2 May 2013

Surya Namaskar

"The Subtle Effect of the "SURYA NAMASKAR" on the Body, Senses, Mind & Chitta & Psychic Centers."

"This is What Divine Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga (Pranayama, Subtle Breathing)or Meditation are all ABOUT."
"You & We cannot See Clouds a lakh Kilometers Away
with the Impure Mind & Chitta (Mind Stuff, psyche).
"The Imure Mind & Chitta is like Glass , too Dirty,
"Too covered with the Dust of bad Ideas, Theories, Doctrines with Dvaita (duality).
"But you & we can see clouds a lakh kilometers away
with the PURE GLASS (mind & Chitta) of Intuition,with no thoughts - just Pure Awareness.
"The Divine Mind & Chitta is clean and Clarity SUPREME."
*"ॐ"~ Ancient Chanakya ~"ॐ"*

"Dr. Alexis, a Nobel - Prize- Winner ,in his monumental work :Man- The Unknown" has said:
"Functions of the body are less precisely located than organs.The skeleton, for example, is not merely the framework of the body, it also constitutes a part of the circulatory, respiratory, and nutritive systems, since , with the aid of the bone- marrow , it manufactures Leucocytes, and red cells."

"In the SUBTLE BODY of Human there are SEVEN MAJOR PSYCHIC CENTERS called the CHKRAS. They have their Physical representation on the various Nerve Plexuses and Endocrine Glands. "

"During SURYA NAMASKARA these points are used for focusing the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche), and developing Concentration in these areas allows us to activate the Chakras and to top the higher Psychic and Spiritual Energy associated with their increased functioning. The related Physical Structures also benefit greatly through this Enhanced Awareness."

"In the practice of SURYA NAMASKAR A , we mentally touch all the Chakras of the Body, except for Mooladhara Chakra. This Develop the other Chakras in preparation for the awakening for the Kundalini from Mooladhar. The body must be strong and healthy in order to withstand the power of Mooladhar Awakening which is associated with the release of powerful , dormant forces. "

"The SURYA NAMASKARA increases Vitality in preparation for this event. Then other practices can be used to Awaken Mooladhar when the TIME is RIGHT."

"One may combine Charka concentration with Mental Repetition of the Mantras, by feeling that the Mantra is being repeated in or on the Chakras. "

"When the practitioner's Concentration develops to a Higher Degree, he may Even Feel that the Frequency, Vibrations of the Mantras are issuing forth from the Psychic Centers , a most WONDERFUL and INTENSE EXPERIENCE."

"The KUNDALINI Makes US Feel (Subtle) We ar GOD (Lord Shiva & Shakti)."

"Our Body, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche), which may appear the outside to be made only of Flesh & Blood, it of also made of Nadis Channels which carry Prana Force or Vital Energy."

"Among the 72,000 main Nadis in the Body., the most important is "SUSHUMANA", which is situated in the centre of the Spinal Column.The "SUSHUMANA" is called the "MADHVA NADI", the Central Channel , and it extents in an UNKNOWN Line (psychic Ether) with the base of the spine. The "SUSHUMANA" is the Divine Pathway of the GREAT LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI, which in most People Lies DORMANT of the Base of the Spine."

"LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI is actually the support of our lives, it is that which makes everything work in our body. When its flow is external, LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI functions through the Mind, Chitta & the senses and provides the motive power to all activities. It is the inner aspect of LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI which must be Awakened."

"The Awakening of the INNER LORD MOTHER KUNDALINI makes us Aware of the TRUE NATURe of our GREATNESS of the fsct that not only do we belong to God , but we are God."
"The mental tranquillity , and cheerful (or at least positive) outlook on Precious Life, are the base of Good physical health."

"Negativity , ego, anger, aversion,jealousy ,fear,illusion & so forth sap our physical body vitality, and can...See More
♥श्री ॐ♥" the True & Pure knowledge of Hinduism (Sanatans)."
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" the power of the Muslim Religion."
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" Love & Service of the Christian Religion."
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" Peace of the Buddhist "
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" Ahimsa (non -violence) of the in Jainism."
"Embrace ♥
श्री ॐ♥" Sikhism of the enjoy."
"Embrace ♥श्री ॐ♥" the purity of Mind & Chitta of the Sanatan Religion ."

"You make a Religion of all Religions,
including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength,
"What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA ( ♥श्री ॐ♥",Religion based on Consciousness)?
"The World "Khlayega" (Speaking) THE HEAVEN."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of "SULABHYA (easily eccessible), SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY, SPIRITUALITY."

"Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of "SULABHYA (easily eccessible), Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality."

"We Salute with surrender to those,
"Who have attained salvation for welfare of Living & non Living."

"We Salute with surrender to those,
"Who are Spiritual Magnates for welfare of Living & non Living."

"We Salute with surrender to those,
"Who are Spiritual Researchers for welfare of Living & non Living."

"We Salute with surrender to EACH and,
" Every Spiritual Divine Magnates in the Universe as well others Universe who doing welfare of Living & Non Living in SUBTLE STATE."

"The UNIVERSE, in Fact, is a TOTAL MYSTERY !."
"This Universe is a Place of MISERY, after Suffering which one Proceeds BEYOND."
"This Universe is Transient, Futile, Illusory and Yet Inevitable."

"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."

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