5 Apr 2013

Symbolic Worship

"The point here is that the image of Lord Being( God) is dependent upon the state of mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) ) of the human being or the aspirant-his sentiments, faith and spiritual path according their Scriptures in Universe."

* THE ELIMINATION" (Duaility (Dvaita) v\s "The ILLUMINATION ( Advaita, non Duality)*


"THE True & Pure Knowledge OF "Lord"{God} with Duality (Advaita)."

"Its consciousness is homologous to every Individual Beings of Universe."

"The point here is that the image of Lord Being( God) is dependent upon the state of mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) ) of the human being or the aspirant-his sentiments, faith and spiritual path according their Scriptures in Universe."

*Someone asked Swami Vivekanandaji how large God is .?

"His answer was,"He is as big as the devotee or aspirant"

*For some people god is mountain,a tree or a river.with the development of the psyche, the image of god also develops.At first a temple is god's abode."

"Slowly one progresses to believe in his Omnipresence.At first the way to attain God is a special mantra."

"But this belief keeps on changing with the development of the mana(mind) & chitta(mind stuff,psyche)."

"Hence a true aspirant does not try to change anyone else's belief.Otherwise the natural faith of that person might be destroyed,when he could not accept any higher faith due to the limitations of his state of mind."

"The the person would not be at home anywhere.On the contrary,an aspirants tries to further support and strengthen the faith of the person,and when he develops his faith he will automatically change."

"The perspective of a aspirant, sadhak or individual being of universe is totally different from that of the world.He seeks spiritual welfare for the world and for himself.He does not hesitate if he has to stop and wait for a while for the good of others to manifest.He does not assault anyone's sentiments.He does not hurt anyone's ego.This is true for the imagined God as well."

"He does not play with anybody's faith.He does not repudiate their belief,he helps."

"Debates about God are meaningless.principles have been established according to the experiences of the spiritual masters. On the basis of those principles many different views have developed and followers of these tradition have begun to dispute.God must be wondering,"what kind of a living being i created."

" On the basis of imagination they are ready to cut each other's throats without any experience they are swinging stick in the dark.A wise & thoughtful human being does not get involved in any argument.He understands that these differences are due todifferent perspective and experiences.Otherwise nobody can bind god in any definition,description or explanation.For example,if you goto a temple in north India,the costumes of lord Krishna & Radha will be in a north Indian style.If you go to Maharashtra,it will be in Maharashtrian."

"At a place where I (Guru Tattwa) I stayed, the heat of the household was devoted to rituals.He felt like smoking a hukka ( an Indian pipe bar smoking tobacco).He prepared a small hukka and kept it in front of the idol of God.After that he prepared his own hukka and started to smoke. When i asked him why, he said,"if i smoke a hukka why should not my God."

"It is human nature to try to imagine things are beyond one's reach.A human writes articles and get involved in arguments about subjects that are beyond his intellect."

"He knows that his mind and senses cannot reach the god,yet he makes temples and places of pilgrimage to try to reach him."

"Human beings have an attachment for the body on the one hand, and, on the other, try to attain God."

""Shiva & Shakti the Anantta, all automatic actions (creation, execution, destroy, etc.) engaged in the Parmeshwari or Power is Parvati. Every human being should be chanta this Mantra with their own feeling, emotion & FAITH and to destroy their accumulated Prarbdha, the following every day at the appointed time."

''Om Aeim Hrim Shrim Klim Hlim Om jiva Nirjiv Kalayankari Param Maa-Parmeshwari Namo Namaha.''

"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA" *11.11.11*

"Spiritual practices includes meditation knowledge and detachment from the fruits of action (Karma)."

"Those aspirants or devotee or person who start a spiritual practice without understanding its relevance are wasting their time ."

"Meditation starts by renouncing the fruits of action. Jnana,or Spiritual knowledge, comes without meditation,and spiritual practice is conducted with that spiritual knowledge."

"This implies that spiritual practice includes meditation,knowledge and detachment from the fruit of action (Prarbdha,destiny)."

"How can the spiritual practices of a devotee or aspirant or person who does not give up attachment to the fruits of action (Karma) bear fruit.?Also,efforts are wasted of practices are alone done without meditation & spiritual knowledge."

(The essence of 12th chapter of Gita)

Knowledge, Science, Spirituality & Chaitanya-Dharma( Religion)Through Social Conduct Consciousness of self realization:Prarbdha-Karma 

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