14 May 2013


Photo: Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
*♥ ॐ♥"~~~*♥ ॐ♥"♥ ॐ♥"~♥ ॐ♥"~~~♥ ॐ♥ ॐ♥"~~~*♥

"Think Globally, Act Homely, Socially, Religiously, Spiritually for the betterment of Life i.e. The King of Happiness (within) (Self Realization)."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*


"VANDALISM"     V\S    PROGRESS (In Helter - Skelter, In Disorder, Materialistic - Barbarian)"


"We Must be Proof our selves that "WE" are the "BOON", not the "CURSE" at all for Family, Society & so forth."

" Narrow (Mini) Mindedness' is the Worst of all feelings among Human."

" 'Narrow Mindedness' Turns Even GOD into a DEMON."

"ONE for ALL & & ALL for ONE (must be Co-exist).{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita (Non-Duality),Within}."

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
*~Guru Tattwa, Prarabdha ~*

"There fore MUTUAL GOODWILL and CORDIAL relationship among the family members & society & so forth is a basic requirement of SOCIAL, RELIGIOSITY, SPIRITUAL CONDUCTIVITY.

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

" Divine Creator of Living Being of NATURE."

"This is the DOUBLE STANDARD of Slippery WORLD."

"When they Destroy the THINGS (created artificial to willful the Materialistic desires) by so called HUMAN,

"We call it "VANDALISM."

"But when so called Politicians, Scientists & so forth they DESTROY the Divine Nature { i.e. Pacha Tattwa (Air,water,Fire,Earth & Ether) for the Welfare of Living & Non Living} created by LORD,


"What the Tormented & Pitiable situation of HUMAN BEING!.?."

Namaste♥ ॐ♥Pranam♥ ॐ♥Namaste,"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"


"If the FLOW of Water is STOPPED ,the water becomes DIRTY."

"Wake Up-Wake- Up"."So MARCH, Forward, "NOW"

"The "SLIPPERY-WORLD" is ENTANGLED by Narrow (Mini)Mindedness of Ego,Attachment,Desire,Lust, Hate,Enmity,Aversion, Vices,Flaws & so forth."

"One foe All & All for One & All ,& positivity of consciousness of Lord(God) ."

The Guru Tattwa used to say that EVERYBODY in Universe wants to LOOK GOOD but no one wants to become GOOD."

"No matter what one does and the manner in which one does it,the world is going to "POINT (>>>) FINGERS" in EVERY situation, POINTING FINGERS is the SLIPPERY WORLD JOB."

The Guru Tattwa used to say that EVERYBODY in Universe wants to LOOK GOOD but no one wants to become GOOD."

"Love & Peace are not the things of the world,these are the state of individual's Mind & Chitta ( mind stuff,psyche)."

"If the MIND & Chitta(mind stuff,psyche) is PEACEFUL then the whole world is at unconditional love & Peace."

"God is "ALL ALMIGHTY" and SCORE of all STRENGTH.We ought to gain strength from HIM and makes ourselves WORTHY of HIS UNION."

"That can be done by checking the constant dissipation of our Energy through vain wanderings of OUR MINDS & Chitta(mind stuff,psyche)."

"The body also,like the UNIVERSE,resides and moves within the SKY."

"It also made of the five physical elements (Ether,AIR,Fire,Water and Sky)."

"Self- Introspection " must also be embraced as indispensable part of SOCIAL CONDUCTIVITY, RELIGIOSITY,SPIRITUALITY."

"Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality i.e. Guru Tattwa,Prarabdha."

"THINK GLOBALLY, ACT HOMELY , SOCIALLY RELIGIOUSLY,SPIRITUALLY."{All are ONE & ONE is All.{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita ( Non-Duality),Within}."

"ONE for ALL & & ALL for ONE (must be Co-exist).{ Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita (Non-Duality),Within}."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an holistic approach, promoting health, education and enterprise; facilitating independence not dependence."

"Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" "ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*


"VANDALISM" V\S PROGRESS (In Helter - Skelter, In Disorder, Materialistic - Barbarian)"


"We Must be Proof our selves that "WE" are the "BOON", not the "CURSE" at all for Family, Society & so forth."

" Narrow (Mini) Mindedness' is the Worst of all feelings among Human."

" 'Narrow Mindedness' Turns Even GOD into a DEMON."

"There fore MUTUAL GOODWILL and CORDIAL relationship among the family members & society & so forth is a basic requirement of SOCIAL, RELIGIOSITY, SPIRITUAL CONDUCTIVITY.

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

" Divine Creator of Living Being of NATURE."

"This is the DOUBLE STANDARD of Slippery WORLD."

"When they Destroy the THINGS (created artificial to willful the Materialistic desires) by so called HUMAN,

"We call it "VANDALISM."

"But when so called Politicians, Scientists & so forth they DESTROY the Divine Nature { i.e. Pacha Tattwa (Air,water,Fire,Earth & Ether) for the Welfare of Living & Non Living} created by LORD,


"What the Tormented & Pitiable situation of HUMAN BEING!.?."
"If the FLOW of Water is STOPPED ,the water becomes DIRTY."

"Wake Up-Wake- Up"."So MARCH, Forward, "NOW"

"The "SLIPPERY-WORLD" is ENTANGLED by Narrow (Mini)Mindedness of Ego,Attachment,Desire,Lust, Hate,Enmity,Aversion, Vices,Flaws & so forth."

"One foe All & All for One & All ,& positivity of consciousness of Lord(God) ."

The Guru Tattwa used to say that EVERYBODY in Universe wants to LOOK GOOD but no one wants to become GOOD."

"No matter what one does and the manner in which one does it,the world is going to "POINT (>>>) FINGERS" in EVERY situation, POINTING FINGERS is the SLIPPERY WORLD JOB."

The Guru Tattwa used to say that EVERYBODY in Universe wants to LOOK GOOD but no one wants to become GOOD."

"Love & Peace are not the things of the world,these are the state of individual's Mind & Chitta ( mind stuff,psyche)."

"If the MIND & Chitta(mind stuff,psyche) is PEACEFUL then the whole world is at unconditional love & Peace."

"God is "ALL ALMIGHTY" and SCORE of all STRENGTH.We ought to gain strength from HIM and makes ourselves WORTHY of HIS UNION."

"That can be done by checking the constant dissipation of our Energy through vain wanderings of OUR MINDS & Chitta(mind stuff,psyche)."

"The body also,like the UNIVERSE,resides and moves within the SKY."

"It also made of the five physical elements (Ether,AIR,Fire,Water and Sky)."

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