5 Apr 2013

Welfare of Humanity

"The SUBTLE BELIEFS of All Religions the WELFARE of HUMANITY "

"What is The COSMIC DHARMA {Religion} ?
"What is Prarabdha (Destiny Created by past karma) ?
"What is Guru Tattwa (the fundamental cosmic principle in the Guru}?."

"There is only one DHARMA (Religion) To Realize GOD YOURSELVES."

"The Flowing ICE - BERG (Berg means Mountain) has only one eight of its mass above the surface of water the remaining seven - eight being under the water , invisible outwardly.

"The same is the case with us. At the most only 20% of us in the VISIBLE, physical body; the remaining 80% being Non - physical and , therefore hidden from people around us i.e. Prarabdha (destiny created by Past Karma).

"There is only one DHARMA (Religion) to realize GOD."

"That is , to clear the misconception that GOD is not realized, which means to establish oneself in Dharma through Dharma."

" Everything else display of words."

"Understand the essential meaning of Karma (actions) as Dharma. Karma full of attachment is not Dhrma. Detached Karma is called Dharma because it purifies the heart, mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) and is instrumental in clearing misconceptions."

"Where Yajna is called Dhrma, remember that Japa (chantin) is most superior amongst all Yajnas. Doing Japa to attain something is not Yajna. Yajna with the sole intention of realizing God and not for obtaining anything else is Dharma because it destroys misconceptions."

"Performing one's duties is called Dharma because achieving results is treated as secondary in this. Performing one's duty without desiring any fruits is Dharma because it removes desires and destroys misconceptions."

"This issue is present in all types of Dhrama."

"The Goal of attaining God is identical in all Religions & Paths. Wherever realization of God is not the Goal, it is not Dharma. Dharma is a devotee worshipping , A Karma Yogi performing his duties without any attachments, the knowledge arising in an intellectual from within, and a Yogi performing Meditation to Realize God."

" A householder living in accordance with the Scriptures to achieve detachment, the sacrifice of sense objects by an elder, and acquisition of knowledge by a Celibate (Bramhachari) is Dharma. All these are helpful in leading towards GOD."

"Hinduism, Islam , Christianity. & other Religions are not only Dharma, but also Doctrines which suggest the means of moving toward Dharma.
" Some are Action- Oriented,
" Some of Japa - Oriented,
"Some Sentiment - Oriented,
"Some Worship - Oriented,
" Some Prayer - Oriented,
"And Service - oriented."

"The Distinction of Sanatnis or Hinduism is that it is not the means but the state of the CHITTA (mind stuff, psyche )."

" The state of Chitta is not the same for all beings. Everyone's Samaskaras (accumulated impressions), Prarabdha ( destiny created by past karma), sentiments , faith and tendency are different, and thus one doctrine or Spiritual Practice is not appropriate for all."

" The doctrine of Hinduism acknowledges all ways and grants one the right to practice what is suitable for him."

"How Prarabdha reflects on the human body, mind & chitta (mind stuff) ?."

"Just as light from the SUN shines on the moon & reflects back from the moon to the Earth, so the "Power of the Prarabdha (Law of Karma)" reacts as follow:
! Cause & Effects
2. Sow & Reap."

"Play of Prarabdha is an important part of one's life. If has made many people stepped own from their Position."

"Prarabdha and the sense of doership are the only Two causes of Fickle- mindedness, a restless intellect , attachment, to Slippery World, and the experience of joy & miseries. Thus two entangle the individual beings in the middle of mental tendencies (vasanas (Propensity) vices & so forth) in such a way that he cannot escapes even if he tries Millions time."

" Effects to be free from these Robbers of mind & chitta is the Righteous Conduct & Act toward our Social, Religious & Spiritual Life."

"The Journey of Life is like a Whirlpool, swirling at an intense speed in one spot."

"The journey of life is like about that is tied to the shore while efforts are made to swiftly row the boat."

"A human is drawn to the attractions of the Slippery World and keeps running after them. Sometimes he feels that he has acquired something, and sometimes he feels it has slipped out of his hands."

"The gentleman. noble & True Individual climbs the Mountain pf Social, Religious & Spiritual Practice & benefits slowly carefully, clinging to rocks and at times skipping over things. His spell is slow like a Turtle but he keeps climbing constantly."

"THE GURU TATTWA (the fundamental cosmic principle in the Guru) is an ALL - PERVADING Divine - Power is called "GURU"."

"This beneficial aspect of this is called "GURU". This power also punishes a person on many occasions for his own benefit. Though the medium of the GURU"S body, it showers Divine Grace on him by Imparting True & Pure Knowledge to him."

To establish deatchment in the being, this power insults, embarrasses, frightens and arranges for various kinds of sorrows, so that the "REAL NATURE" of the World Manifest."

"THE GURU TATTWA (the fundamental cosmic principle in the Guru) is two forms -- the "EXTERNAL GURU " & the "INNER GURU"."

"The inner Guru is active in the external , physical Guru and lights up the Path of Progress in the Disciple by means of different experiences."

"The fact is that , in Reality, the Inner Guru, or the Awakened Divine Shakti, is the GURU. It acts and manifests through the medium of the bodies of Both the Guru & the Disciple (True & Pure like Guru). "

"An Aspirant needs to recognize the "DIVINE GURU TATTWA" in the body of the GURU & associate with that."

"But to do so he first must see the "GURU - TATTWA" within himself . Only then is he able to recognize the "GURU - TATTWA' in the body of the Guru."

"The union of the Guru and disciple is the union of the GURU- TATTWA present in both Bodies. At that point the the GURU - DISCIPLE relationship Disappears."

"The Divine Light concludes the MIND & CHITTA. The Universal Subtle Voice is turned toward the DIVINE Light."

"Everything is there in the DIVINE LIGHT, and everything perfect resides there."

"The word , "ZEN" , is the youngest descendant of Sanskrit , "DHYANA", Pali, JANAN & so forth -- "contemplation, pondering over , meditation"."

"Its correlation in the Rigveda is DHENA in the sense of "Speech Reflecting the Inner thoughts of Human."

"Its Ancient Iranian or Avestan equivalent is "DAENA", which is common word in the GATHAS, meaning, "Inner Self of Human, revelation, faith, Religion "

"It survives in modern Persian as "DIN" which means "RELIGION"."

"Its derivative in the Lithuanian is "DAIVA", the noblest expression of their mind, written in the morning of their world, with the dew still on them.
The Lithuanian "DAINA" spell of a time when joy walked over the earth.
They are unique treasures of the thatched roof of the Lithuanian countryside, heart-stirring in their simplicity and subtlety."

"Zen is the product of the Chinese & Japanese soil from the Indian ( Bhartiya) seed of Enlightenment , India's Huts and Japanese bamboos, India's sophisticated thoughts and the bizarre KOANS: all leading to "SELF RELIANCE( JIYU) " & "SELF BEING ( JIZAI)."

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