2 Apr 2013


"Psychogenesis & Spiritual Evolution of Human Beings(Living Beings) & as well as Non Living."{To Over come the Global Warming}

"When the active consciousness is for some time silenced,activity of the hidden- conscious (sub-conscious) mind increases and it works automatically in a 'Mysterious Way'."

"Before concluding some elucidation of practical difference between the psyche and the spiritual domains of evolution is what seems most opportune."

"SOUL is usually defined as Life with relation to Mind & Intellect,and Spirit as the Life-Principle in the sense of unrelated Life essence,or the illuminating Life- principle,that animates both Mind & Body."

"Psychogenesis & Psychogony both the terms are therefore used in the domain of Purely Psychical Evolution signifying development of Mental Faculties."

"Commonly a person with undeveloped mind possesses no control over it.Such a Mind strays at random aimlessly dissipating its energies to serve no useful purpose."

"Activities of such persons are more of animal nature than the human,selfish,seeking personal satiation and gratification of Carnal Propensities,and of sensuality, lust,anger,and personal aggrandizement at the cost of one's own brother and next-door neighbor."

"But good education and learning open avenues of literary taste,pleasure of high thinking,music and fine arts,and research work in the fields of art,science and mathematics."

"Then Mind through assiduous discipline becomes trained to flow in desired channels,possessed of right understanding and good reasoning power it can arrive at correct judgements and can be concentrated to deep thinking."

"It is an established fact that one finds higher sense of pleasures in intellectual pursuits than can be had in sensual ism."

"Spiritual Evolution opens a still higher domain.Chitta (Mind stuff,psyche) may be compared with a highly compressible fluid finer and more subtle than even ether.When concentrated and focused at one point it intrinsically becomes charged with an intensity of power,the strain of which on being relaxed Mind springs up saturated with knowledge and psyche force."

"Those of the readers who possess mental control and have acquired habit of deep thinking must be aware of the fact that mind works in two ways."In the first case it grapples with a problem,sticks to it and follows the details by steps in logical sequence,and finds the conclusion,but in the second case it gathers all possible data necessary for the inquiry and instead of considering them logically step as in the previous case,relaxes itself to abstractedness."

"The steady abstractedness of mind for a time brings from within a flash of intuitive light supplying the required knowledge.The second method is more paying and higher worth,it is easier and full of potentialities,but a steady cultivation of mind to the requisite degree of abstraction is the condition precedent."

"In order words a person must first learn how to throw the mind into vacantness and keep it steady there in a continued vacant mood for sufficient length of time.In both these cases the at attend of mind is objective."

"In both the cases mind taps door of Hidden- Consciousness ( sub consciousness).Intuitive knowledge is supplied by the 'Hidden Conscientiousness Mind",which it receives from the inner self."

"When the active consciousness is for some time silenced,activity of the hidden- conscious (sub-conscious) mind increases and it works automatically in a 'Mysterious Way'."

"All that can be seen and perceived is the result of the vibration of this power."

"This universal power,when acting in a body through the medium of senses and performing worldly deeds,is called conscious power."

"Similarly ,when Chetana Shakti is awakened,activated and made introspective,it purifies the CHITTA {mind stuff,psyche} & becomes SHAKTI (divine power) itself."

"The Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality are the NAME of that FORCE which Detaches Individual Beings from the Effects ,Changes and Waves in the World, the body & the Chitta."

"The Chitta (mind stuff,psyche) ,just like the body and the world,is also a part of NATURE."

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