4 May 2013


"The UNIVERSAL HARMONY : Unconditional Love , Mental Peace ."

"Our Prayers may differ in DIVINE WORDS and ways but they Convey & Manifest the Same & Homologous Faith, Devotion & Feelings."

"Our Pilgrim Holy Places may differ in Holy Places and forms but they Carry the Same & Homologous Sanctity."

"Our Morals may differ in Phrases and Styles but they Preach the Same & Homologous Divine Message for the welfare of Living & Non Living."

"Our Religions, Paths, Sects may differ in Divine Symbols and Names , but they Reveal & Manifest the Same & Homologous meaning of Lord Consciousness."

"To manifest the Homologous "Divine Power of Lord" to Over Come *THE GLOBAL WARMING in every Sphere of Life i.e. Welfare of Living & Non Living."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"The GLOBAL STABILITY is occurred, emerges & Manifest to follow the "Divine Natural Law & Principle of VEDANTA:
"सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥"

"May all be happy. May all be healthy."
May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer."
*~Vedanta Version~*

"RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT (Karma, Actions, Work) for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."

♥ ॐ♥""To Realize Reality.""श्री*♥ ॐ♥

"What is the Sacred Universal Principle?

"If you are a Hindu, be a better Hindu."
"If you are a Christian, be a better Christian."
"If you are a Muslim, be a better Muslim."
"If you are Jew, be a Better Jew & so forth through Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity."

"Embrace the True & Pure knowledge of Hinduism (Sanatans)."
"Embrace the power of the Muslim Religion."
"Embrace Love & Service of the Christian Religion."
"Embrace Peace of the Buddhist "
"Embrace Ahimsa (non -violence) of the in Jainism."
"Embrace Sikhism of the enjoy."
"Embrace the purity of Mind & Chitta of the Sanatan Religion ."


"Chen- Hui - Tu hunted a pregnant Doe (female deer) at the hill YIN."
"When the Doe was wounded ,

"She gave to her little one."
"After licking it with her tongue to dry its body, SHE DIED."

"Seeing this , Hui was deeply Moved.
"He gave up hunting and become Buddhist Monk."
*~ Biographies of Eminent Men ~*



"Temple Principles...
"Non - Violence (Holy Heart, Mind,Thoughts & Deeds)
"ORDER ( Service & Duties without Expectations)
"BALANCE ( In all Regions, Path & Sects)
"HARMONY(Among Family, Society & so forth)
"Unconditional Love among Family , Society & so forth
"CONSCIOUSNESS among Living & Non Living
"Individual being LIVE BY A MORAL PLANE."

"EDUCATED & HIGHLY EDUCATED(MAXIMUM) (Ego, Materialist, Ostentation)."

"Every individual in Modern Universe BELITTLE, NUDGE & DESPISE all others & try to prove that he is the MODERN & HIGHLY EDUCATED ( Outward)."

"VIOLENCE in the form of Slaughter & Terriosim & Unwanted Wars due to the Fake Patriotism & Nationality, "Unrest , disharmony , ailment , depression , lethargy , poverty , lack of concentration on TRUTH & so forth are now very common and prevailing in almost every house,society & so forth. "
"EGO for to become Powerful County in World
"FEAR (with Each other in all Respects)

"Every individual in Modern Universe BELITTLE, NUDGE & DESPISE all others & try to prove that he is the MODERN."

"To establish a person in Dharma (Righteous conduct & Act) by giving a direct experience of the IMMORTAL PURE , INTELLIGENT, SATCHITANAND (harmonious, conscious,True & Pure Knowledge and blissful) qualities of the "SUPREME BEING (ALMIGHTY)"."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"Individual SELF -EFFORT" To change the "INNER- WORLD" (within) & Get through the blaming to every body & nature (Jamana badal gaya, the nature is altogether had changed)."

"Required To Change ,Create, Manifest the TRUTH within mind, chitta, deeds & thoughts in Family, Society & so forth."??

" Human being Inner Feelings,Desires,Tendencies,Qualities,Perspectives,Impressions all of them combined together determine the state of mind."

"If a individual being moves away from these feelings,impressions,and so forth,then the "DRAMA OF "HUMAN BEING" (heart & mind) will come to END."

"The Karma (actions ) of Social Conductivity,Religiosity & & Spirituality are to destroy misconception while purifying the mind (Chitta,mind stuff,psyche),

"To establish a person in Dharma (Righteous conduct & Act) by giving a direct experience of the IMMORTAL, PURE , INTELLIGENT , SATCHITANAND (harmonious ,conscious and blissful) qualities of the "SUPREME BEING (ALMIGHTY)"."

"All these are like Tirths (within, self realization)."

"They all can be a source of PURIFICATION of Self."

"But only that person whose mind is devoted may attain this PURITY."

"True TIRTH, deities,discourses, bells ,and .....so forth are within individual beings."

"The TREASURE of INFINITE Knowledge is within, a human beings has every limited INTELLECT."

"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."

"Just as solitude is necessary for "SPIRITUAL PRACTICES",so purification of CONDUCT is possible only through "SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT."

"Every step we take has a relationship to SOCIAL and EXTERNAL Codes of CONDUCT(Charity, Purity, Unity and Divinity), Religiosity & Spirituality."

"It PULLS the individual to the world.The individual remains RESTLESS but cannot leave the slippery world (Ego, Greed, Aversion, Enmity, Vengeance & so forth) ."

"The mind & chitta keeps on turning toward the world in spite if HUGE EFFORTS to focus internally."

"The mind & chitta is if a HARMONIOUS NATURE,hence it is eager ti find HAPPINESS.It is always hopeful that,some where,HAPPINESS will be available."

"Neither is HAPPINESS found,nor does the RESTLESSNESS CEASE."

"Its impact is always INVISIBLE & Its RESULTS is always VISIBLE in Every Individual 's Life & HE blame the Lord ( God)."

"The DRAMA of LIFE of individual beings takes place in the background of 'PRARBDHA'."

"You make a Religion of all Religions, including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength, "What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA
( Religion based on Consciousness)?."

"What is The "NEETI- SHASTRA (Moral Philosophy, Moral Ethics , Moral Science, Welfare of Living & Non Living of our Universe & other Universe) of Divine

"The Human beings who remain in a "DILEMMA" attains neither the WORLD, nor "SOCIAL CONDUCT" as well as Religiosity & "SPIRITUALITY"."

"The Time has come for the Whole World, in spite of its Diversity, to accept that the Teachings of the Ancient Divine Rishis (Sages) are the Root of All Religions, having ONE and the SAME GOAL for welfare of Living & Non living."

"ONLY one form each pair:




4. TEMPTING- BENEFICIAL- can exist in the MIND & CHITTA at any given MOMENT."

"Either the "WORLD" (Ego, Desire, Lust Hate & Vices etc.) will exist, or "SOCIAL , RELIGIOUS & "SPIRITUAL CONDUCT (Unconditional Love & Peace with non violence etc.) will exist."

"If Individual being TRY to KEEP both then BOTH will disappear."

"Either there will be "SUPREMACY of ANGELS " or "DEVILS " in the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"The world as well as our body is mix of PROPITIOUS and UNPROPITIOUS."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff, psyche)."

"In the FACE of this Inner Battle even the Greatest Battle the External World is always Meaningless & Worthless."

"NEETI " is the Subtle & Visible (within) Link between: {A}. Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity & Materialism,
{B}. Idealism and Realism, {C}. Precept & Practice,

1.Definition & Actualization, 2. Learning & Application, 3. Ignorance & True & Pure Knowledge, 4. TRUTH & FALSEHOOD, 5.Self- pity & Self- Respect, 6.Giving & Getting, 7.Good & Bad, 8.Right & Wrong, 9.Fake & Real,

1. Temporary & Permanent, 11. Weakness & Strength, 12.Past & Future, 13. Purity & Impurity 14. Inner & Outer 15. Foolishness & Wisdom, 16. Contentment & Covetousness, 17. Withdrawal & Confrontation,

18. Disunity & Unity, 19. Self- pity & Self- Respect, 20. Giving & getting, 21. Faith & Reason, 22.Dogma & Disbelief, 23.Mysterious & Obvious, 24.Unearthly & Earthly, 25.Theory & Practice, 26. Courage & Discretion, 27. Dependence & Autonomy,

28.Rigidness & Flexibility, 29. Goodness & Evil, 30.Poverty & Wealth,31. Individual & Society,32. Self & Non- Self, 33. Art & Artlessness,

34.Religion & Atheism, 35. Within & Without, 36.Fate & Action (Karma),
37. Submission & Resistance, 38. Humility & Confidence, 39.Harmony & Conflict, 40.Passivity & Power, 41. Failure & Success, 42. Dictatorship & Democracy, 43.Self-denial & Opportunism,

44.Virtue & Wisdom, 45. Solitude & Eratosthenes, 46. Self- Negation & Self- Realization, 47. Self- Effacement & Self- Assertion, 48. Individual Soul & the Supreme Soul, 49. Renunciation & Enjoyment, 49. Silence & Speech, 50. LIFE & DEATH, 51.Solitude & Eratosthenes, 52.Temporary & Permanent, 53.Weakness & Strength."

"The "NEETI SHASTRA" sees through the Abstruse Topics and labyrinth of Mysticism surrounding the Divine, True & Pure Ancient (Created from Lord Mother Kundalini for the Welfare of Living & Non Living of Universe & Others Universe) DIVINE LANGUAGE "SANSKRIT" Literature, Consisting of the:
(1). Four Vedas (2). Six Vedangas (3).The Upanishads (about 100), of which 11 are considered Important.
(4). The Purans , 18 in number (5). The Dharma Shastra , 47 in number, of which about 20 extinct

(6). The Ramayana
(7). The Mahabharata
(8). The Bhagvad Gita, besides the six systems of philosophy that grew out of the Upanishads, nameley : the "NYAS" (rationalism) founded by Divine Saint Gautama; the Vaiseshika ( Pluralism) by Kanads: the "SANKHYA" (Evolutionism) by Divine sainta Kapila; the "Yoga"(perfectionism) by Divine Saint Patanjali; the "MIMANSA" (Moralism) by divine Saint Jaimini; and the "Vedanta" by Divine Saint Badarayana or Veda Vyasji."

"These abound in Social, Religious & Spiritual percepts, moral sentiments, apophthegms and didactic contents."

"To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment for welfare of Living & Non living.."

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