3 Apr 2013

Survival of Life


*NOTHING WILL BENEFIT HUMAN HEART and increase Chances for SURVIVAL of LIFE on EARTH as Much as the Evolution to a VEGETARIAN DIET"*
*~ Divine Scientist ALBERT EINSTEIN ~*

{'PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO READ THESE WORDS OF WISDOM, PEACE, LOVE AND LIGHT & for the Manifestation of INNER BLISS" & over come the Global Warming}.

"The "MEDICINE" that is available today is also sugar coated with "MATERIALISM"."

"It is the AGE of DECEIT, CHEATING, LOOTING & so forth."

"The strange THING is that DECEIT has found its way into Social Conductivity, POLITICS, Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY, too."

"आदमी को देखकर, डर रहा है आदमी !,
आदमी को लूटकर, घर भर रहा है आदमी !,
मारता है आदमी, और मर रहा है आदमी ! ।"

"The Man, seeing a Man afraid !;
"After robbing a Man, a Man around the house !,
"Kills Man, and Dying Men.!"


"Destroy" Selfishness (Greed & so forth)" & Create "Selflessness" within.Habits automatically may Transforms in to Universal Love & Peace in Universe.

"We Live our ENTIRE Lives with the HOPE of attaining HAPPINESS."

"RIGHTEOUS ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."

"SUPER NATURAL & DIVINE FRUITS, HERBS and SPICES - Which Create the LIFE FORCE & DIVINTY Automatically in our DIVINE BODY (Temple of LORD)."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an Holistic Approach, Promoting Health(LIFE FORCE), Education and Enterprise; Facilitating Independence (with Nature) not Dependence at all."

"When Diet is Wrong Medicine is of No Use."
"When Diet is Correct Medicine is of No Need."
*~Ayurvedic Proverb: LORD CHARAK ~*

"How the Save LIFE FORCE (Prana -Shakti, Consciousness) & MONEY in Daily PRECIOUS LIFE for the Welfare of LIVING & Non LIVING & to OVER COME GLOBAL WARMING."


*Total Cause for Creation & Emerging Unconditional Love & Peace among Living & Non Living & How to control & Over come the Global Warming*

MANURES" in Daily Life for Every Body."
"We Must be Proof our selves that "WE" are the "BOON", not the "CURSE" at all for Family, Society & so forth."

*Take the OATH of always being TRUTHFUL in any UN -AVOIDABALE CONDITION ."*

"It is the AGE of DECEIT, CHEATING, LOOTING & so forth."

"The strange THING is that DECEIT has found its way into Social Conductivity, POLITICS, Religiosity & SPIRITUALITY, too."

"Destroy" Selfishness" & Create "Selflessness" within.Habits automatically may Transforms in to Universal Love & Peace in Universe.

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an Holistic Approach, Promoting Health(LIFE FORCE), Education and Enterprise; Facilitating Independence (with Nature) not Dependence at all."

"The "MEDICINE" that is available today is also sugar coated with"MATERIALISM"."

"Now days Medicine and 'Materialism' alternate each other in the 'Slippery World'.'"

"Sometimes one is more effective and sometimes the other one rules."

"The"MEDICINE" that is available today is also sugar coated with"MATERIALISM"."

"These days the "MATERIALISM" is on "RISE."

"They view ( in invisible form) this and enjoy this as a "DIVINE SPORT"(MAYA) of the Lord."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an holistic approach, promoting health, education and enterprise; facilitating independence not dependence."

"The Human beings who remain in a "DILEMMA" attains neither the WORLD, nor "SOCIAL CONDUCT" as well as Religiosity & "SPIRITUALITY"."

"ONLY one form each pair:




4. TEMPTING- BENEFICIAL- can exist in the MIND & CHITTA at any given MOMENT."

"Either the "WORLD"(Ego,Desire,Lust Hate & Vices etc.) will exist,or "SOCIAL CONDUCT" ,RELIGIOSITY & "SPIRITUALITY" (Unconditional Love&Peace with non violence etc.) will exist."

"If Individual being TRY to KEEP both then BOTH will disappear."

"Either there will be "SUPREMACY of ANGELS " or "DEVILS " in the mind."

"The world as well as our body is mix of PROPITIOUS and UNPROPITIOUS."

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

"In the FACE of this Inner Battle even the Greatest Battle the External World is always Meaningless & Worthless."

"Therefore "COW' & "HORSE" are considered, as TOTAL HOLY ANIMALS around the world."

"Destroy" Selfishness" & Create "Selflessness" within.Habits automatically may Transforms in to Universal Love & Peace in Universe & we will able to over come *GLOBAL WARMING*.

"Change is an in Intrinsic Quality of Nature and as well as Human Body {Chitta(mind stuff,Psyche)}."

"This is the every human being's Tragedy of Universe."




"The issue is not "VIOLENCE",it is the intention of doing " VIOLENCE"."

"In the FACE of this Inner Battle even the Greatest Battle the External World is always Meaningless & Worthless."

"The issue is not "VIOLENCE",it is the intention of doing " VIOLENCE"."

"The whole creation being (living & non living) originally the same & homologous of 'SHAKTI'(Divine Power)."

"People see the act and not the feeling behind it,but it is the sentiment motivating the act that determines whether it is proper or improper."

"We recognize that there are beings we 'END UP' killing unknowingly but this is without violent intent in the heart & mind."

"Life is progressing simply according to the LAWS of NATURE.Lord (God) has created most living organisms to provide food for other organisms."

"Will the huge fish of the ocean come to the land in search of FOOD.?
"Will the TIGER satisfy his hunger by eating GROSS.?

"The way in which these beings kill is unavoidable according to the 'CYCLE of NATURE'

"One must breathe ,eat and drink water.There is also a need to move,prevent the deaths that occur during these actions (karma). That which is inevitably going to happen will happen."

"God has not made the human body and its sense organ suitable for eating flesh."

"The animals that have been given permission to eat flesh, their teeth and intestines have a particular kind of structure."

"They can eat and digest raw flesh.The beak of some bird are also similarly made."

"A human birth is not for eating flesh,but for attaining MOKSHA(Liberation,Salvation ). How ever man has lost his way.He has become involved in the pleasures of the palate and has adopted violent TENDENCIES."

"He can adopt the path of AHIMSA (Non Violence),purify his chitta (mind stuff) and derive SPIRITUAL BENEFITS."

"This" GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY" is not available to the animal kingdom."

Therefore "COW' & "HORSE" are considered,as HOLY ANIMALS around the world."

"Destroy" Selfishness" & Create "Selflessness" within.Habits automatically may Transforms in to Universal Love & Peace in Universe & we will able to over come *GLOBAL WARMING*.

Change is an in Intrinsic Quality of Nature and as well as Human Body {Chitta(mind stuff,Psyche)}."

"Faith in "GOD" (Divine Power)only."(God is the FOUNTAIN -HEAD of the CREATIVE COSMIC -ENERGY,which is cause of Individual Consciousness & Universal Consciousness.)"

"In certain parts if India Goats & Buffaloes are slaughtered for appeasing the GODDESS."

"Unfortunately the followers of the Sect not understanding the Real & True meaning of Sacrifice,slaughter animals instead of sacrificing their own flesh in the Fire of Prayer,Japa,Sadhan & Yoga and offering their animal passions and Carnal Desires to the " MIGHTY LOVING MOTHER"."

"The Shakti ( divine power) is that Universal aspect of the Almighty God which shines as life in the whole animate world and works the Mind,(chitta),body & intellect."

"This power is the Force of Creation generating,developing and evolving the animate world,but ordinarily its function is according to the lifeless laws of nature and is therefore said to be asleep,."

"In human body this power can be awakened in the form of psychic force."

"In Hinduism Shakti -Upasana ,or worship of this power forms an important branch Tantric & Yogic Science."

"In this form the Lord (God) is regarded as MOTHER who destroys all obstacles and evils in the Path of Spiritual Evolution of Soul and leads up the True Individual,Aspirant to Goal of GOD REALIZATION,in other words it is with HER assistance that a Soul attains perfection through its union with the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT--SHIVA (LORD,GOD)."

"She is painted as riding on a LION as a symbol of strength,courage ,magnanimity and majesty."

"The picture also denotes the fact that when the Kundalini is aroused in a person.She rides the Lion of Yoga which roars like a hungry Lion in the body and begins to devour the weakness (flesh) of the Yogi."

"The Shakti is with HER numerous kinds of weapons begins to wage war on the animal passions which form the strong army of SATAN and always hinder Spiritual Advancement,killing them one by one,till every one of them has been to the last overpowered and killed."

"In certain parts if India Goats & Buffaloes are slaughtered for appeasing the GODDESS,unfortunately the followers of the Sect not understanding the Real & True meaning of Sacrifice,slaughter animals instead of sacrificing their own flesh in the Fire of Prayer,Japa,Sadhan & Yoga and offering their animal passions and Carnal Desires to the " MIGHTY LOVING MOTHER"."

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." ~ Albert Einstein ~

" SUPER NATURAL & DIVINE FRUITS, HERBS and SPICES - Which Create the LIFE FORCE & DIVINTY Automatically in our DIVINE BODY (Temple of LORD)."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an Holistic Approach, Promoting Health(LIFE FORCE), Education and Enterprise; Facilitating Independence (with Nature) not Dependence at all."


"Destroy" Selfishness" & Create "Selflessness" within.Habits automatically may Transforms in to Universal Love & Peace in Universe & we will able to over come *GLOBAL WARMING*.

"First & Foremost ,the TRANSFORMATION of LIFE through Social Conductivity & Spirituality must be achieved is a Balanced State of Mind & CHITTA(Mind stuff,psyche)."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an Holistic Approach, Promoting Health(LIFE FORCE), Education and Enterprise; Facilitating Independence (with Nature) not Dependence at all."

"The "MEDICINE" that is available today is also sugar coated with"MATERIALISM"."

"Now days Medicine and 'Materialism' alternate each other in the 'Slippery World'.'"

"Sometimes one is more effective and sometimes the other one rules."

"The"MEDICINE" that is available today is also sugar coated with"MATERIALISM"."

"These days the "MATERIALISM" is on "RISE."

"They view ( in invisible form) this and enjoy this as a "DIVINE SPORT"(MAYA) of the Lord."

"Enabling people to help themselves by taking an holistic approach, promoting health, education and enterprise; facilitating independence not dependence."

"THINK GLOBALLY, ACT HOMELY , SOCIALLY RELIGIOUSLY,SPIRITUALLY."{All are ONE & ONE is All. Dvaita (Duality,Diversity) v\s Advaita ( Non-Duality)}."

" SUPER NATURAL & DIVINE FRUITS, HERBS and SPICES - Which Create the LIFE FORCE & DIVINTY Automatically in our DIVINE BODY (Temple of LORD)."

( Total Cause of Unconditional Love among Living & Non Living)

"Meat is Murder"! :
"The Environment"

1. Conservation of Fossil fuel. It takes 78 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of beef protein; 35 calories for 1 calorie of pork; 22 calories for 1 of poultry; but just 1 calorie of fossil fuel for 1 calorie of soybeans. By eating plant foods instead of animal foods, I help conserve our non-renewable sources of energy.

2. Water Conservation. It takes 3 to 15 times as much water to produce animal protein as it does plant protein. As a vegetarian I contribute to water conservation.

3. Efficient use of grains. It takes up to 16 pounds of soybeans and grains to produce 1 lb. of beef and 3 to 6 lbs. to produce 1 lb of turkey & egg. By eating grain foods directly, I make the food supply more efficient & that contributes to the environment.

4. Soil conservation. (Earth Element)
When grains & legumes are used more efficiently, our precious topsoil is automatically made more efficient in its use. We use less agricultural resources to provide for the same number of people.

5. Saving our forests.(Earth Element)
Tropical forests in Brazil and other tropic regions are destroyed daily, in part, to create more acreage to raise livestock. By not supporting the meat industry, I directly reduce the demand to pillage these irreplaceable treasures of nature. Since the forest land "filters" our air supply and contains botanical sources for new medicines, this destruction is irreversable.

6. Asthetics. (Cause of All Cancer,Dibeties & so forth)
Decaying animal parts, whether in a freezer case or served in restaurants, can never be as asthetically pleasing to the senses as the same foods made from wholesome vegetable sources. Only habit can allow one not to perceive this: a change in diet makes this self evident.

"Personal Health"(Yatha Pinde Tatha Bramhande,Human Body & Universe is Homologous)
(LikeLord Buddhaji, Mahatama Ganghiji, Vivekandji & countless.)

7. No deficiencies.
There is no nutrient necessary for optimal human functioning which cannot be obtained from plant food.

8. High fat plus cholesterol.
Animal foods are higher in fat than most plant foods, particularly saturated fats. Plants do not contain cholesterol.

9. "Carb" deficient.
Meat is deficient in carbohydrates, particularly the starches which are so essential to proper health.

10. Vitamin deficient.
Except for the b-complex, meat is largely deficient in vitamins.

11. Agricultural Chemicals. Being higher on the food chain, animal foods contain far higher concentrations of agricultural chemicals than plant foods, including pesticides, herbicides, etc.

12. Exposure to livestock drugs. There are over 20,000 different drugs, including sterols, antibiotics, growth hormones and other veterinary drugs that are given to livestock animals. These drugs are consumed when animal foods are consumed. The dangers herein, in secondary consumption of antibiotics, are well documented.

13. Pathogenic Microorganisms. There are a host of bacteria and viruses, some quite dangerous, that are common to animals. When I eat meat, I eat the organisms in the meat. Micro-organisms are present in plant foods too, but their number and danger to human health is by no means comparable to that of those in meat.

14. Worms and other Parasites. Ditto on # 13!

15. Shelf life differential.
Plant foods last longer than animal foods. Try this experiment: Leave out a head of lettuce and a pound of hamburger for 1 day, which will make you sick?

16. Organoleptic Indications of Pathenogens.
Plant foods give tell-tale signs of "going bad". Ever hear of someone getting sick from "bad broccoli"?

17. Heart Disease.
Meat eating increases the risk of heart disease, this country's #1 killer. The correlation is an epidemiological fact.

18. Cancer prevention.

"Of all the natural cancer prevention substances found: vitamin C, B-17, hydroquionenes, beta carotene, NDGA, – none has been found to be animal derived. Yet most meats, when cooked, produce an array of benzenes and other carcinogenic compounds. Cancer is infinitely easier to prevent than cure. Soybeans contain protease inhibitor, a powerful anticancer compound. You won't find it in useful quantities in animal based food.

19. Disease Inducing. The correlation between meat consumption and a wide range of degenerative diseases is well founded and includes…..

20. Osteoporosis

21. Kidney Stones and Gallstones

22. Diabetes

23. Multiple Sclerosis

24. Arthritis

25. Gum disease

26. Acne. Aggravated by animal food.

27. Obesity. Studies confirm that vegetarians tend to be thinner than meat eaters. Obesity is considered by doctors to be a disease within itself.

28. Intestinal Toxemia. The condition of the intestinal flora is critical to overall health. Animal products putrefy the colon.

29. Transit time. Wholesome food travels quickly through the "G.I" tract, leaving little time to spoil and incite disease within the body.

30. Fiber deficient. Fiber absorbs unwanted, excess fats; cleans the intestines; provides bulk and aids in peristalsis. Plant food is high in fiber content; meat, poultry and dairy products have none.

31. Body wastes. Food from animals contain their waste, including adrenaline, uric and lactic acid, etc., Before adding ketchup, the biggest contributors to the "flavor profile" of a hamburger are the leftover blood and urine.

32. Excess protein. The average American eats 400% of the RDA for protein. This causes excess nitrogen in the blood that creates a host of long-term health problems.

33. Longevity. To increase ones risk of getting degenerative disease means decreasing ones chance to live a naturally long healthy life. Huzas and other peoples with large centenarian populations maintain lifestyles that are relatively meat free.

34. Well Being. I just feel better since "giving up" meat and becoming vegetarian.

Personal Finances

35. Health care costs. Being healthier on a vegetarian diet means spending less on health care.

36. Food costs. Vegetarian foods tend to cost less than meat based items.


37. Love of animals.
I love animals as I love myself. I have no desire to kill them or cause them harm.

38. Stance against Factory Farming.. I cannot make a statement against factory farming if I myself eat animals.

39. Respect for Sentient Life.
I show gratitude to my Creator(s?) by eating as low on the food chain as possible.

40. "Economic Vote".
I show support of the meat industry and the way they operate when I purchase and use their products.

41. Small sacrifice The sacrifice I make is nothing compared to the animals, its life.

42. Natural diet.
Our hands, teeth, feet, intestinal tract…even our body chemistry is that of an herbivore.

43. Reciprocity. As you do as you rebound it anti actions i.e. cause of Negative Prarabdha(destiny,invisible sins)
" If I partake in the slaughter of animals, I will have to repay my contribution to that act.

44. "Protecting the Temple".
"Whatever affects the body has a corresponding effect on the mind and soul" (E.G. White)

45. I believe in nonviolence. Slaughter isn't.

46. World Peace.
There can never be peace among men while men are declaring war on other highly developed life forms.

47. Clear conscience. I know what I'm doing is right. I feel good inside about my decision to remain "meatless"

48. Example. To live this way is to protect the underlying values of those around me.

49. Easy substitutes. There are vegetable based substitutes for every meat product imaginable.

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