5 Apr 2013


"The Vedantic Ayur-veda" & "The Modern Medicine."

"Lord Hanuman Brought the Life Saved "Ayu- Veda " Medicine (Hindi : Sanjeevini Buti) for to Saved the Life of LORD LAXMAN ( in Epic Ramayana)."

"It was a piece of the Ayur- Veda Medicine from the mount Himalayan (1,75,000 years back, Treta Yuga). That part of mountain is believed to be resting on southern part of Shri Lanka, near Galle."

"So many Medicinal plants are found endemic in that mountain, that are not found anywhere in Sri Lanka."

"Lord Hanuman Brings Sanjeevani Buti, "Yuddha Kanda, Ramayana," Hanuman Brings Sanjeevani Buti from the great Himalayas in order to heal the wounds of the monkey chiefs who were lying senseless as a result of the deadly weapons shot at them by Indrajit."

"After the death of Kumbhakarna at the hands of Rama, Ravana became utterly upset and at that time his son Indrajit came to him and promised to kill Rama and Lakshmana. But first Indrajit offered libations to the Fire god, and sacrificed a goat. Then the bright, smokeless Fire god came out of the sacrificial fire and rose up to take the offering, and he gave a Brahma weapon to Indrajit, and blessed his bow and car with charms. Thus armed with a Brahma weapon, Indrajit started killing countless hosts of monkeys, and laid low Sugriva and Angada and Jambavan and Nila and other chiefs, but he remained invisible. Seeing Indrajit thus weaponed and unassailable, Rama thought of a probable defeat and the son of Ravana returned victorious to Lanka."

"Then Vibhishana and Hanuman inspected the field and found thousands of slain and wounded, a horrid sight and grim. They came close to the king of bears, Jambavan, and asked if he yet lived. Recognizing the voice of Vibhishana, Jambavan responded faintly and enquired if Hanuman was alive. Then Hanuman bowed to Jambavan and held his feet. Thus Jambavan rejoiced, and in spite of his severe wounds told the son of the Wind god that he could only save the host of monkeys and bears and requested him to fly over the sea and reach the great Himalayas and bring the four life-giving herbs or the Sanjeevani Buti that grow there. It is only the Sanjeevani Buti which could again give life and energy to those wounded in the battle against Indrajit."

"Hanuman, after informed by Jambavan about the Sanjeevani Buti, roared, sprang, and passed across the sea and over the jungles, hills, rivers, and cities and at last he reached the Himalaya and searched for its hermitages. He looked here and there in the mountain, but the herbs were hidden from him. Thus angered and impatient, Hanuman rooted up the entire mountain and sprang with it into the air and returned to Lanka. When he reached Lanka, he was welcomed by the entire host. And the slain and wounded monkeys rose up whole, as if from restful sleep, healed by the savour of the four medicinal herbs. However, the slain rakshasas had been thrown into the sea. Then Hanuman took the mountain-peak again to Himalaya and returned to Lanka."

"After the monkeys and bears regained their life and vitality with the help of the four healing herbs, Sugriva comprehending that few rakshasas still lived to guard the city, stormed the gates, and a host of monkeys bearing flaming brands entered and burnt and ravaged the kingdom of Lanka again. The second night in Lanka then came for the army of Rama, and the burning city radiated in the darkness, like a mountain blazing with forest fires."

" But Ravana sent out a host against the monkeys time and again. Kumbha and Nikumbha were dispatched by Ravana first, and were slain in deadly battle. Then the demon king sent Maharaksha, son of Khara, and he was killed, and then Indrajit went out again. He fought with his magical power and kept himself invisible all the time and sorely wounded Rama and Lakshmana. Then Indrajit retired, and came out again riding on a car with an illusory magic figure of Sita. He rode up and down the field, holding the illusory magic figure of Sita by the hair and striking her, and cut her down in the sight of the entire monkey host. Hanuman, unable to understand that it was the magic figure of Sita, left the battle and brought the news to Rama. Rama, after hearing this from Hanuman fell down, like a tree cut off at the root. But while they grieved, Indrajit went to the altar at Nikhumbila to make sacrifices to the God of Fire."

"But Rama was consoled by Vibhishana that the same was a trick of Indrajit to delay the monkey army till he had completed a sacrifice to Fire and had won as a boon to be invincible in battle."

"Can You Name anything of Great Importance (So called) that did not exist sixty Years Before ?."
"The Chemical Fertilizers and Poisonous Insecticides & G.M.O. food. Our Ancient Universe Lived without them through aeons of Time !."

"In Ancient Vedantic Times all branches of True & Pure Knowledge were developed on a "SUPERNATURAL LEVEL" for the Welfare of Living & Non living."

"The physical , Mental, Astral body is our only medium for performing Natural Healing, practice & benefits for purify the Soul i.e. "God-Realization"."
"Make sure you know how to swim and do so in a Safe Environment inside as well out side."

"Being a relaxing and peaceful form of Natural Healing."
"Alleviating stress.
"Improving coordination, balance and posture.
"Improving flexibility.
"Providing good low-impact therapy for some injuries and conditions.
"Providing a pleasant way to cool down on the Every moment of Life day."

"That is the Only GENUINE Way Social, Religious & Spiritual - Truth is brought into the UNIVERSE."

"Evolution of Life to "Self -Realization" is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the "REAL- EVOLUTION"."

"The Science & Divine Philosophy of Life i.e. AYUR - VEDA (Veda of Life (Prana) Force) ."

"According to Ayur- Veda , this Universe & as well other Universe has originated from Five Tattwa (elements), viz., PRITHVI (earth), JALA (water), Agni(fire), Vayu(air) & AKASHA (Space) and they are only constitue the Body."

"The Inner VITAL Frequencies, Vibrations, & Energies of Intuition within Our Self is the Vital Force of all our Words, Movements , Music & so forth, and all manner of CREATIVITY."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

"According to Ancient Indians , the Treatises that encompass the whole True & Pure Knowledge of Universe as well other Universe are the VEDAS. They are four in number,viz., RIGVEDA, Yajurveda, Samaveda & Atharvaveda. Among these , since the Atharveda mainly deals with different facets of Health i.e. Body, Senses, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Astral Body welfare, it is considered to be the predecessor of AYURVED."

"The term "AYURVEDA" & "Natural Healing" is connected to this system because of the "AYU" (the Life) to say, in brief , the heralds of each and every facet of Life from Birth to Death; or, in other words the Creation, Sustenance and Destruction phenomena are elaborately explained."

"This was reason for which the affix "VEDA" is added to Ayurveda only, even though a Good number of other Sciences too did exist in Ancient INDIA."

"The Science & Divine Philosophy which deals with the Principal and Healthy and Happy living is known as "AYURVEDA"."

"It is believed that the corporeal Human Body is Materializing the DHARMAS (human Duties with Right Conduct & Act), ARTHA (activities), KAMA (desire) and therefore , it is the duty of every individual to preserve it by best possible subtle (within) means."
"But , at the same time , one must keep in Mind & Chitta that the Ultimate Goal of Human Life is to achieve MOKSHA (Liberation) upto the Supreme Soul."

"And for this reason only, we are supposed to Indulge in everything Good, and on Humane Grounds i.e. Humanity."

"If a person is Inclined towards understanding and realizing the Nature of Soul, he will be able to Face the burden of old Age and sickness without Distress and will Achieve the Ultimate Goal, the SUPREME HAPPINESS (Inner Bliss, Satchitta- Anand) at the End."

"To Free a Human from the Dangerous "WHIRL -POOL" of worthy attachments, we must observe the Ayurvedic Principles of Health and Happiness to maintain the Health of healthy person and give relief to the patients suffering from diseases . "

"This is the Divine Objective of "AYURVEDA"."
"According to Ayur- Veda , this Universe & as well other Universe has originated from Five Tattwa (elements), viz., PRITHVI (earth), JALA (water), Agni(fire), Vayu(air) & AKASHA (Space) and they are only constitue the Body."
"The Science has established beyond any shadow of doubt that matter is not infinitely divisible and atoms and molecule of substances are the ultimate units of transaction in any chemical or biological reaction. So any dilution of matter to such a stage where hardly any unit of atom or molecule is likely to be encountered in a given dose of a medicine , as is the case with the Aruvedic potencies , losses all meaning in Scientific Sense."

"The Natura Healing, Ayurveda & the Naturopathy (the Science of Longevity) , The Music (classical Hindustani ), The Astronomy, The Mathematics, Astrology, & so forth - all of them had the "SUPERNATURAL" as the or basis of C0-Existance between Living & Non Living. In other words, all these were EXPRESSIONS of the DIVINE ENERGY through Lord Mother KUNDALINI."

"The Naturopathy & The Ayurveda intends to remove & destroy the primary causes of the diseases by reciting the Internal Genetic disorder and mobilizing and raising the Immunity of body, senses, Mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche)& Soul. Whereas, Allopathy is directed to prevent or destroy the external Pathogenic cause of diseases like Virus, Bacteria , Germs & so forth."

"The Naturopathy & The Ayurveda is but a Light treatment, which is not only capable of curing diseases of Humans and Animals arising out of Functional or Structural Genetic defects but also can be very much applicable for eradicating plant diseases."
"Also through plant responses in disltlied water culture and therapy through generation of universally acceptable data a method of "The Naturopathy & The Ayurveda drug standardization may be evolved which may hasten the universal scientific recognition to "The Naturopathic & The Ayurvedic System of Medicine."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*


"The first one is Good Health. That is above all the SUKHAS."

"The Second one is a Sufficient amount of Wealth."
"The Third Sukha is a Loyal Wife."

"The forth is obedient Children."
"The fifth Sukha is patronage of the Government &
"The sixth and the last is Good neighborhood."

"A lucky person gets all the Sukhas when is Prarabdha (destiny created by past karma) is Positives."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"If any Individual want to recover early as possible FROM HIS DECEASE must Chant this Divine Mantra "9 (NINE)" times before taking any MEDICINE & Say to LORD(GOD) please & please destroy our Sins of Previous Birth:


Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*

"That is the Only GENUINE Way Social, Religious & Spiritual - Truth is brought into the UNIVERSE."

" Divine & Subtle Guidelines for BETTER LIFE."

1."Practice everyday the act of casting all doubts out of your Mind & Chitta(mind stuff, psyche)."

2."Never settle for anything less than what you want to be."

3."Do not impose serf created limitations upon yourself."

4." Keep on believing as long as you live and your effectiveness will increased. Never compare yourself or your achievements with others make your comparisons with yourself. Think, believe and visualize success"

5. "Get your mind & chitta full of optimism and enthusiasm. Affirm that, "Perhaps I cannot do it, but God is with ME and with his strength I can do this."

6." The difficult we do immediately , the impossible may take a little longer ."

7."Since God anf I form a strong combination, it may be assumed that God and I can do the Immpossible, even if it does require a little time. Make that dominating thought of your mind & chitta- God & I are under FEATABLE."

8."It is important to eliminate from your conversation all negative and upsetting ideas, for they tend to produce Duce Tension and Annoyance inwardly."

9."The secret of achievement is to hold a picture of a successful outcome in mind & chitta."

10."Also say, "The Rough is only mental. I think victory and yet Victory. I believe I am always Divinely Guided. I believe I will always take the Right Turn of the Road of Life. I belive that God will always make a way where there is NONE."

Namasteji♥ ॐ♥Pranamji♥ ॐ♥Namaskarji"The PURE KNOWLEDGE of VEDANTA"*
"श्री*♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~*♥ ॐ♥~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"~"श्री*~♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*♥ ॐ♥"*"श्री*♥*

"Life is Life, Awakened to Divine Light {Within} every moment with Positive Attitude & Perceptive."

"This World {Universe} & OUR MIND, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)} is Like the WAVES of an OCEAN."

"Evolution of Life to "Self -Realization" is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the "REAL- EVOLUTION"."

"RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"It said that those who live in Glass Houses should not throw stones at others."
But here everyone is living in glass houses and throwing at others."

"The Most Direct Proof of the Influence of Worldly Happenings {UNHAPPINESS} on Our Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is * EGO, OSTENTATION, ATTACHMENT, GREED, ANGER & so forth & these are cause of Deceiving, Cheating & Looting & so forth."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*

"Are such persons Really Well-Wishers?."

"An Enemy is better than they are (well wishers)."

"Giving up & Destroying the PRIDE is nothing but servicing our own head."

"Elimination of ILLUSION is the GOAL of Social Conductivity, Religiosity & Spirituality."

"Evolution of Life to "Self -Realization" is the work of every one's individual efforts and is in fact the "REAL- EVOLUTION"."

"Are such persons Really Well-Wishers?."

"From a Worldly perspective (materialistic) people might be a well-wisher,but from SOCIALLY, RELIGIOUSLY, SPIRITUALLY stan point there was no one more harmful than he was."

"Are such persons really well-wisher? No,while displaying a feeling of kindness and support they serve us sweet poison."

"The invoke feelings of attachment and aversion about some one or the other in our mind."

"An Enemy is better than they are(well wishers)."

"At least his real nature is known,where as these so-called well-wisher pollute our mind with poison,which their sweetness makes easy to accept."

"COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORD'S CONSCIOUSNESS."

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