5 Apr 2013


"Change is an in Intrinsic Quality of Nature and as well as Human Body {Chitta(mind stuff,Psyche)} {Yatha Pinde- Tatha Bramhande (Human Body & Universe is HOMOLOGOUS)}."

"Why Reverend Divine Spiritual Magnates 1008 Shri Koman Coban,Agasha etc did not like place in India that they had to settle down (Subtle state ) in Siberia?."

"For these People the Entire World is India.All the human beings are citizens of India."

"The Boundaries of caste,Nations,Language,Cultures and Civilization hold no meaning for them."

"We are still confined within Boundaries ,some emotional and some imaginary ."

"As SHAKTI (divine power) becomes more & more subtle ,these boundaries begin to fall apart."

Q.The progression of Spirituality is a Prolonged Process.Births after Births and Eras after Eras pass by?."

"The process is not just this long! During this Process ,the Creation and Dissolution of the Universe can also occur many times over."

"In the unmanifested form of Creation,when PRAKRITI (the Creative Principle,aboriginal nature) is merged into its original state (dissolution,as opposed to procreation),the True Aspirant(Koman Coban,Agasha, Maa Laal,Triloki Baba,Parmannadji Tirth etc.) along with other beings spends millions of years in an INVISIBLE and DORMANT or INERT STATE."

"After the Re-Manifestation of CREATION the True Aspirant of SADHAN (Super Spirituality) once again continues its ONWARD JOURNEY."

"After 7,000 years the Philosophy and Teachings of Reverend Spiritual Magnate Shri AGASHA are echoing similar tunes of Vedanta."

"The Time has come for the Whole World ,in spite of its Diversity,to accept that the Teachings of the Ancient Rishis (Sages)are the Root of All Religions,having ONE and the SAME GOAL."
"Reverend Spiritual Magnate 1008 Shri AGASHA ."

"The Philosophers of Upanishads are known as "VEDANTA",meaning the ULTIMATE KNOWLEDGE."

"In the Upanishads it is conveyed that each Individual Soul is similar to BRAMHA(God)."

"They are within HIM but appear separated from HIM due to their EGO in consciousness,which is the root of their being."

"The Five senses,the world composed of things,experiences of the World through the MIND and Intellect-all are reflections of that Initial Universal Consciousness."

"We believe in Reincarnation,and that for Self Realization we accept a new body."

"We also believe in the existence of the other Worlds besides Earth,including Six Astral Regions above us enveloping the Earth."

"There names are: BHAV {EARTH},BHUVAHA {the intervening Skies},SWAHA {Heaven},MAHA {the higher regions of masters},JANAH ,JAPAH,and SATYA."

"The last three are "BRAMHA LOKAS"{Region of BRANHAN},cosmic worlds where liberated soul reside.Literally "BRAMHA"means the Great Universe Creative Consciousness of GOD."

"All individual Souls are nothing but individualized specks of the same Divine Cosmic Consciousness."

"Different Lokas (regions or abode) where the souls reside also represent different level of development of the consciousness embeded in objects ,and these may levels of consciousness with Vegetative Life."

"According to the Upanishads ,the Philosophy of Reverend Spiritual Magnate Shri AGASHA ,Akash (sky) is the body of Lord (God)."

"Today the World "AKasha" is interpreted in the Gross sense in "Va cum",and on a Subtle Plane is "INNER SPACE" or "CHITTAKASHA".

"The Reverend Spiritual Magnate Shri AGASHA has appropriately called himself "LUMINOUS",and established in "UNIVERSAL COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS"

"Possibly you know that in everyone another person is present.This other person is a Spiritual Companion is awakened,meets his ever present companion."

"At this time he is awakened in the spiritual sense of the term and he becomes one with GOD."

"According to ancient Chronology, the VEDAS and Upanishdas were written even before the teaching of the Gita were given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna app.10,000 years ago on the battlefield of Kurukshetra."

"The Time has come for the Whole World ,in spite of its Diversity,to accept that the Teachings of the Ancient Rishis (Sages)are the Root of All Religions,having ONE and the SAME GOAL."

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