27 Apr 2013


"We are All Research Scholar in Search of Truth without Grand Illusion."

"Why the Scientist & People of Universe are Confused of Five Basic Tattwa or Elements i.e. Earth, Water, fire , Air & Ether (Space, Chitta - Akash ?."

"CREATION of UNIVERSE as well as Our BODY. How they Homologous to Each Other? (Yatha Pinde - Tatha Bramhande)."

"There are Infinite Universes, They keep on flying around like fire-flies in the Mahakasha [Great Sky]'."

"One universe dissolves while an other one is created."

"It is an extremely beautiful and enchanting show."

"Like fireworks the emergence and collapse of the universes go on. Bramha(Lord) enjoys watching it."

"The individual souls, enveloped in sheaths, keep on playing different roles like different characters in the Drama."

"Each Universe functions like a Stage."

"Ishwar {Lord} has put out seven different sheaths: of Maya, Time. Phases, Niyati [prarabdha, destiny]. Vidya [cognizance], Raga [attachment] and Jivatva [the sense of individuality J."

"The jiva, the individual soul, enveloped in these Layers (Ego,attachment,Aversion,Enmity,Vengeance,Vices,Flaws & so forth) keeps on wandering under the Illusion in the World."

"In other words, Shiva himself becomes subjected to Maya and becomes a jiva when attired with the five layers of time, phases, cognizance. destiny. and attachment."

"As the jiva, the individual being, establishes himself in Maya (Divine Sports of Lord) and adorns the garb of Jivatva,the sense of individuality, the following phase is named pratishtha [Establishment of Fame]."

"In this phase there are twenty-three principles. including Avyakta the unmanifested form, or the hidden Prakriti [aboriginal nature; the creative principle], Mahat [the first manifestation of the creative principle]."

"Ahamkar [consciousness. or Ego,Pride], mind, the five senses of perception, the five organs of action, the five states of matter, and Akasha [ether), air. fire, water."

"The twenty-forth principle is earth, but it is included under the phase called Nivritti because even after this, the spandan or vibrations of the Shakti continues without interruption.

"However it abstains from creating any new tattva. principle."

"This is the sequence of the manifestation and evolution of creation. Prakriti the creative principle has two categories: inert and active."

"In the inert Prakrit(nature)i, five elements and the visible world are included and in the active Prakriti."

"Those five physical senses are included on the basis of which the chetana or consciousness works."

" At the root of the inert. as well as of the active, creative principle is the same power of consciousness. called cosmic or universal consciousness."

" In the active aspect of the creative principle the same power is working in every living being at the individual level. which is called individual consciousness."

"In the inert Prakrit(nature)i, five elements and the visible world are included and in the active Prakriti."

"Those five physical senses are included on the basis of which the Chetana or consciousness works."

"At the root of the inert. as well as of the active, creative principle is the same power of consciousness. called cosmic or universal consciousness."

"In the active aspect of the creative principle the same power is working in every living being at the individual level. which is called individual consciousness."

"In the inert Prakrit(nature)i, five elements and the visible world are included and in the active Prakriti."

"Those five physical senses are included on the basis of which the chetana or consciousness works."

"At the root of the inert. as well as of the active, creative principle is the same power of consciousness. called cosmic or universal consciousness."

" In the active aspect of the creative principle the same power is working in every living being at the individual level. which is called individual consciousness.

"True Prayer, Japa, Yoga, Mediation & so forth takes you closer to the real knowledge that is the ultimate goal of your Social, Religious & spiritual path."

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