5 Apr 2013


Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advaita ( Non Duality).

" Living through The Vedantic Beliefs for Every Individual beings for Humanity, Mental Peace & so forth."

1."The Vedantic believe in the Fundamental Unity & Common source (consciousness) of All Religions."

2."The Vedantic believe in the Human's Natural Spirituality is best expressed in Loving and practical aid to his fellow Human (He or She), rather than Mata physical Inquiry of beliefs."

3."The Vedantic believe in the in the Unity of Religions, the efficacy of Unconditional Love & Devotion, Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga & Meditation & Service and in Satya (Truth) as the Living incarnation of GOD(the Vedanta)."

4."The Vedantic believe in that Social, Religious & Spiritual Progress comes through analysis of current & past Life experience which resolve past Karma {Actions, Prarabdha (destiny created by past karma)} most directly."

5."The Vedantic believe in there is no God beyond the Divine within Human and no TRUTH beyond Existential Freedom, that all Religions Imprison Human, causing repression , fear & Poverty."

6."The Vedantic believe in the Human's sense of the Sacred can be fulfilled Naturally, without formal worship, houses of God, ceremony , creeds or theology."

7."The Vedantic believe in the Mysticism of Religions consists of Unitive and Direct Mystical Experience which should be the Objective of every Religious Aspiration."

8"The Vedantic believe that the cultivation of occult powers including Self Realization, Astral Travel, Past Life reading & so forth, is the Highest Pursuit of that which is Divine Spiritual."

9"The Vedantic believe in the intimate relationship of Human, Consciousness (spirit) & the Earth- which is living , Sacred being and in the Brotherhood of all Creatures."

"Psychic Power Yoga ( Prayer, Japa, Sadhan) & Meditation."

"The Yoga (Prayer, Japa, Sadhan) & Meditation sets us up so that we are not Upset."

"The Yoga ( Prayer, Japa, Sadhan) & Meditation are but TWO Divine inseparable Subtle Life - Sciences. While Yoga discipline the body, senses, Meditation discipline the Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche). A balanced progress in Both Yoga & Meditation assures Health & Longevity."

"Material prosperity can give comforts ,but not Happiness (mental Peace)."

"The Yoga is defined by many Great Seers as union of Jeevatma (individual Being) with Paramatama (Almighty Consciousness), self with Cosmic Self and finite with Infinite. This is art of learning to enter within our own Self by Quitening our Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."

"The Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga & Meditation Provides :

(1). "Holistic healing at the casual level, activating the body's Natural Resources."
(2)."Energy Balance that relieves stress."
(3)."Effortless release of emotional blocks."
(4)." Higher levels of creativity and enhanced awareness."
(5)." Increases Intuition."
(6)."Revitalization of body, Mind & chitta & Spirit."
(7)."A positive relationship to the ageing process through amplification of energy."
(8)."Completion of repetitive past patterns."
(9)."An access to the future, making it possible to live in its Entirety."
(10)." An access to healing at a Distance."

"The Prayer,Japa, Sadhan, Yoga & Meditation normalizer of our nature, it is the cleanser of our mental Garbage; it establishes us in our Accessible compassionate , loving being."

"The Yoga (Prayer, Japa, Sadhan) & Meditation sets us up so that we are not Upset."

"The Entire Divine Play (Invisible & Visible) of individual being is due to the Prarabdha (destiny created by Past Karma) is also BOUND by TIME."

"Be established within the self and burn down our defects of Mind & Chitta Mind stuff, psyche) i.e. Selfishness, Ego, Hate, Hatred, Enmity, Lust, Propensity & Vices & so forth."

"It is the Subtle Management of Visible & Invisible Universe for betterment of Life for Ever."

"Far & Near, Visible - Invisible, Up- Down - where the universe has extended itself, the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is engaged in everything. Withdrawing the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) from the Universe is nothing other than the discernment of permanent Transient. This is the Detachment. This is the Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity."

"The Six "SUKHAS" (HAPPINESS) of Precious Life."
"The first one is Good Health. That is above all the SUKHAS."

"The Second one is a Sufficient amount of Wealth."
"The Third Sukha is a Loyal Wife."

"The fourth is obedient Children."
"The fifth Sukha is patronage of the Government &
"The sixth and the last is Good neighborhood."

"A lucky person gets all the Sukhas when is Prarabdha (destiny created by past karma) is
*" ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ "ॐ"*

"Do not be afraid of the Illusion
It is misconception of Mind & chitta
Do not tremble
do not be afraid
at each instant
everything is Divinity.

In your heart & mind
in the Universe
every moment
is living breath is Life force (prana shakti).

You can always
even now
go beyond
the Destroy illusion.

It is spark this Divine force
of Harmony and Unconditional Love
to break down the walls &layers of
Illusion in mind & chitta
to escape from Illusion."
*" ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ "ॐ"*

Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*

"Life is a struggle and the more fortitude a person acquires for steering off its ups and downs, the better fitted he is to live in it."
*" ॐ"~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~ "ॐ"*

"The Total Activities of our Precious Life are WITHIN the Boundaries of TIME."
"The Wilted Flower cannot Bloom Again."

A Leaf Torn from the tree cannot be attached Again."
"A Dead person cannot come for Life Again."

"And TIME that has gone by cannot come Back."
"TIME has a FLOW like AIR & Water."

"The Flow of TIME never stops; it never pauses."

"Day & Night are in the Boundaries of Time.Birth & Death are in the Boundaries of TIME."
"The Total Activities of our Precious Life are WITHIN the Boundaries of TIME."

"The Entire Divine Play (Invisible & Visivle) of individual being is due to the Prarabdha (destiny created by Past Karma) is also BOUND by TIME."


"The Five Good Advices for Precious Life."

1."Remain balanced both in Favorable & Unfavorable Circumstances."

2."Surrender completely and nor HALF - HEATEDLY before our GOD. Pray before HIM Unselfishly."

3." Work & Karma (actions ) without attachment."

4."Discipline yourself before Discilining others."

5. Do not Feelings of Good and Bad. Remain above the Both."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

"For this everybody should be chant the Mantra given by Sadaguru Swami Shivom Thirthji Maharaj and Maa Bagulamukhi at the fix time 7.00 - 7.15 A.M. daily in the Homes, Temples (all types), Churchs (all types), Bodha-Chaityalayas (all types), All Holy Places(all types), Gurudwaras(all types) and all the Holly Places according to their own emotion & worship as well in HOME."

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