unconditional LOVE & PEACE ? ॐ
♥*~Mohandasji Gandhi~*
"Perfect Sincerity, Holiness, Gigantic, Intellect, and an all - onquering will. Let only a handful of men work with these, and the whole world will be revolutionized."
~*Swami Vivekananda *~
"Scientifically - Minded people may not believe in Super Spiritual attainment, but ONE who is devoted to them and has progressed to certaint extent in SUPER SPIRITUALITY i.e. Koman Coban, Aghasa, Mirdad, Buddha, Naths Sages & countless--they alone can understand this Inner Bliss."
"The control of the senses is necessary for control of mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche). It is called "Sadhan Karma (actions)" and "Worldly Conduct " "WAY of Precious Life". Attainment of Yoga & Meditation (unioin with the Supreme Spirit) is extremly difficult so long as Karma (action) and Way of Life is not ALIGNED."
"One who Personally & Directly experiences True & Pure Knowledge and has the Divine Capacity to manifest to direct experience to disciple - HE Alone is the "TRUE - Guru."
“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘Happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
*~John Lennon~*
"RIGHTEOUS ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA (Mind stuff,psyche)."
ॐ "What is Unconditional LOVE & PEACE ? ॐ
"To Realize Reality."
"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?
"To do no Evils in action(Karma), Mind & Thoughts."
"What is the Reality?
"Selflessness every Moment."
"The Heart & Mind inquired of the SOUL:
"What is the Beginning of this Subtle Bushiness ?
"What its end, and what its fruits ?
"The Soul answered:
"The begging of it is The Annihilation of Self,
"Its end Faithfulness,
"And its Fruit Immortality."
"The Heart & Mind asked:
"What is Annihilation ?
"What is Faithfulness ?
"What is Immorality ?
"True Prayer, Japa, Yoga, Mediation & so forth takes you closer to the real knowledge that is the ultimate goal of your Social, Religious & spiritual path."
"To Realize Reality."
"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?
"To do no Evils in action(Karma), Mind & Thoughts."
"What is the Reality?
"Selflessness every Moment."
"The Heart & Mind inquired of the SOUL:
"What is the Beginning of this Subtle Bushiness ?
"What its end, and what its fruits ?
"The Soul answered:
"The begging of it is The Annihilation of Self,
"Its end Faithfulness,
"And its Fruit Immortality."
"The Heart & Mind asked:
"What is Annihilation ?
"What is Faithfulness ?
"What is Immorality ?
"True Prayer, Japa, Yoga, Mediation & so forth takes you closer to the real knowledge that is the ultimate goal of your Social, Religious & spiritual path."
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