5 Apr 2013

Our Society

"The Whole World is FILLED with SINFUL, HIDEOUS feeling and thoughts & Karma (actions), but the EGO of a living being does not let him see the REAL STATE of his Heart, Mind & Chitta ( mind stuff, psyche) due to the his own Prarabdha (destiny created by past karma)."

"Then where does the question of accepting one's own faults or courageously admitting them before Family & Society & so forth arise."

"If someone displays such courage, Family members & society measures that also on the SCALE of EGO."

"But once the attention is turned inward or within, one becomes indifferent to the SLIPPERY WORLD i.e. Attachment, Ego & Pride, Aversion, Enmity, Vengeance, Revenge & so forth,."


"In FACT the Social, Religious & Spiritual conductivity i.e. Prayer, Japa, Sadhana, Yoga & Meditation & Prarabdha (destiny created by past karma), Samaskaras (accumulated impressions) are complementary to each other in Visibly & Invisibly."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*

"How will human identify the TRUE PATH for Love, Peace in Universe."

"जीवन खत्म हुआ तो जीने का ढंग आया ।
जब बुझ गयी शमा तो महफिल में रंग आया ॥

"मन की मशीनरी ने जब काम करना सीखा ।
तब बूढ़े तन के हर एक पुर्जे में जंग आया ॥

"...गाड़ी निकल गयी तो, घर से चला मुसाफिर ।
मायूस हाथ मलता, वापस बेरंग आया ॥

फुरसत के वक्त में न सुमिरन का वक्त निकला ।
उस वक्त, वक्त मांगा, जब वक्त तंग आया ।

"आयु ने हारकर जब हथियार फैंक डाले ।
यमराज फौज लेकर करने को जंग आया ॥."

"Way to live life had ended."
"Flame was extinguished when the party came in the paint."

"When learned to work the machinery of mind."
"In all parts of the old body has rust."

".. Car, then left, driving home traveler."
"Desperate with hand, came back to colorless."

"During leisure time was not Sumiran (Prayer of Lord Being )."
"At that time, when asked, when time was tight."

"Throw the weapon by holding down fighting age."

"The YAMRAJ with his army came to him for battle."

"Don't Demoralize the downtrodden, help them rise."

"Don't Hate sinners, they need our Help and Kindness."

"AND Who is totally Free of Sins & Defects?"

"Don't Demoralize the downtrodden, help them rise."


"When individual being attain a PEACEFUL State of MIND.?"

"Guru Tattwa asks that we be more PATIENT and TOLERANT."

"Pray to Lord that our behavior not remain negative.Ask to eradicate HATE and HARMFUL ACTIONS ( Karma)."

"Wish that we may RISE above JEALOUSY,HATE and ENMITY."

"This is the Path for RECEIVING SOCIAL & SPIRITUAL progress are FUTILE if these aspects are ignored."

"But this is what goes on in the WORLD.?"

"All the efforts having been given up, unto ME alone THOU SHALT RESIGN, "I" shall Save THEE from all SINS, THOU SHOULDST not CARE."
*~ Gita (18-66)`*

"The Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity provides on some very important matters (subtle, visible & invisible Management) relating to our Universe i.e. welfare of Living & Non Living.
It also throws Light on Vedantic Philosophical & Spiritual Aspects through its teachings and wisdom transformed the people around him and made then SHUN (to escape) the path of Greed (deceiving, cheating & looting), Dishonesty and better Human Beings (Self Realized)."

"The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH, under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE."

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